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 Picking locations for backstory

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ZAxel Posted - 02 Jan 2018 : 23:41:47
I'm looking to be more specific with the locations for my character's backstory. I was wondering if any of you had suggestions in Faerūn that would fit the descriptions well. I'm doing the LMoP campaign right now.

Hometown: My character is a half-elf. He's from a large, predominately human city and didn't have much contact with elves growing up. He had an elvish first name and blue hair so he's not being subtle about being a half-elf. His last name is a Mulan name. He felt alienated by both human and elvish societies, but not necessarily discriminated against.

University: He eventually left the city and went to study at a university. He desired to learn everything about every creature he could (monsters, humanoids, abominations, etc).

Forest: One day when he was in a forest studying the local wildlife, he inadvertently entered a pact with an unfathomable being.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Artemas Entreri Posted - 03 Jan 2018 : 12:28:01
How about Procampur? Large Shou "China Town" style location there.

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