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 Candlekeep Site Update (23 April 2007)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alaundo Posted - 23 Apr 2007 : 21:38:55
Well met

At last, my fellow scribes, is the latest arrival of new scrolls and tomes of Realmslore to arrive at Candlekeep. Within this latest batch is the long-awaited volume VIII of The Candlekeep Compendium! Many thanks, once again, to the scribes who put in so much time and effort into the Compendium and indeed into all material in this update. Without ye all, Candlekeep's shelves would be bare.

1) The Candlekeep Compendium - Volume VIII is released! The latest tome of Realmslore, produced at Candlekeep is now available. Featuring excellent articles of Realmslore penned by some of our resident scribes, there should be something for everyone. Many hours of work have gone into producing this collection, we hope you enjoy the wealth of information within.

2) Updated 2007 FR Catalog and product information pages for: Neversfall, Crypt of the Moaning Diamond ,Stardeep, The Crystal Shard (TPB), Streams of Silver (TPB), Storm of the Dead, Heirs of Prophecy, Sands of the Soul, The Last Mythal Gift Set, The Legend of Drizzt Gift Set (Books I-III), The Legend of Drizzt Gift Set (Books IV-VI), The Hunter's Blade Trilogy Gift Set, The Spine of the World (Legend of Drizzt XII), Expedition to Undermountain and Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer.

3) An excellent new campaign journal for the Campaign Logs section, by Jared Rascher - Mistledale Campaign.

4) Updates for So Saith Ed; Added January - March 2007 entries. Thanks to Scott Kujawa.

5) Added level 4 Fighters to the NPC's of the Realms collection, by Scott Kujawa.

6) Two new excellent maps of 'The Silver Marches' and 'Erlkazar' for The Map Room, by Mark Taylor.

7) An article by Chris Jameson on a business of the Sword Coast, entitled Lost Swords Recovery and Reclamation. Located in the Traveler's Notebooks section.

8) New chapters added to The Jeweled Edge campaign journal by Walker Perkins, in the Campaign Logs section.

9) Added Empires Trilogy Bookmark to the Promotional Material section. Thanks to James Lowder
10) Included links to official FR galleries at WotC for Cormyr: The Tearing of the Weave.

As always, these items can be viewed directly via links on the Home Page and News page.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 24 Apr 2007 : 00:32:01
I can't help but notice that most of the 2007 FR catalogue updates relate to Drizzt in some way.

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