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 Candlekeep Site Update (30 March 2007)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alaundo Posted - 30 Mar 2007 : 18:45:33
Well met, fellow scribes

Herein is the latest site update of new Realmslore and material Many thanks to all those who submitted their work to us.
For those who are wondering, the Candlekeep Compendium will be released along with other articles (including Fellaren-Krae) in the subsequent update.

1) Updated product information pages for: Black Wolf, Shadowstorm, Grand History of the Realms, Stardeep, Crypt of the Moaning Diamond, The Fractured Sky, The Crystal Mountain, Shadowdale: The Scourging of the Land, Anauroch: The Empire of Shade, The Annotated Elminster and Expedition to Undermountain.

2) Updated the excellent Guide to the Tomes and Tales of the Realms, by Jason Chambers. Located in the Traveler's Notebooks section.

3) Also by Jason Chambers, the Miniatures List has also been updated to include the CR of the mini for use in RPG games. This can be downloaded from the Wondrous Treasures section.

4) Updated Jorken's Birds of Faerūn with the ' Skycrier', 'Obsidian-wing and Cloak-fisher', 'Silver Eagle', 'Tethyr-warbler' and 'Trollseye'.

5) Another Reading List of FR novels to keep track of owned and read novels. Produced in Excel format by Jason Chambers. This can be downloaded from the main Novels Page.

6) An excellent article for an alchemy character class: The Alchemist and Improved Alchemy, by Alex Paul. Located in the Traveler's Notebooks section.

7) Two wizardly articles by Christopher Villinger for creating a Combat Wizard Death Sorcerer class kit and a Spellbook article containing a vast array of new spells. Located in the Traveler's Notebooks section.

8) Also by Christopher Villinger - added new rings, staves, weapons, armor and other magical items to the Candlekeep Magic Shop.

9) Updated NPC's of the Realms with Assassins, Bards, Clerics and Druids from Bloodstone Pass. Thanks to Scott Kujawa. Also included 3rd level Fighters.

10) Added new chapters to The Jeweled Edge campaign journal by Walker Perkins, in the Campaign Logs section.

11) Added chapter 11 to The Journals of WhrenKehrsyn by WhrenKehrsyn, in the Campaign Logs section.

12) A new tale enters the Campaign Logs section, entitled The Pamphlet: The Thousand Symbols of Kiaransalee, by Kiaransalyn.

13) Updated Other World Links page due to outdated websitesURLs. Thanks for David "Big Mac" Shepheard for the updates.

As always, these items can be viewed directly via links on the Home Page and News page.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
boddynock Posted - 30 Mar 2007 : 23:27:02
It's nice to see the new updates Alaundo :-)
thanks :)

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