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 Divine Caster using other primary abilities

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
KnightErrantJR Posted - 25 Apr 2006 : 23:33:58
Because I am a kind and benevolent DM dictator . . .

One of my players is going to make a Cleric/Wizard/True Necromancer. I was wondering if there is any feats that allow a cleric to shift their spellcasting primary ability to charisma, or anything like that.

I wouldn't go out of my way to look for something like this, but he has put a lot of work into this guys origin, and has really done some digging into Realmslore to tie him to the setting, so I don't mind pointing him in the right direction if it helps him out.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
KnightErrantJR Posted - 26 Apr 2006 : 05:12:46
I thought of favored soul/sorcerer, except that you have to have a domain (Death) to take True Necromancer.

I found a feat in Green Ronin's Book of the Righteous, and a similar one in the DragonLance Legends of the Twins that lets you use Charisma instead of wisdom to determine spells per level and how high a level spell you can cast, but still uses your Wisdom for the DC of saves against the spell.

I e-mailed it to him to let him figure it out, but thanks for the replies.
Arivia Posted - 26 Apr 2006 : 05:02:19
No feat; the way to do that is generally to take levels in Favored Soul instead.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 26 Apr 2006 : 00:22:17
I was just following the "Favored Soul" logic there. If not, its fine one way or the other. I like the idea of this character ending up sickly and less physically capable, but I was curious as to the existance of such.
Kentinal Posted - 26 Apr 2006 : 00:18:45
I hope such a feat does not exist, though wondering why Cha just for Divine casting?

Oh the Deities do have Cha based abilities, but that strikes me as a divine inate ability , it could be made into a divine feat I guess.

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