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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kuje Posted - 30 Jun 2007 : 21:09:02

Candlekeep, we have a problem.

All the threads disappeared and the thread count says there are NO threads!

Eeep, hope we can revive Ed's thread. I didn't grab all of his recent replies yet.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alaundo Posted - 01 Jul 2007 : 10:25:55
In fact, will ye look at that...'tis perfect

Aye, aye, i know
Alaundo Posted - 01 Jul 2007 : 10:24:52
Well met

Aye fear not, all scrolls and pennings are safe

Apologies for the panic and mess up. This is indeed due to my tamperings as an attempt to cure the page count issue. The script I was running only partially completed and therefore left a bit of a mess. I hadn't realised there was an impact until reading this

Anyway, things should be back to normal soon.
The Sage Posted - 01 Jul 2007 : 05:01:17
I still think it's those crazy mephits again. I knew we didn't catch them all last time...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 01 Jul 2007 : 04:09:15
Guys, I said to keep it quiet while I'm away from home -- blowing the place up does not match my definition of quiet!
Dargoth Posted - 01 Jul 2007 : 03:46:05
Originally posted by The Sage

This may have to do with Big Al's attempt to correct the "script time outs" problems that have been plaguing Candlekeep of late. They may have unexpectedly reset all the post counts on each forum table to zero even though the scrolls themselves are still visible and clearly accessible.

Regardless, Alaundo has been notified of this strange occurence. Hopefully we'll know more upon his return.

I told Alaundo that he shouldnt have let that cleric of Kossuth smoke in the libary!
The Sage Posted - 01 Jul 2007 : 00:52:31
This may have to do with Big Al's attempt to correct the "script time outs" problems that have been plaguing Candlekeep of late. They may have unexpectedly reset all the post counts on each forum table to zero even though the scrolls themselves are still visible and clearly accessible.

Regardless, Alaundo has been notified of this strange occurence. Hopefully we'll know more upon his return.
Kuje Posted - 30 Jun 2007 : 22:27:37
Originally posted by Penknight

Just click on them, friend Kuje, and you'll see that they are indeed still there.

I would, if the threads were there to click on. Ed's thread, as far as I saw, is GONE.

Edit: Well it was gone. Even so, the rest of the forums say there are 0 to 1 or 2 threads.
Kentinal Posted - 30 Jun 2007 : 21:36:54
Err actually, there appears to be , at least temporay a 12 to less then 24 hour data loss. Might be server load. might be somrthing worst.
Penknight Posted - 30 Jun 2007 : 21:22:50
Just click on them, friend Kuje, and you'll see that they are indeed still there.

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