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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ArcticKnight Posted - 15 Oct 2002 : 02:57:15
ok i have been frequenting these boards since there were no posts at all, then a hand full of us started actively posting on the site and it grew....but now a few months later when i come here it seems that the ONLY posts that are ever active are the SAME posts that were started MONTHS AGO....i havent looked in them in months and dont want to , i cant imagine there being any relevent info still being contributed to those posts LET THEM DIE!!!!!!!!!

i realize im not the king of new posts but i dont post whore, my main focus is the Novel section but still every time i come in here its the same, dwarven nation/elven nation, best city, best god, elminster, topics that were started when the dang message board was started..!!!!! and i dont mean similar topics i mean the same dang ones from months ago...

ok rant over, sorry

please for the sake of progress and evolution let them DIE!!!!!!!!!!
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 24 Oct 2002 : 09:19:55
Replied here:
(CRPG thread)
Lord Rad Posted - 24 Oct 2002 : 09:11:43
Ahhh so thats where Tiax originates! I find CRPG's to be a problem with Realmslore as the information contained in the game isnt readily available unless you have played the game to the end. There may be many major characters in the game which arent known about to non-CRPG players. Id like to think of CRPG characters and events as "canon" but I guess as i usually get bored of them after a few hours of play, it will always be an area of Realmslore that i will know nothing about.
Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 24 Oct 2002 : 07:38:47
I believe Tiax is a character from the Baldur's Gate CRPG. If I'm not mistaken its a Cyric worshipping Gnome that hangs around close to the Flaming Fist headquarters in the city. It's been a long time ago since I played the game, so I might be of a little.
Drummer Boy Posted - 24 Oct 2002 : 04:12:35
Originally posted by king-tiax

Hay, if Drizzt can have a topic, I want one too, Tiax Topic, Tiax Topic Go, Go, Go.

P.S. Artic knight, you say they are boaring, But how come THe gods topic has just reached 100 and thefavorite race poll is not far behind. S.O.T.

No offense Tiax, but no one has ever heard of you(the character Tiax, I mean.) If you made a topic about Tiax it would be empty and boring. I hadn't even heard of Tiax until I read about how you made your member name on the adventuring forum.
Alaundo Posted - 18 Oct 2002 : 12:03:33
Indeed Mumadar, indeed ::throws scroll over into seperate pile labeled "site content"
ArcticKnight Posted - 17 Oct 2002 : 18:03:24
yea i usually use that feature Alaundo, but its when i want to go back to that thread when nothing new has been posted on it for a while that i have to go digging past all these same handfull of posts,

i admit its not that big of a deal really. and i agree with Arion about not deleting posts with info in them, but i suspect without actually having looked at any of those threads in a long time that they are the same few people posting over and over again.

if not let me know, they were a while ago , id be happy to throw in my 2 coppers if they are actually still on topic.
Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 17 Oct 2002 : 17:45:55
Originally posted by ArionElenim

Wow, it seems that I am simply in disagreement with a lot of you...which is well and good...but I am sorry....Arion has to step upon the soap box again....

Nothing wrong with a bit of disagreement and soapboxes Arion. That's what makes the discussions more interesting (provided they follow some degree of (n)etiquette). If everyone agreed, the forums quickly would become boring. And remember, a disagreement doesn't necessarilly mean one side is right and the other wrong. It's just two different view points, expression of those can be enlightning.

I agree with Alaundo that some clean-up activity is necessary to make the forum a bit more organized. I also believe that it's not only up to the moderators, but that we as scribes of Candlekeep also have an obligation to keep the threads on topic. Noting wrong if one wants to deviate, but let's put that on a seperate scroll.

Ehm, Alaundo, regarding the last two sentences, maybe this little thread would be better in the Site Content sub-forum...?
Alaundo Posted - 17 Oct 2002 : 09:26:06
Well Met,

ArcticKnight, are you taking advantage of the "Active Topics" link on the forum menu? This will keep track of new posts to topics since your last visit.
The Great Drizzt Posted - 17 Oct 2002 : 06:30:31
Lol, Tiax, the forum isnt for me, its a forum about Drizzt Do'Urden.
The Great Drizzt
ArcticKnight Posted - 16 Oct 2002 : 03:39:39
im not trying to be a forum nazi or anything , its just that when there are new threads on here i usually miss them or have to seach the second page for them cuz the same old threads are always at the top...thats all
Alaundo Posted - 15 Oct 2002 : 21:48:30
Well Met

Just incase anyone has misunderstood our intentions... we arent physically deleting any topics on the forum, merely "locking" them. This will prevent anyone entering further posts to that particular topic. However, you will still be able to view all posts within the topic.

Topics which will be locked down are those which contain numerous posts which are way off topic. Keeping such forums open, IMHO, will not benefit those wishing to learn more about the subject of which the topic was started.
king-tiax Posted - 15 Oct 2002 : 20:03:24
Hay, if Drizzt can have a topic, I want one too, Tiax Topic, Tiax Topic Go, Go, Go.

P.S. Artic knight, you say they are boaring, But how come THe gods topic has just reached 100 and thefavorite race poll is not far behind. S.O.T.
Ditalidas Posted - 15 Oct 2002 : 19:45:35
You must admit that some of the 'old' topics are more off-topic then that they still contribute to the subject
But then again.. maybe not...

*sigh* I just love people on soap boxes defending their opinion passionatly...

Arion Elenim Posted - 15 Oct 2002 : 19:24:14

Wow, it seems that I am simply in disagreement with a lot of you...which is well and good...but I am sorry....Arion has to step upon the soap box again....

Why do we have to remove forums that are popular because they are old?
If it bugs you, then for the sake of the gods, grow some creativity of your own, people, and create new forums! If the discussion is good, keep it going...

If we remove older, popular forums and things continue as they are with NO ONE ELSE contributing, Alaundo, there will be no forum at all...
Ditalidas Posted - 15 Oct 2002 : 10:14:19
I agree with you that there are still some old topics running, but I also believe that these topics are easy ones to reply on for the newbies. (nothing wrong with that though) These topics are easy going and ask for a personal opinion and you don't have to know a lot of the Realms to post a reply there. And it's a good way to get to know the people behind the posts a bit.

Second I want to mention that there are new topics created. Sure, I agree that it's not much, but the reactions on them don't motivate to start another topic. For the serious, on knowledge based topics get hardly any reply.

I must say, I'm here for only two weeks so... what do I know about it. But this is my first impression... let's keep it on that.

Alaundo Posted - 15 Oct 2002 : 09:55:29
Well Met

Indeed ArcticKnight, indeed! The Moderator Scribes will be sweeping the forums soon to do a bit of a tidy up (there are scrolls and tomes all over the place, in wrong places, scattered willy-nilly etc.), we will be moving topics around into their relevant categories as well as locking up some old topics which have spiralled out of control.

Also, as mentioned by a forum member in another topic, we will be opening up a "welcome" forum for new members to say "Hi", i mean "Well Met" Please note that this is NOT a room to rant, start arguments or use for other topics. A topic elsewhere on this forum was quite pleasing to see where other members genuinely welcomed a new member, lets try to keep this new one that way.

Anyway, id better get on with it all. Happy postings!
The Great Drizzt Posted - 15 Oct 2002 : 07:50:34
Oh you know im on it!
The Great Drizzt
Drummer Boy Posted - 15 Oct 2002 : 05:00:14
OK ArticKnight, I started a new topic about Drizzt Do'Urden in the Forgotten Realms Novels section. Happy now?
Drummer Boy Posted - 15 Oct 2002 : 04:49:32
I know what you mean. I want to start a new topic but I can't think of anything new to start a topic about!

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