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T O P I C    R E V I E W
St3v3nMC198666 Posted - 13 Feb 2020 : 23:44:17
Discovering a new world entirely a Prismatic dragoness & golden ancient dragon set sail for it to begin a family together. This adventure involves several dozens of other dragoness of every alloy & such. The terrain involved being the module & major obstacle. I am hoping to expand on this as it was put together when I was but seven years-of-age. Later I read the novels & am flabbergasted! (^_^) Has happened to me a lot actually. It was & is inspired by Dragon Lance in which Khellendros was killed by one of his fellow hypocrite & hypocritical deviated.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpthero2 Posted - 08 Nov 2020 : 01:57:16
Great Reader Darden,

Good point. I also checked out his profile and realized something unusual:

User Name: St3v3nMC198666
Bio: Survivor, Parent, Grand-parent, Artist &...........

34 years old, has a kid, who had a kid (since he's a grandparent). That family believes in having those kids quite young!

I think your idea of a bot is spot

Best regards,

Dalor Darden Posted - 15 Feb 2020 : 18:34:38
Well, I don’t think a 34 year old resident of the USA named Steven Cunningham would have such a poor grasp of English. I sent him a PM flat out asking and have not yet had a reply.

My vote is bot frankly.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 Feb 2020 : 04:56:37
Originally posted by Kentinal

For what it is worth, when I first saw the OP I suspected a bot. Thought moderation might remove the scroll.

However out of St3v3nMC198666's seven so far, a few others make more sense than this one to me.

It does appear to be a bot, but there's just enough coherence that I wonder if it's just poor command of English.

I'm reluctant to blame a bot when there is no clear reason to have used a bot.
Kentinal Posted - 15 Feb 2020 : 03:34:27
For what it is worth, when I first saw the OP I suspected a bot. Thought moderation might remove the scroll.

However out of St3v3nMC198666's seven so far, a few others make more sense than this one to me.
TheIriaeban Posted - 15 Feb 2020 : 03:27:59
He was using Lhaeo's Chapbook of Mad Libs.
Ayrik Posted - 15 Feb 2020 : 01:39:59
Deneir grants his priests (and monks of Candlekeep!) the ability to read and write any language known to Deneir - which, I assume, means basically every written language in the Realms.

But I suppose the ability only works when the writings are intelligible?
TheIriaeban Posted - 15 Feb 2020 : 00:14:05
As the wise Brother Stratton once said in a similar situation: "Just go with it. He's on a roll."
Delnyn Posted - 14 Feb 2020 : 21:43:25
This post does not make sense.

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