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 Problem with Ed's thread pages ?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Fillow Posted - 02 Jun 2009 : 14:42:18
For 3 or 4 days, in the Chamber of sages forum (or by using the Active topics page), the last screened page of the Questions for Ed Greenwood (2009) thread in the list of them is the #63, instead of the #65.
Hoping that I was understandable enough in my explanation...

Is it the same for the other scribes ?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 10 Aug 2009 : 01:22:44
Bah! HTML and JavaScript are soooo 2000's.


Seriously, ASP, PHP and the rest add a lot of complexity to web site design. And offer plenty of creative opportunities as well. Which, I think, offsets the difficulty that's often associated with using them.
Jakk Posted - 09 Aug 2009 : 22:46:14
Ah, yes... ASPs are deadly bookworms... ASP, PHP, and PERL were the reasons I got out of Web programming; I had a lot of fun when it was just HTML and JavaScript, and still do a fair bit of that for myself; most of my post-3.5 reworkings, as well as my pre-GHotR "Big Timeline," are formatted up as Web pages (which will never see a public Website for copyright reasons, but were still fun to put together).
The Sage Posted - 02 Jun 2009 : 15:16:10
Yes. This has been a long-standing problem with Ed's scroll. As well as a number of other scrolls as well. It's largely a derivative of the ASP scripting errors that occasionally plague Candlekeep itself.

Alaundo sometimes updates the forum tables in an attempt to re-register the post counts for each scroll -- and thus, correct the problem -- but he's been kinda busy with non-Candlekeep related stuff of late, so such maintenance has, unfortunately, fallen behind.

Rest assured, we're attempting to ensure this problem will not occur with Candlekeep 2.

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