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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kaladorm Posted - 18 May 2007 : 16:20:45
I've noticed from time to time that the number of replies column displays the wrong number. Sometimes as well the 'last post' will display a poster 2 or 3 posts back, and it will not change despite there being new posts.

The weirdest one I've come across is Bladewinds topic 'How Old is the Triad' here

When I was browsing, the number of replies section said -1. Going into the scroll there were clearly 2 replies (from Kuje and The Sage respectively).
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alaundo Posted - 18 May 2007 : 19:36:25
Well met

Aye, this has been occuring mainly on the "Questions for Ed Greenwood" thread. Fear not, i'm on the case
Kuje Posted - 18 May 2007 : 17:18:01
Yeah, I keep getting a timing out error for the past few days, so my replies have three or so of the same replies, which I then delete. Mutter.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 18 May 2007 : 17:01:09
Yeah, there seems to be some weirdness going on with post counts right now. Hopefully Big Al can figure it out...
turox Posted - 18 May 2007 : 16:28:50
I saw that as well. Just figured that Kuje was working some Voodoo.

EDIT: While I was submitting the reply got the time out error screen. And after my post to this scroll I clicked on Active Topics again and it still said there were 0 replies.

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