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 Question for Alaundo

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Arion Elenim Posted - 02 Oct 2002 : 03:42:59
Oh wise seer, is it possible for us to load in our own images for avatars, and if it in the future? Oh tell us wise one....we await the prophecy....

*sits cross-legged, head bowed.....uhm....eats rice.......:)
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alaundo Posted - 02 Oct 2002 : 09:33:35
Well Met

Indeed, in a previous message by the Candlekeep Webmaster ( we are allowing you to send in your own avatar portraits. There is a facility to actually upload your own images but we have disabled this (for the very reason that you stated Mumadar) as we would prefer to approve images before they are to be permitted, to avoid any unsuitable artwork.

In addition, we can also protect your avatar for your own use so that no-one else has access to your image and will be unable to use it in thier profile. ooooooohh, how does that grab ya!

Please send your images to and state your forum member name and whether you wish to have the avatar protected. Images must be JPEG and 64x64 pixels.

Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 02 Oct 2002 : 08:44:06
That would be a nice idea, yet to avoid seeing pokemon creatures or other weird avatars, I would suggest to send your proposed avatar to one of the admins so they can review it and then put it up as available.

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