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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alaundo Posted - 27 Oct 2004 : 18:46:42
Well met

Two new functions were added to the forum today:

  • Private Messages

  • Members Posted

Private Messages

The first function is the largest change, however the usage is reasonably straightforward. On the top menu of the forum, you will see a Private Messages link. On this page, you will see your Private Message Inbox (you can also have both your Inbox and Outbox on the page at the same time by selecting the option in the Preferences section). From this page, you can compose and send, receive and manage your private messages.

In addition, the members page will now also show an icon to people who have allowed you to send them messages (to turn off the ability for people to send you messages, select the "disable" option in the preferences).

You can choose to be emailed when you receive a new message. However, whenever you sign on to the forum, you will see a pop-up Messenger-style box also.

Members Posted
This simple change will allow you to see which members have posted to a particular thread (and how many posts they have made to that thread). Simply click on the number in the "replies" column in each section.

We hope that these new functions are useful to you. If you experience any problems with the forum or have any questions, then please contact me.

Thank ye.
29   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lina Posted - 24 Jul 2005 : 02:05:38
Yes I quite like this new tool you've added. Much easier and faster to post now.
Thelonius Posted - 23 Jul 2005 : 19:03:43
It works pretty well, and it might be useful as Lord Rad said, sometimes the Reply to topic feature was a bit slow. (only sometimes )
Lord Rad Posted - 23 Jul 2005 : 10:12:58
This works very well. Sometimes when the forum\site is extrememly busy, the "Reply to Topic" link tends to take a while. This way, it's much easier. Excellent
The Sage Posted - 23 Jul 2005 : 02:32:54
Indeed. It's a function that already highlights a number of other forums, although I'm glad to see its inclusion here at Candlekeep.

I appreciate the relative easy of this new function Alaundo. Thank you .
Kajehase Posted - 22 Jul 2005 : 19:40:45
Seems like a useful addition for those quick one-line replies
Jindael Posted - 22 Jul 2005 : 19:09:08
Perfect! I've always liked this feature on other forums, and missed it here. I'm happy to see it. ^_^
Melfius Posted - 22 Jul 2005 : 19:05:54
Well, let's give 'er a shot then! Hmm. Not irritating. Kinda tasty, actually. I'll give it a 98. It's got a good beat, and I can dance to it.
Alaundo Posted - 22 Jul 2005 : 19:02:06
Well met

Today, I have added a new functionality to the forum, called "Quick Reply". This inserts a simple text box at the bottom of each page of a thread to enable ye to, well...write a quick reply. Note that smilies and formatting buttons are not available on this reply option, but ye may still use the forum codes to do so (i.e. square brackets around the codes).

This does NOT replace the standard reply option, which can still be selected as normal.

I will leave this in place for a period to see how ye all take to it. If it is more of an irritation and does not serve, then I will happily remove it.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 23 Nov 2004 : 15:32:26
Originally posted by Alaundo

Well met

Just a small addition which may be a little useful to some... now when writing your post, the standard formatting keyboard shortcuts are now available, being:

CTRL+B - bold
CTRL+I - italic
CTRL+U - underscore

Very nice! I like being able to do that; it makes t'ings easier.

Originally posted by Lina

I tried the subscription on a topic and you still have a few bugs to iron out. I was sent about 20 notifications when two posts were added since the last time I was in the topic. Shouldn't it really be about one notification for each post?

I tried the subscription thing, but since I always check the active topics, I wound up unsubscribing to just about everything. It was kinda redundant for me to do both.

But while I was doing it, I had no problems with the system.
Alaundo Posted - 23 Nov 2004 : 13:26:49
Originally posted by Lina

I tried the subscription on a topic and you still have a few bugs to iron out. I was sent about 20 notifications when two posts were added since the last time I was in the topic. Shouldn't it really be about one notification for each post?

Well met

Hmmmm, Lina, were these numerous mails duplicates sent at the same time and with the same poster listed? I haven't experienced this problem myself, if anyone else has then please contact me.
Lina Posted - 23 Nov 2004 : 13:19:56
Originally posted by Alaundo

Originally posted by Lina

A question about one of the links you've put up Alaundo...

What does the subscribe to this topic link do?

Well met, Lina

If ye select a sub-forum subscription or even a single topic subscription, you will receive an email notification of any posts written within. Therefore, if ye wish to keep an eye on something in particular but are away from the library and with little time, then ye will know when to stop by. Of course, ye better have a mighty good excuse as to why thou art away from thy desk

I tried the subscription on a topic and you still have a few bugs to iron out. I was sent about 20 notifications when two posts were added since the last time I was in the topic. Shouldn't it really be about one notification for each post?
Bookwyrm Posted - 22 Nov 2004 : 23:26:26
Oh, very useful. Thank you.
Alaundo Posted - 22 Nov 2004 : 18:32:30
Well met

Just a small addition which may be a little useful to some... now when writing your post, the standard formatting keyboard shortcuts are now available, being:

CTRL+B - bold
CTRL+I - italic
CTRL+U - underscore
Alaundo Posted - 06 Nov 2004 : 10:50:18
Originally posted by Lina

A question about one of the links you've put up Alaundo...

What does the subscribe to this topic link do?

Well met, Lina

If ye select a sub-forum subscription or even a single topic subscription, you will receive an email notification of any posts written within. Therefore, if ye wish to keep an eye on something in particular but are away from the library and with little time, then ye will know when to stop by. Of course, ye better have a mighty good excuse as to why thou art away from thy desk
Lina Posted - 06 Nov 2004 : 09:51:34
A question about one of the links you've put up Alaundo...

What does the subscribe to this topic link do?
The Sage Posted - 01 Nov 2004 : 15:04:10
Originally posted by Alaundo

Originally posted by The Sage

[quote]Originally posted by Alaundo

What about a poll that asks the scribes here at Candlekeep which moderator they prefer... ... Alaundo, or Strahd...?

I'm just kidding . 'Tis a useful feature indeed, especially when text will simply not do...

Well met

Thou art not at Worlds now, Sage

Sorry about that . I must have accessed the wrong portal when leaving my lab earlier today...
Alaundo Posted - 01 Nov 2004 : 10:56:11
Originally posted by Lina

I see you've been busy adding Xtra's onto the forum Alaundo. Keep up the good work

Well met

Indeed I have, my dear Lina. I hope the new developments are of use to ye all.
Lina Posted - 01 Nov 2004 : 10:42:58
I see you've been busy adding Xtra's onto the forum Alaundo. Keep up the good work
Alaundo Posted - 01 Nov 2004 : 08:55:57
Originally posted by The Sage

[quote]Originally posted by Alaundo

What about a poll that asks the scribes here at Candlekeep which moderator they prefer... ... Alaundo, or Strahd...?

I'm just kidding . 'Tis a useful feature indeed, especially when text will simply not do...

Well met

Thou art not at Worlds now, Sage
Alaundo Posted - 01 Nov 2004 : 08:54:10
Originally posted by Lady Kazandra

Impressive features, Alaundo . It feels like so much has changed since I was last here . . . Tell me, is Tethtoril still around? Is your staff still rated as a +5? What colour is the sky? Is the Cardinal still getting into the ale casks? What of donuts? What . . .

Well met

Aye, indeed, Tethtoril is still around, working hard in the back chambers constantly. Tethtoril should hopefully be back full time herein soon, once the backlog has been cleared

As to where the Cardinal has got to, I know not. I do know, however, that those steps need sweeping badly!

Now back to work, lest thee will soon know what enchantment the staff of the irritated moderator doth carry!
Lady Kazandra Posted - 01 Nov 2004 : 06:55:49
Impressive features, Alaundo . It feels like so much has changed since I was last here . . . Tell me, is Tethtoril still around? Is your staff still rated as a +5? What colour is the sky? Is the Cardinal still getting into the ale casks? What of donuts? What . . .

The Sage Posted - 01 Nov 2004 : 05:08:29
Originally posted by Alaundo

Oh, and one point to note.... polls such as "who will win, Elminster or Drizzt?" will removed, forthwith! . Please use this new feature sparingly and sensibly. Thank ye.

What about a poll that asks the scribes here at Candlekeep which moderator they prefer... ... Alaundo, or Strahd...?

I'm just kidding . 'Tis a useful feature indeed, especially when text will simply not do...
Bookwyrm Posted - 01 Nov 2004 : 04:13:48
So many changes!

You are on good terms with the local Dwarven Worker's Union, right?
Alaundo Posted - 31 Oct 2004 : 13:07:36
Well met

Yet another function gets added to the forum here at Candlekeep:


Members will now be permitted to set up voting. To do this, simply click on the "New Poll" option within each sub-forum. You will then be presented with a panel similar to that for new topic posts, where you can set the poll question and options. Once submitted, members will be permitted to vote. Please note, that if you click on the "View Results" option prior to voting, you will not be allowed to vote.

Ye can see "Active Polls" via the link on the forum menu (next to "Active Topics").

Oh, and one point to note.... polls such as "who will win, Elminster or Drizzt?" will removed, forthwith! . Please use this new feature sparingly and sensibly. Thank ye.
Alaundo Posted - 28 Oct 2004 : 10:11:09
Well met

Oh ye have me all wrong, Sage. For I only serve to please all scribes herein at every possible opportunity

The Sage Posted - 28 Oct 2004 : 09:17:40
Originally posted by Alaundo

Originally posted by The Sage

These are both useful features, Alaundo. Thank you.

I've missed having the opportunity of having a PM system here at Candlekeep... especially when I've wanted to continue on from points I may have made in a scroll which could possibly carry it off-topic.

Thank you again .

Well met

'tis a pleasure to be of assistance, Sage.

Now finally I won't have to hear the Sage harping on about Planescape and other matters not of the Realms

Ah hah! I knew it...! I knew there was a reason for you placing this new option here at Candlekeep... I knew it was something more than just an aspect of your "caring and giving nature"...

You're sneaky O Master Sage... very sneaky... You'd certainly make the 'loths jealous with your mastery of manipulative ways... Let it known... that the Sage is now watching you...
Alaundo Posted - 28 Oct 2004 : 09:05:16
Originally posted by The Sage

These are both useful features, Alaundo. Thank you.

I've missed having the opportunity of having a PM system here at Candlekeep... especially when I've wanted to continue on from points I may have made in a scroll which could possibly carry it off-topic.

Thank you again .

Well met

'tis a pleasure to be of assistance, Sage.

Now finally I won't have to hear the Sage harping on about Planescape and other matters not of the Realms
The Sage Posted - 28 Oct 2004 : 08:17:21
These are both useful features, Alaundo. Thank you.

I've missed having the opportunity of having a PM system here at Candlekeep... especially when I've wanted to continue on from points I may have made in a scroll which could possibly carry it off-topic.

Thank you again .
Alaundo Posted - 27 Oct 2004 : 23:08:17
Well met

On the note of the Private Messaging, we have set an initial limit of 20 messages stored per user. Please ensure ye cleardown any unwanted messages periodically as this will aid keeping the storage table down to a reasonable size.

If performance is not effected, then we will likely increase this limit at a later date.

Thank ye. Enjoy

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