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 Question for Alaundo (about Fel. Krae)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
boddynock Posted - 29 Mar 2007 : 16:58:14
Good afternoon Alaundo,

I was wondering if it is a good idea to have a chapter for Felaren-Krae on the forum. I mean, not just one topic but a place where you can put more topics and that is limited for the project. I suppose it would be easier to find a way to what is done for the project. There can be a topic for temples, laws, NPC's, etc ....

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
boddynock Posted - 26 Apr 2007 : 14:09:23

take your time Al. ;-)
Alaundo Posted - 26 Apr 2007 : 07:33:07
Originally posted by boddynock

And Alaundo,

did you make a decission :-)

Well met

Aye, 'tis on my list, boddynock. I need to get a few things in order beforehand, however. I'll be in touch
The Sage Posted - 26 Apr 2007 : 01:34:01
I don't think Big Al has made a decision, as of yet.
boddynock Posted - 25 Apr 2007 : 17:46:57
And Alaundo,

did you make a decission :-)
boddynock Posted - 30 Mar 2007 : 14:35:17
OK thanks Alaundo, because now it's a lil' bit difficult to know what is already done, and who is doing what. I think having a topic for every "chapter" would make things easier:

It would be good to name the chapters just like on the main forum: "The Districts and Wards", Surrounding Environs ,Temples, The Militia and City Watch etc. So it's very clear where you have to look. :-)

Kentinal Posted - 29 Mar 2007 : 22:17:47
Well not moving too quickly, though I do add to add a comment for thought from time to time.
Alaundo Posted - 29 Mar 2007 : 22:01:34
Well met

Indeed we did used to have a seperate Fellaren-Krae section in this area of the forum. I archived this off however, after the project had little activity over the past year. I'll see about setting that back up now that things are on a roll again.

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