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 FR calendar

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Aranar Posted - 04 May 2007 : 12:17:17
I see that Wizards have released a calendar tool that is personalizable with a .txt file.
Someone have already filled the file with all the regional/cultural holidays?
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 08 Jan 2009 : 06:59:39
Originally posted by MathiasSymbaern

Thanks Wooly. I don't have excel on my computer so the adobe file was great.

Not a problem!
MathiasSymbaern Posted - 08 Jan 2009 : 06:07:25
Thanks Wooly. I don't have excel on my computer so the adobe file was great.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 03 Jan 2009 : 07:04:31
Originally posted by The Sage

Actually, that might not be a bad idea. Send it along.


I'll just have to add it to my infamous "To-Do" list for Candlekeep.

Is sent, to your Gmail account.
The Sage Posted - 03 Jan 2009 : 04:50:06
Actually, that might not be a bad idea. Send it along.


I'll just have to add it to my infamous "To-Do" list for Candlekeep.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 03 Jan 2009 : 03:46:42
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Kuje

I liked Sean's better because the holidays were listed off to the sides by themselves. :) Otherwise, it's the same.

Hmmm... I just located those files and looked at them. It's not a bad approach, but I prefer having more room per calendar page -- that's why I arranged mine the way I did. I wanted one page per month, with plenty of room for extra notes.

I like the way he did the month names, though. I may go back and do that myself.

There used to be a funky calendar utility that assisted in things like this. I just can't remember where I downloaded the copy I used to use. It's old though, I know that much... In fact, I think it was shareware.

I made that pdf by playing around in Excel and then printing to pdf... I can email that to you, if you'd like.
The Sage Posted - 03 Jan 2009 : 02:34:46
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Kuje

I liked Sean's better because the holidays were listed off to the sides by themselves. :) Otherwise, it's the same.

Hmmm... I just located those files and looked at them. It's not a bad approach, but I prefer having more room per calendar page -- that's why I arranged mine the way I did. I wanted one page per month, with plenty of room for extra notes.

I like the way he did the month names, though. I may go back and do that myself.

There used to be a funky calendar utility that assisted in things like this. I just can't remember where I downloaded the copy I used to use. It's old though, I know that much... In fact, I think it was shareware.
The Sage Posted - 03 Jan 2009 : 02:32:26
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Well, briefly, what Kuje said about the holidays being referenced. I'd add details about any holy days we know about and which dates they fall on.

I'd also be keen to explore the possibility of noting the phases of Selune.

Adding the holy days is a whole lot more ambitious than I want to get, unless they're listed in another column, off to the side.
Which is why I considered it tinkering and tweaking. Because it's something I'd probably do.
This would cut into the available room for notes, though.
Not necessarily. It really does depend on the font size used... like modern calendars today.
Adding the lunar phases would be tricky. Shieldmeet means that there is going to be some variance from year to year with the lunar phases.
True, but I'd considered it information important for any FR calendars I would use in my campaigns.

I've got a rough working for the lunar phases I sometimes use for my games anyways, so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch for me to include it in your basic work-up.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 03 Jan 2009 : 01:50:30
Originally posted by The Sage

Well, briefly, what Kuje said about the holidays being referenced. I'd add details about any holy days we know about and which dates they fall on.

I'd also be keen to explore the possibility of noting the phases of Selune.

Adding the holy days is a whole lot more ambitious than I want to get, unless they're listed in another column, off to the side. This would cut into the available room for notes, though.

Adding the lunar phases would be tricky. Shieldmeet means that there is going to be some variance from year to year with the lunar phases.... And they're covered on the Calendar Utility, anyway.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 03 Jan 2009 : 01:45:10
Originally posted by Kuje

I liked Sean's better because the holidays were listed off to the sides by themselves. :) Otherwise, it's the same.

Hmmm... I just located those files and looked at them. It's not a bad approach, but I prefer having more room per calendar page -- that's why I arranged mine the way I did. I wanted one page per month, with plenty of room for extra notes.

I like the way he did the month names, though. I may go back and do that myself.
Artemel Posted - 03 Jan 2009 : 01:37:26
I got lucky, I took a real world blank calendar, that was 7 columns across and 6 rows down... and just turned it sideways. Viola~ instant FR calander. Every 2 "rows" of 5 was a ride, 3 rides for a month.
The Sage Posted - 03 Jan 2009 : 01:20:42
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Why do I suddenly find myself getting obsessed with silly things like this?

How's this one I just did?

Hmmm... with a little tinkering and tweaking here and there, I could see this coming to sit on the shelves of Candlekeep at some point.

What should be tinkered or tweaked?

Well, briefly, what Kuje said about the holidays being referenced. I'd add details about any holy days we know about and which dates they fall on.

I'd also be keen to explore the possibility of noting the phases of Selune.
Kuje Posted - 03 Jan 2009 : 00:29:04
I liked Sean's better because the holidays were listed off to the sides by themselves. :) Otherwise, it's the same.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 03 Jan 2009 : 00:05:15
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Why do I suddenly find myself getting obsessed with silly things like this?

How's this one I just did?

Hmmm... with a little tinkering and tweaking here and there, I could see this coming to sit on the shelves of Candlekeep at some point.

What should be tinkered or tweaked?
The Sage Posted - 02 Jan 2009 : 23:34:50
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Why do I suddenly find myself getting obsessed with silly things like this?

How's this one I just did?

Hmmm... with a little tinkering and tweaking here and there, I could see this coming to sit on the shelves of Candlekeep at some point.
Ghost King Posted - 02 Jan 2009 : 23:24:35
Looks good. Plenty of room for information to be added as well. My rating: A+

Thanks for typing it up and sharing it with us.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Jan 2009 : 23:16:36
Why do I suddenly find myself getting obsessed with silly things like this?

How's this one I just did?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Jan 2009 : 21:06:41
I just did some more fiddling, and made a 4x10 grid, with numbers, all nice and pretty and large enough to write stuff in. I added that extra row to allow for Faerūnian holidays, since they don't fall within months. Two of the spaces in that row are gridded off for filling in these holidays, if necessary, and the rest of the row is one big open spot for adding more notes.

Oh, and there's an extra row at the top for the name of the month.

I suppose I could get ambitious, and extend it out for all the months, and add the extra holidays... Or get really ambitious, and add notes -- with pics! -- for lunar phases. But that all seems a bit too much like work for me.
Kuje Posted - 02 Jan 2009 : 06:17:51
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by MathiasSymbaern

Does anyone have a simple calendar of the Realms that can be downloaded, cut and pasted, etc. I am not terribly tech savvy and I just want something to keep notes on, and mark special days. I don't want to use the wizards tool, it is too cumbersome.xxyyyydd, every time you want to make a calendar entry. There must be an easier way?

I assume you mean something similar to how real-world calendars are, with the grid of weeks and days and empty spaces to write on? If that's the case, I've not seen one of those... But it doesn't seem like it should prove too difficult to create a simple blank grid of 3 rows and 10 columns. Each month is 30 days, so that shouldn't present any issues... I just took maybe 5 minutes to slap together an Excel sheet all nice and gridded like that.

That's what Sean's was like. :) But maybe he had to remove it for legal reasons...
The Sage Posted - 02 Jan 2009 : 05:42:57
Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by MathiasSymbaern

Does anyone have a simple calendar of the Realms that can be downloaded, cut and pasted, etc. I am not terribly tech savvy and I just want something to keep notes on, and mark special days. I don't want to use the wizards tool, it is too cumbersome.xxyyyydd, every time you want to make a calendar entry. There must be an easier way?

Sean Reynolds used to have one jpeg version on his web page but it looks like the link is access denied. You could try to email him, or post on his boards at and ask him if it's still available.

Mod edit: Removed a stray comma, which was hosing the link.

Alternatively, you could try pinging him in his scroll here at Candlekeep:-

I've noticed he seems to check that every few days.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Jan 2009 : 05:05:17
Originally posted by MathiasSymbaern

Does anyone have a simple calendar of the Realms that can be downloaded, cut and pasted, etc. I am not terribly tech savvy and I just want something to keep notes on, and mark special days. I don't want to use the wizards tool, it is too cumbersome.xxyyyydd, every time you want to make a calendar entry. There must be an easier way?

I assume you mean something similar to how real-world calendars are, with the grid of weeks and days and empty spaces to write on? If that's the case, I've not seen one of those... But it doesn't seem like it should prove too difficult to create a simple blank grid of 3 rows and 10 columns. Each month is 30 days, so that shouldn't present any issues... I just took maybe 5 minutes to slap together an Excel sheet all nice and gridded like that.
Kuje Posted - 02 Jan 2009 : 04:06:59
Originally posted by MathiasSymbaern

Does anyone have a simple calendar of the Realms that can be downloaded, cut and pasted, etc. I am not terribly tech savvy and I just want something to keep notes on, and mark special days. I don't want to use the wizards tool, it is too cumbersome.xxyyyydd, every time you want to make a calendar entry. There must be an easier way?

Sean Reynolds used to have a jpeg version on his web page but it looks like the link is access denied. You could try to email him, or post on his boards at and ask him if it's still available.

Mod edit: Removed a stray comma, which was hosing the link.
MathiasSymbaern Posted - 02 Jan 2009 : 03:10:31
Does anyone have a simple calendar of the Realms that can be downloaded, cut and pasted, etc. I am not terribly tech savvy and I just want something to keep notes on, and mark special days. I don't want to use the wizards tool, it is too cumbersome.xxyyyydd, every time you want to make a calendar entry. There must be an easier way?
Fizilbert Posted - 05 Aug 2008 : 01:34:33
Thank you, I'll take a look.
Faraer Posted - 02 Aug 2008 : 02:53:25
Most of them are only mentioned in Faiths & Avatars, Powers & Pantheons or Demihuman Deities, except the five special days (Midwinter etc.), which are described in the base setting works and mentioned in many other places.
The Sage Posted - 02 Aug 2008 : 00:56:46
You've checked Ed's replies, that I mentioned previously?
Fizilbert Posted - 01 Aug 2008 : 20:57:27
I hate to bring back an old thread, but I'm wondering if there has ever been anything mentioned about what those holidays represent and what rituals are to be observed on them.

I've searched the web unsuccessfully for that information.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 05 May 2007 : 04:44:17
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Kuje

The closest thing I could find is:

I still can't recall where I found that list... But did anyone else notice that Candlekeep is misspelled on that page?

It looks similar to the one that used to be stored on the FR Index page... at, I think.

It's possible... I know I found that during some internet search one day, and it was long before I came over here...
The Sage Posted - 05 May 2007 : 01:03:51
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Kuje

The closest thing I could find is:

I still can't recall where I found that list... But did anyone else notice that Candlekeep is misspelled on that page?

It looks similar to the one that used to be stored on the FR Index page... at, I think.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 04 May 2007 : 18:43:16
Originally posted by Alaundo

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I still can't recall where I found that list... But did anyone else notice that Candlekeep is misspelled on that page?

Well met

Looks alright from where i'm sat

Oh, sure, now it looks alright...
KnightErrantJR Posted - 04 May 2007 : 18:06:25
Originally posted by Alaundo

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I still can't recall where I found that list... But did anyone else notice that Candlekeep is misspelled on that page?

Well met

Looks alright from where i'm sat

Okay, now I get why you have Wooly do the editing on the Compendium . . .

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