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 Arcane Transformist

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sleyvas Posted - 16 Nov 2005 : 17:09:18
I was developing some spell dueling classes as well. I'd like some feedback. Thanks for any help.

Arcane Transformist
Amongst the orders of the arcane, it is well known that oftentimes an opponent may not be as defenseless as he looks. Many spellcasters have contingent effects designed to come up and transport them from danger, bring up wardings to stop magical effects, or turn spells back upon their enemy. The arcane transformist seeks to find out what effects are waiting for him and either disables them or changes them into a nasty trick. This group is primarily comprised of wizards due to the numbers of feats required to enter the class, but the occasional sorcerer is seen amongst the ranks, especially since the number of times you can use these special effects is based on charisma.
Feats: scribe scroll, attune gem, craft contingent spell, magical artisan (contingent spell)
Skills: knowledge arcana (14), spellcraft 14
Spellcasting ability: Ability to cast 6th lvl arcane spells, one of which must be contingency
Hit Die: d4
Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Spells per day
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Read Contingent Conditions +1 level of existing spellcasting class
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Contingent Cost Reduction +1 level of existing spellcasting class
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Change Contingent Conditions (simple) +1 level of existing spellcasting class
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Speed Detect Contingencies +1 level of existing spellcasting class
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Change Contingent Conditions (complex) +1 level of existing spellcasting class

Class Features:

Read Contingent Conditions – An arcane transformist who is able to see an opponent or area (whether through normal sight, scrying, arcane eye, etc…) may spend one minute trying to find any contingent effects (such as glyphs, symbols, contingency spells, etc…) within a 10 foot square. At the end of this time, the arcane transformist must make a spellcraft check against a DC of 15 + level of the spell to detect the waiting magical effect(s). If successful, the arcane transformist can detect the contingent conditions. If the arcane transformist beats this check by 5 or more, he can determine the effect(s) that will be triggered. If the arcane transformist beats this check by 10 or more, he can determine the trigger(s) as well. An arcane transformist can perform this ability 5 + charisma modifier times per day.

Contingent Cost reduction: at 2nd lvl, the cost for making a contingent spell via the craft contingent spell feat is reduced by half. This stacks with the benefits of the magical artisan feat, such that contingent spells cost only 25% of the normal cost to create. Note, this is only for spells created with the contingent spell feat.

Change Contingent Conditions (simple)– By using a ranged touch attack on an object or creature, the arcane transformist is able to change the triggering conditions for the waiting magical effect that he has determined the trigger for with his read contingent conditions ability. The arcane transformist can set the contingent condition to either happen immediately or be unable to occur. The range of this ability is 30 feet. An arcane transformist can perform this ability 2 + charisma modifier times per day.

Speed Detect Contingencies – The arcane transformist has gotten adept enough at reading contingent effects that he can determine where they are much more quickly. Given a single round the arcane transformist can now detect all contingent effects in an area. If he wants to attempt to determine their effects and triggers, he must still spend the full minute studying the area.

Change Contingent Conditions (complex)– The arcane transformist has become better at changing conditions, and as result this ability simply replaces the one gained at 3rd lvl. As a result of further training the arcane transformist is able to change the trigger to anything that could be set with a contingency spell. Also, he may replace the waiting effect to any spell effect that is 4 or more levels below the containing spell (minimum 1st lvl) (example, a contingency spell could be changed to hold a new spell of 2nd lvl or less, or a chain contingency could have 2 spells changed out to both be 5th lvl or less). Any spell effect changed out is always centered on the area or creature which held the waiting spell. In order to change out a spell effect, the new spell must be cast into it (and thus oftentimes sneaky casters use silenced, stilled versions of their spells so as not to tip off opponents). Once the changed effect is triggered once with the new spell, the contingent effect is removed, even if it were an effect that normally resets itself. Each use of this ability counts against the number of uses per day (thus, changing a trigger and 2 spell effects counts as 3 uses of this ability).

Arcane Transformist Spell List – many of the spells on the arcane transformist spell list are spells that they could normally cast. However, because of their studies they are able to cast them at lower levels than other casters would normally be able to do.
2nd level – Khelben’s Suspended Silence (source MoF)
3rd level – Darsson’s Potion (source MoF), Backlash (source MoF)
5th Level – Spell Phylactery (source PGtF)
6th Level – Suppress Glyph (MoF),
7th level - Transcribe Symbol (source PGtF)

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sleyvas Posted - 19 Nov 2015 : 03:04:31
btw, back in second edition, I wrote a spell to do some of this stuff. In comparison to other spells in 2nd edition, it was on par, but it definitely was too easy to acquire in theory (oh look, I found a spellbook.... scha-wing, I got that spell now). I like the fact that third edition makes you really question whether you want to deal in contingent magic or not, because there's other options out there which are less preparation oriented. This "build" tends to be stronger and more flexible for a fight you are prepared for, but once you lose a lot of your preparations, it takes a while to rebuild them up, so this type of mage has to beware the assault of a constant grind.
sleyvas Posted - 19 Nov 2015 : 02:58:00
just doing a thread necromancy on this because I know Alefian just saw my mantle bearer, and this is another one I've always liked and I think he would to. The ability to change contingent conditions is something I haven't really seen anyone else implement, and it makes sense to make it a class ability to make it that really RARE thing that only say 10 or fewer mages in the realms actually invest enough into to learn (and it actually gives sorcerors an edge, since ability uses is based on charisma). Plus it dovetails well with the mantle bearer.
Khaa Posted - 17 Nov 2005 : 14:14:12
You are quite adept at making classes, I might try to drum up something sometime.
sleyvas Posted - 17 Nov 2005 : 02:08:58
>> I really like the progression of the Change Contigent Conditions ->> makes it really useful for what you've designed the class to be.

Thank you. This one is by far my favorite, and also I believe a very good spell duelist/assassin class. Contingent spell effects have always been an interest of mine (which is why I secretly think that the contingent spell feat coming out in Unapproachable East is just SO perfect).
Crennen FaerieBane Posted - 17 Nov 2005 : 00:30:26
I really like the progression of the Change Contigent Conditions - makes it really useful for what you've designed the class to be.

Thureen Buroch Posted - 17 Nov 2005 : 00:05:25
Once again, one of the best written prestige class descriptions I've read.

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