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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kaladorm Posted - 28 Nov 2006 : 23:37:00
Is there an option to see at a glance which scrolls you have posted in when browsing the forums? If not is it a possibility?

I realise this is possible of a sort by checking 'recent activity' in the profile or by getting emails whenever a reply is posted.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ergdusch Posted - 29 Nov 2006 : 09:46:22
Originally posted by The Sage

I'm assuming you mean something like the "Red Tick" that's used over at the WotC forums -- which indicates that you've posted in a particular thread.

I don't recall there being a specific function like that here at Candlekeep. Though, if you click on the number of replies for a particular scroll when glancing through a particular sub-forum -- you'll bring up a secondary window which tells you which scribes have posted and how many posts they've made in that particular scroll.

That is actually a great feature IMO. I have never used it so far. Thanks for the reminder, Sage!
Alaundo Posted - 29 Nov 2006 : 08:38:30
Originally posted by Kaladorm

Is there an option to see at a glance which scrolls you have posted in when browsing the forums? If not is it a possibility?

I realise this is possible of a sort by checking 'recent activity' in the profile or by getting emails whenever a reply is posted.

Well met

Alas, there is no such function, Kaladorm. Other than the profile list and the function which The Sage mentioned, that's all we have.
scererar Posted - 29 Nov 2006 : 03:08:18
Originally posted by The Sage

I'm assuming you mean something like the "Red Tick" that's used over at the WotC forums -- which indicates that you've posted in a particular thread.

I don't recall there being a specific function like that here at Candlekeep. Though, if you click on the number of replies for a particular scroll when glancing through a particular sub-forum -- you'll bring up a secondary window which tells you which scribes have posted and how many posts they've made in that particular scroll.

that is actually a cool feature Sage. I have never even looked there

The Sage Posted - 29 Nov 2006 : 00:38:55
I'm assuming you mean something like the "Red Tick" that's used over at the WotC forums -- which indicates that you've posted in a particular thread.

I don't recall there being a specific function like that here at Candlekeep. Though, if you click on the number of replies for a particular scroll when glancing through a particular sub-forum -- you'll bring up a secondary window which tells you which scribes have posted and how many posts they've made in that particular scroll.
Kaladorm Posted - 29 Nov 2006 : 00:03:47
Sure I've used that search before, (though it's a shame having to search through 70 pages on eds scroll to find what it was heehee)

What I meant was, for example, an icon similar to (or a modification of) the open book we have to display new posts, indicating that you have already posted in a thread.

Is such a thing possible in forum programming?
Kentinal Posted - 28 Nov 2006 : 23:56:56

I pulled up from your profile, which might indicate every thread you have posted to.
An individual listing does not appear posible under current search engine design.

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