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 Bards are cool ok!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Marcus_Goldfeather Posted - 18 Dec 2005 : 13:19:05
Everyone thinks bards are stupid (well in marcus goldfeathers case they are right!!), most people just think they 'sing', well they don't sing they recite poetry, which in my case has saved some of the memmbers of my group a bitt of trubble, have you ever seen an evil bard? well they are realy bad!!! so don't bad mouth bards O.K.!!!!
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Erik Scott de Bie Posted - 19 Dec 2005 : 21:59:45
Bards are stupid? BAH! Whoever thinks that has obviously never met the Crying Bard. ;)

And, on a serious note: there are a great many excellent bards in fiction. Harkon Lukas, for one, over in Ravenloft (No! Alaundo! He was originally from the Realms!). Danilo is a great one.

And I've been known to write a bard or two -- though Alin Cateln is not really the best name to bring up in this discussion. ;)

Mystery_Man Posted - 19 Dec 2005 : 21:20:35
Bards are a great character to role play. They travel and tell stories and while doing so gain knowledge of their surroundings and have more stories to tell. Because of this they have a wealth of knowledge on virtually everthing. Which is where this "jack of all trades" thing comes from. This is also why I think a lot of players think they're dumb, because they can't do a jillion points of damage in one round. At least I've never tried to build a bard that can do it (and frankly I don't want to know)
scererar Posted - 19 Dec 2005 : 02:05:17
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

I certainly don't think bards are stupid. I've created a lot of great ones. :)

And by the way, I think the old 2E adage about bards being the "jack of all trades but a master of none" isn't really true. Bards are masters are human interaction, more than any other class (at least in 3E), and they are of course masters of performance and lore.

I agree RF, I was just sharing from my first introduction to bards in 2E, I might not have had the quote to the letter, but the jist of it was there. I certainly agree that used appropriatly, they are masters of their trade. I especially liked the make over to bards that occured with the start of 3E. utilizing feats and skills, allows one to really flesh out a character and make each one unique.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 18 Dec 2005 : 21:41:39
Not true CF . . . Liriel will always be an object of facination to me . . .
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 18 Dec 2005 : 21:13:42
I certainly don't think bards are stupid. I've created a lot of great ones. :)

And by the way, I think the old 2E adage about bards being the "jack of all trades but a master of none" isn't really true. Bards are masters are human interaction, more than any other class (at least in 3E), and they are of course masters of performance and lore.
Crennen FaerieBane Posted - 18 Dec 2005 : 18:31:34
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

Yeah, between Danilo, Storm, Finder, and a ton of other Harpers, the Realms has had generally better PR for bards than any other setting, perhaps becuase there are organizations and role for them in the setting that play to their strengths.

The only bard I ever though was stupid was Hallistra . . . but that's a whole other topic.

That's because you hate hot dark elven women!

Chosen of Bane Posted - 18 Dec 2005 : 17:25:15
Originally posted by scererar

What was EC's book that had the character who knew all of the riddles( he might even have been called a riddler) and Danilo took him his quest?. I need to re-read my novels

That would be "Elfsong".
scererar Posted - 18 Dec 2005 : 17:23:08
I'm on your side Marcus_goldfeather, I think Bards are one of the most interesting classes in D&D. They are (in 2E) the jack of all trades, good at a little of everything, but masters of none. I find them to be useful in almost every situation, now with 3rd edition rules and being able to multi-class with just about every option, makes these guys even more fun to run. What was EC's book that had the character who knew all of the riddles( he might even have been called a riddler) and Danilo took him his quest?. I need to re-read my novels
KnightErrantJR Posted - 18 Dec 2005 : 16:58:57
Yeah, between Danilo, Storm, Finder, and a ton of other Harpers, the Realms has had generally better PR for bards than any other setting, perhaps becuase there are organizations and role for them in the setting that play to their strengths.

The only bard I ever though was stupid was Hallistra . . . but that's a whole other topic.
Chosen of Bane Posted - 18 Dec 2005 : 16:52:06
I don't think "Bards are stupid" is a common feeling around these halls. Perhaps you've spent sometime at the other boards (WOTC) or with a gaming group that has that opinion but not here my friend.

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