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 Oh, the irony.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kuje Posted - 19 May 2009 : 08:01:46
It's amusing, after reading two threads on here, one of which is another of my threads that got high-jacked, that ENworld has a six page thread, at this time, about how the same topics/posters argue the same debates over and over and over and over and over again.

Maybe, as I've said before, people just need to let it go!

Just saying.....

Or, I really wish we had a ignore feature. :)
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jorkens Posted - 20 May 2009 : 18:53:14
Originally posted by Brimstone

Will I be on anyones future Ignore List? Yes an ignore list would be nice.


Most likely I would put myself on any ignore list I created. There are enough grumblings without me having to read my own.

Knight of the Gate Posted - 20 May 2009 : 07:25:40
Wooly Rupert Posted - 20 May 2009 : 06:50:59
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Brimstone

Will I be on anyones future Ignore List? Yes an ignore list would be nice.


Heh. I'm inclined to think I'll be listed on one or two "Ignore" lists.

You're not the only one!
The Sage Posted - 20 May 2009 : 05:30:40
Originally posted by Brimstone

Will I be on anyones future Ignore List? Yes an ignore list would be nice.


Heh. I'm inclined to think I'll be listed on one or two "Ignore" lists.
Knight of the Gate Posted - 20 May 2009 : 04:56:47
Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

I try not to let my 4e Realms anger burst out. But occasionally it slips free. Hopefully I will get better in the future.

What he said: Honestly, I know I'm kind of new here, but if I ever rise to the level of being 'ignore-worthy', I'd hope that someone would send me a PM saying 'hey, dude... enough'.
Having said that, I just need to avoid any topic with 'WotC' in the title... but some self-loathing part of me always clicks, just to see the rest of me suffer.
Hawkins Posted - 19 May 2009 : 23:46:00
I try not to let my 4e Realms anger burst out. But occasionally it slips free. Hopefully I will get better in the future.
Brimstone Posted - 19 May 2009 : 23:21:54
Will I be on anyones future Ignore List? Yes an ignore list would be nice.

Alisttair Posted - 19 May 2009 : 14:56:11
I find myself in the twilight zone, where some of me is regarded as Geeky by some while my athletic side is noticed and praised by the same people. I guess I get the best of both worlds. On topic, I haven't spotted the posts that Kuje is talking about.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 19 May 2009 : 14:40:56
I find myself (mostly on the WotC boards) reading a thread and getting ready to fire off a response/salvo in the ongoing 'war'. Then, before I hit reply, I stop, count to 10, reread what I was going to say to see if it offers anything new and, 9 times out of 10, delete what I was going to post.

I think a big part of what's going on in D&D is a subset of the overall popular explosion of 'geek culture'. Many of us have been fans for years, if not decades, and along with that fandom came the 'geek' label. Now, we're living in a time when everything we've ever been geeky about (comic books, video games, RPGs, even cartoons) is what's popular. We've lovingly cared for this stuff for years and were ridiculed for it, but now it's plastered all over TV and the internet and we don't know how to react. For the first time, we're the 'popular kids' and we're lording it over those that used to lord over us.

Think I'm exaggerating? Take this simple test (spoilers inherent in the tests).

Star Trek fans:

Were you 'geeked out' over the new movie showing Kirk's Kobayashi Maru test? Have you found yourself trying to explain the significance of the test, or that Kirk was eating an apple during it? Or even just the fact that the 'third man' with Kirk and Sulu was wearing a red shirt and died? Now, truthfully, deep down, did you find yourself sneering at someone who 'didn't get it'?

Comic books:

The sheer volume of comic book movies are astonishing to say the least. They are extremely popular most everyone loves them. But have you found yourself complaining about the writers of these movies 'rewriting' canon? This is especially ironic since comics themselves can't keep canon straight in their own books, which we accept without issue, but the 'outsiders' from Hollywood aren't permitted to.

Anyway, I could keep going on, but I'm beginning to feel like it's a dead horse.
Kuje Posted - 19 May 2009 : 08:27:34
Originally posted by The Sage

I'm sure Alaundo's got plans for an "ignore" function in the framework for Candlekeep 2. So...

Good. :) I know of a handful of people who will be on my list. :) Just hope that 2.0 comes soon......

Edit: And I know that these two replies will probably annoy some posters. However, the tone of these boards and other boards, has shifted and I've noticed it since last year. It saddens me but we've had topics about this already and it hasn't resolved anything. So, I just wanted to post that I find it amusing and ironic that another board is having the same "problems".
The Sage Posted - 19 May 2009 : 08:11:44
I'm sure Alaundo's got plans for an "ignore" function in the framework for Candlekeep 2. So...

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