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 New Shining South Campaign

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bladedancer Posted - 14 Dec 2006 : 20:03:21
With the Menzoberranzan campaign I have been dming winding down. I have the chance to take a break from dming and letting one my players take up the reins as dm. He has decided to run a campaign in the Shining South with our adventuring group based out of Dambrath home to scourge wielding half-drow priestesses and an enslaved human population.

He hasn't gave us much more details than that. He said he wants to build the campaign around our characters as opposed to building our characters around the campaign. So I have been thinking of what to roll up as a character. I would like to ask your opinions on what would be an interesting concept in your minds.

Here is all I know about the campaign as far as what we can roll up
1. Any +1 or lower LA race (within reason)
2. we are starting at 4th level (low enough to still be able to be able to plot out or character path but high enough not to be killed by a halfling adolecent with a lucky throw with a skip rock)
3. We are encouraged to make a diverse group as far as classes go as to be balanced (there will be six to seven of us depending on whether a really great player who I have played with for over ten years decides to join us or not)

Thanks in advance for any suggestions
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
LucianBarasu Posted - 18 Dec 2006 : 18:22:26
lol Sure thing. Pick one (thri kreen!!) and whichever you pick (Thri Kreen) just go ahead and PM me with the following details of whichever you choose (THRI KREEN!)
Well if you don't do a Thri kreen and go with the Vhaeraunite..i'll need:

Eye color, hair color, height , Build (slim, fat, etc) any tattoos showing, armor type, jewlery showing, etc. Just get as descriptive as possible.
Bladedancer Posted - 18 Dec 2006 : 16:15:30
Thanks for the ideas folks I am now torn between a Vhaerunite Crinti noble on the run for his heritical beliefs that is acleric/thief or a Thri-Kreen fighter or thief specialized in throwing Chatchka (those cystaline throwing wedges.) Also I would love it ya could draw up one of these guys for me Lucian your drawings are excellent.
dwarvenranger Posted - 18 Dec 2006 : 15:34:29
You could be a good half-drow ranger who rebels, never mind
Sian Posted - 16 Dec 2006 : 20:26:01
Wild Drawf from Chult that have been captured by a Dambrath expediction and Shipwercked on the way back :P

Else, maybe Refugee Halruaan Sorcerer that fled the magehounds because he was 'a danger to magic'
LucianBarasu Posted - 15 Dec 2006 : 17:57:32
Thri kreen would rock. plus you could let me draw your character for ya. hahah

If not the Thri, then go with a Wild Elf from the Matar Forest. Like little Tarzan.
Ergdusch Posted - 15 Dec 2006 : 12:31:06
I woud go for a thri-kreen. I always liked this rather strange race. You should check it out in the Shining South sourcebook.

scererar Posted - 15 Dec 2006 : 07:11:06
Catfolk from races of the wild. IMO perfect for a shining south campaign.

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