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 Looking for PbP game

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ruul Posted - 04 Jan 2011 : 15:27:50
I don't have much time to get involved in a face to face game so I was hoping you all could give me some advice on how to find a play by post game. I'm sure there's a bunch of sites out there for just such a thing, but I'm looking for some learned advice from all you great sages.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ruul Posted - 10 Jan 2011 : 16:15:18
Thanks. I posted on the thread.
Kuje Posted - 10 Jan 2011 : 15:55:47
I did post a thread over in Running the Realms. :)

Originally posted by Ruul

Let me know if you ever do!

Ruul Posted - 10 Jan 2011 : 15:02:35
Let me know if you ever do!
Kuje Posted - 09 Jan 2011 : 17:01:28
As I posted over on Facebook, I've been pondering starting a new online game but I haven't settled on any ideas yet. Originally I was thinking maybe making it a PbP game on Facebook, using their group option, but then some people don't have Facebook. So, maybe I'll start another email game but, as I said, I haven't decided anything yet.
Ruul Posted - 07 Jan 2011 : 14:17:30
Thanks for the response!
Mystic Lemur Posted - 07 Jan 2011 : 01:28:28
Long time lurker, but this may be my first post... :D

There are several pbp games on the forums at and anyone who likes is welcome to run one if they can find players interested. It's mostly a 3.5 site, but there are Pathfinder games going and I'm a player in a 4e game there. I also know there are some at the giantitp forums, but I don't have any experience with them.

ETA: I know you said pbp games, but don't forget the pbem games here on this very site:

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