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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Amluril Dire-Weaselbane Posted - 27 Feb 2008 : 17:00:44
OK here it is, I'm looking for some serious players for a Forgotten Realms campaign I've got planned.

After some bad experiences of late I'm looking for players who play from the heart and aren't just out to play the game by the numbers or become munchkins (lets face it only munchkins like munchkins!).

I've got some grand designs, based around the Northern Dales and Cormanthor.

So I'm looking for 5 players, you'll be starting at 2nd level and see how far we can go! (I'd love to see it escelate to epic!).

If anyone is interested you can reply here or (even better) PM me with character suggestions
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Oskar Stryker Posted - 26 Apr 2008 : 00:57:30
Yeah, it is still on. It's taken our DM a while to get his problems sorted out (real life - what a horrible distraction from fantasy!). He's just getting his broadband connection sorted (should be tomorrow) and he is going to sort something out. We're definitely getting close now. :-D
Aravine Posted - 22 Apr 2008 : 17:58:11
What's going on? we still on?
Oskar Stryker Posted - 16 Mar 2008 : 13:24:33
I'm rather looking forward to this! It's the first time I haven't played a spellcaster of some sort, or someone with a complex array of skils. There's quite a level of freedom in not having to carefully choose any spells! Though I hope those of you with buffing capabilities will choose SOME spells capable of improving the ACs of your meatshields :-D

Chosen of Moradin Posted - 14 Mar 2008 : 15:20:55
Originally posted by Amluril Dire-Weaselbane

OK everybody, I have everything set, inns, NPCs and adventures are all drawn out but I have been having some personal problems lately which will mean that we will have to delay until after Easter.

I'm very sorry, it's just one of those situations where I don't have accesss to my campaign notes, dice (die) or books so it will have to wait till then :(

I know you are keen to get started (as am I!) so will try and get this all sorted ASAP :)

Don“t worry, DM! This will give me more time to take a second look at my spells and my skills.
ShadezofDis Posted - 14 Mar 2008 : 15:06:47
Originally posted by Amluril Dire-Weaselbane

OK everybody, I have everything set, inns, NPCs and adventures are all drawn out but I have been having some personal problems lately which will mean that we will have to delay until after Easter.

No problem, real life beats the internet every time.

Good luck with things.
Thangorn Posted - 14 Mar 2008 : 12:26:09
Might I suggest .This web-based dice rolling application emails dice rolls automatically to you and you can verify them. All people need do is create an account.. I've been using it in a play-by-post game I play in and it works a treat..

Amluril Dire-Weaselbane Posted - 14 Mar 2008 : 01:59:17
OK everybody, I have everything set, inns, NPCs and adventures are all drawn out but I have been having some personal problems lately which will mean that we will have to delay until after Easter.

I'm very sorry, it's just one of those situations where I don't have accesss to my campaign notes, dice (die) or books so it will have to wait till then :(

I know you are keen to get started (as am I!) so will try and get this all sorted ASAP :)

Chosen of Moradin Posted - 12 Mar 2008 : 17:27:42
Well met, Dolfan!

Heh! An interesting group, hm? I“m waiting to see what our DM is preparing to us
Dolfan Posted - 12 Mar 2008 : 16:59:30
Since apparently we've got some intros going on here, I figured I'd toss mine in as well.

Been gaming for more years than I care to count, mostly on the Realms and Dragonlance and typically as a DM. Seeing things from a players point of view always strikes me as a little strange and takes a little getting used to, but I'm getting better at it. I'm not a Realms scholar, so I may (will) make mistakes about canon/non-canon stuff, but I'm more than happy to correct it if need be.

My character is Ezmae, a short and somewhat naive Dawnbringer of Lathander. She's been raised for nearly her entire life in a temple in Arabel and only leaves now because she believes that she has received a sign from Lathander that requires her to travel north. She's anxious to meet new friends and open minded enough that she'll still befriend you even if you are all falling over drunk ;)
Chosen of Moradin Posted - 12 Mar 2008 : 04:20:55
Well, sorry for the delay. I just send the sheet. ^^

I“m eager to start, too.
Amluril Dire-Weaselbane Posted - 12 Mar 2008 : 02:13:31
OK I'm waiting on one more person who shall remain... nameless (they know who they are (and it isn't ShadesofDis))

We should be able to start as soon as they have their sheet sorted, any time over the next couple of days...

I can't wait to get started with a group that looks like its going to be the best I've had the pleasure of DM'ing yet!

ShadezofDis Posted - 11 Mar 2008 : 23:44:25
That'd probably be me, apologies, I've been friggin busy (but that should be done with for the time being *g*)

Anyhow, without further ado, Garion Velaine. (Note for Amluril, slight change in character name, I like the look of Velaine better than Velane *g*)

Ok, as I was saying I'm Garion Velaine. A quiet, young human who has the look of a woodsman, almost always accompanied by two pretty large dogs and his wolf.

Thangorn Posted - 11 Mar 2008 : 21:29:47
So like when do we start?

I see 4 PCs.. is there a 5th that we are waiting on?

Keddah Posted - 09 Mar 2008 : 23:23:27
Well met everyone.

I'm Keddah, I'm Spanish so I may make some mistakes with the language and plead your forgiveness when I do so.

I'm going to play a human wizard born in Daggerdale but raised in the Oghmanite temple in Deepingdale. I DM a 3.x campaign and this is my first PBEM game and I'm looking forward getting in a PC for once! And Thangorn, if yo meet Keddah in a "rustic dales inn" just pay him a pint and you'll have a friend.
Amluril Dire-Weaselbane Posted - 06 Mar 2008 : 23:59:34
Hark! - can you hear that?...

sounds like my breath being bated!

Oskar Stryker Posted - 06 Mar 2008 : 23:50:50
but mmm- so tasty! that pesky damage reduction against fire makes it hard to cook them tho...
Sent the stats, but the char history is on my works computer and a crappy floppy disk which my computer is attempting, with some success, to eat. Looks like that will be getting to you tomorrow some time. then i'm all set.
Amluril Dire-Weaselbane Posted - 06 Mar 2008 : 23:45:34
Anything but a Direlamb! - except of course a Fiendish Direlamb!!
Oskar Stryker Posted - 06 Mar 2008 : 21:51:11
I thought you had a copy of Oskar's stats from before! I'll email them to you in two shakes of a dire lambs tail. :-)
Amluril Dire-Weaselbane Posted - 06 Mar 2008 : 12:05:27
I see everyones is already introducing themselves excellent!

The character creation train seems to be chugging along nicely, I'm only waiting on 3 people's stats (actually 4, but I'll let Ste off as he'll be sorting that out with me soon!), hopefully we can all start at some point next week

I have been busy this week drawing up NPCs, items and adventures I was gutted to find that the map I had lovingly drawn out on A3 Graph paper (3 pages of it!) of a complete dwarven city, complete with mines and links to the underdak has gone missing since I moved - Gutted!!
Thangorn Posted - 06 Mar 2008 : 11:31:48
Well met you lot..

You may call me Dez or Thangorn, whatever works for you.
I'm an Australian living in New Zealand so I'm in a weird timezone for most of you.

For this campaign I am playing a bearded lesbian ninja half-dragon drow vampire assassin/arcane avenger of apathy level 47. In the "real" world I play/DM 2nd Edition pnp but I can crossover to 3.5 because I build/DM for a NWN online campaign so I have to know the rules.

Really I've decided on a down-on-his-luck merchant originally from Elturel for this campaign. I dare say I'll run into the rest of your characters in a rustic dales tavern somewhere not because its a cliche, but because it has ale and dimly lit corners where a fella can collect his thoughts.

Chosen of Moradin Posted - 06 Mar 2008 : 10:20:54
Welcome to Candlekeep, Oskar!!!

Talking a little more about my character, I“m creating a Sun elf Wizard 1 / Druid of Solonor 1 - a good guy that abandon his family because of a juvenile love, and discover that the world is far more greater that his little perceptions.
Oskar Stryker Posted - 05 Mar 2008 : 23:33:05
Hi all! I'm the friend of Amluril that he was talking about back near the start of the thread. Just wanted to introduce myself a little and say how good this all looks! It's like pulling teeth trying to find a good advetnuring group in manchester. I'm a touch on the rusty side with the mechanics of 3.5 but I'm well up on my descriptive ability and seeing as the mechanics are going to fall to good old Amluril, I'm not going to let that bother me too much :-D
I'm Steve and the character I've built up is a young Dwarven Barbarian. I'm just lucky I've had a quiet few days at work. amazing how detailed a character history you can work out when you work on it for most of the day (and are being paid to do so!)
Not going to bore you all with it of course. Bad manners to rattle on about your character and besides, we'll all find out about each other in the game.
Half wish I'd known Asimaars and Tieflings were on the table before I made my character, but I'm really looking forward to playing Oskar so I'll leave the exotic things til next time :-)
Just so everyone knows my likely schedule for posting it's going to be something quick around 8am (before work) and something lengthy in the evening.
Amluril Dire-Weaselbane Posted - 04 Mar 2008 : 17:54:23
Looks like I have a full complement of 5 players (with the possibility of a 6th) so we should be good to start once everyone has their characters ready :D

Thank-you to everyone who replied and apologies to any of you who missed out, if anyone is still interested I can keep you on a waiting list should any places become unexpectedly clear ;)

Will speak soon people!
Chosen of Moradin Posted - 02 Mar 2008 : 15:00:30
My 200 years "young" Ar-tel-quessir is is construction, then.

There is some book restriction concerning feats? Or you want to take a look at our choices, and approve / reprove?
Amluril Dire-Weaselbane Posted - 02 Mar 2008 : 13:58:29
Hi Guys, thanks for all your replies :D

For starting age, go with what you feel is best, it really makes no difference to me if you want to play an adolsecent gnome or a geriatric old human, whatever you feel fits with your character best.

As for Drow etc, they do have a level restriction so unfortunately they would not start level 3 until everyone else is level 5. I know this may be a bit of a setback but I'm sure all the other perks like (spell resistance) balance it out a little, besides a 2 level difference isn't that much in the grand scheme of things ;)

At the moment I have 3 definates and I'm waiting on some replies so once I know exactly who is definately in or not I'll let you all know ;)
Chosen of Moradin Posted - 29 Feb 2008 : 14:25:10
The characters will be friends, relatives, or you will joint the group?

We will roll the starting age of the Players Guide to Faerūn?
Dolfan Posted - 28 Feb 2008 : 16:21:56
If you're still looking for people I would be interested. I'm currently scrambling to do prep work for my first session of Shadowdale, so I don't have a full character idea in mind right now, but it will definitely fit within the guidelines and it won't be crunchy. Let me know.
Aravine Posted - 28 Feb 2008 : 15:36:00
2 a day is going to be a little difficult, but I should be able to do it. BTW, you need to give an Email addy.
ShadezofDis Posted - 28 Feb 2008 : 15:26:26
Sounds good to me, I'm not really sure what I want to play off the top of my head but I'll think about it and probably have something by this evening.

I don't think 2 a day is too much, but there will be days when I'm unavailable. That'd typically be the weekend and it'd be a bit sporadic as to which ones I couldn't do but I'd be able to inform people at least a few days ahead of time. If that makes it too difficult I'll more than understand. :)
Aravine Posted - 28 Feb 2008 : 13:00:47
Originally posted by Amluril Dire-Weaselbane

OK I guess I'd better tell you all more about the campaign so you know what it will be all about

As you know it will be set in the Dalelands around 1368 - 1370 (will have to research events more throughly to decide exactly where I want to place it and where the evens of the campaign will fit.

We'll basically its a time where the old races return to reclaim their former homelands from the hands of the monsters and pretenders that lair within. The group will rise from 2nd level through to 20+ and gain some rather powerful artefacts along the way. So we'll be looking at Tethyamar, the Moonsea, Myth Drannor and Elven Court

I'm looking for some solid characters who can do their roles as stalwart adventurers justice - detailed backgrounds and some serious thinking about character development.

As for games mechanics I'll be looking to post twice a day (sometimes more if the responses will facilitate that).
I don't think 2 email responses a day is a big ask, but if the general concencus is that this is too much then I can water it down a little.

I have a good friend who has one place so I'm looking for another 5 to make a party of seven (one DMPC).

Now one thing that may disuade some people is that I find some of the racial allowances in forgotten realms a bit too much so I'm going to limit them to the core races + the elven suraces (except aquatic and Avarial), Tieflings & Aasimar, Dwarven subraces (except derro and duergar), Halfling subraces, Gnomish Subraces (except Svinfdfsfghhsgs) I'll allow half drow and grudgingly Half-orcs (even though they are technically monsters).

Otherwise we'll end up with Tarasque clerics of Tymora or equally stupid monsters as PCs (like Ogres and Fey'ri )

FYI: if you're allowing Drow, you may want to bump the starting level to 3. Otherwize those characters will be at Level 0.

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