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 What Campaign are you running now?

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GreatDrake Posted - 16 Jun 2005 : 17:09:26
I am just curious, leave a few details, just basic stuff. Maybe the level of your PC's.

Right now I am running a Red Wizards of Thay adventure with a Thayan Knight and a RW, they are both trying to figure out a way to get to get out of Thay atm, after several failed attempts

27   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Killashandra Posted - 03 Aug 2005 : 17:21:17
In my campaign, the players (who have reached the epic-ness of level 12 ) have just finished off on story arc, which was admirable timing as I've just gotten City of Splendours. And my "home base" is Waterdeep...

So since one of my players latched onto the idea of playing Azariah (daughter of Elaith), I went ahead and used the storyline return of the Shadow Thieves and sicked them (through Elaith) onto finding out what the Shadow Thieves are up to and hopefully making their lives hell.

We'll see how that turns out shortly!
Damian Naïlo Posted - 01 Aug 2005 : 04:18:23
Right now I'm running a pretty unique campaign. The deal is that Asmodeus' daughter, Glasya, has gathered a cabal of evil characters to find some ancient artifacts that will open giant Portals to the Elemental and Energy planes that would eventually flood Faerûn, and, of course, the PCs are bound to (try) to stop them. Of course, Glasya is keeping her identity pretty well hidden from everyone, even her "allies", since she's just doing this "because she's bored". What she ignores is that she's being subtly controlled by means of a new spell created by a Chosen of Shar.

My epic campaign stories include Shar, too (I can't help it, I love her). My main character, Damian, is in the middle of a wild race against the Shadovar for ancient Netherese treasures. Being a descendant of Netherese himself, he feels he's as worthy of claiming those treasures as Telamont Tanthul. Three of my PCs have already fought several of the Princes of Shade (yep, it's pretty epic). At the same time, several memebers of DIVINE (the name of Damian's group) are caught in other problems. One is fighting Kir-Lanan in the Earthspur Mountains, four of them are in open war against the Zhents for their shameless intrusion in the Silver Marches, and the rest are either in Undermountain or in some insanely impossible ruin of the Crown Wars. Pretty hectic situations we have there, believe me.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 23 Jul 2005 : 16:21:46
Our group currently has the following characters in it:

Novice Watcher Meriden Greystag, 5th level lawful good male human cleric of Helm, native of Cormyr

Emen, 3rd level lawful neutral half-ogre female monk, worshipper of helm, native of Cormyr

Mourn Nine-fingers, 1st level chaotic neutral lythari elf male sorcerer, worshipper of Corellon Larethian (in his aspect as a spoon that he carries in his pack), native to Cormanthyr

Grim Greycastle, 2nd/2nd neutral good human male rogue/druid, worshipper of Meilikki, native of Cormyr

Wulgar Browniefriend of Hillsafar Hall (currently on hiatus), 4th level shield dwarf male fighter, worshipper of Clanggedin Silverbeard, native to Hillsafar Hall in the Galena Mountains

The group rents a house on the outskirts of Ashabenford in Mistledale, and Meriden is involved with Haresk Malorn's daughter.

Currently, after a rather harrowing experience with the Shadovar and the Zhents IN Zhentil Keep, they are going to Anauroch to try to warn the Bedine about a trade agreement between the two groups.
Darkhope Posted - 23 Jul 2005 : 01:07:20
Male Drow Shade 16 Rouge/15 Cleric of Mask/7 Wizard = 44 ECL
Male Moon Elf 4 Figh/6 Ranger/10 Tempest/ 10 Dervish/10 Champion of Corellon/3 Cleric of Corellon = 43 ECL
Male Doppelganger 19 Rouge/9 Assassin/10 Void Incarnate = 42ECL
Female Human 6 Rouge/6 Sorceror/10 Arcane Trickster/1 Assassin/7 Monk/3 Psychic Warrior/7 Fist of Zuoken = 40 ECL
Male Drow Vampire 17 Wizard/10 Artificer/5 Archmage = 42 ECL
Female Drow 26 Psion(Seer)/10 Thrallherder = 38 ECL
Male Human 24 Cleric of Mask/10 Divine Oracle/5 Heirophant = 39 ECL
Male Human 16 Figh/10 Kensai/10 Legendary Dreadnought/5 Barbarian = 41 ECL

As you can see its a very very very epic game. Been running for a LONG time now. Currently the campaign is focused around Halaster of Undermountain. The party is adventuring/searching in Mulhorandi, Raurin Desert and Purple Plains of Dust for the lost Seven Imaskarcana. They have found three of them and delivered them to Halaster.
BlueDragon Posted - 22 Jul 2005 : 08:10:53
I'm half through my conversion of the old module "Ruins of Adventure". I'm planning on continuing the campaign with a conversion of "Curse of the Azure Bonds" and then ending it with scenarios based on the old computer games "Secret of the Silver Blades" and "Pool of Darkness".

The adventurers are:
Oskar (Male Dwarf Fighter 5)
Kheldor (Male Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 3)
Snyggve (Male Dwarf Fighter 4)
Himo (Male Elf Wizard 2)

The campaign are set to 1340 DR, and at the moment the PC's are planning on storming a Temple of Bane in the ruins of Phlan.
Thelonius Posted - 17 Jul 2005 : 20:42:18
At this time I am running two campaigns, firtst of them is settled in the tethyrian woods and has as main char an elf called Sardes Bal'Delyn, fighter wizard. Has epic proficiency with long blades, and is a powerful spellcaster too.

The second one is settled in Waterdeep, and has intrigue as core topic, the char is an elven female harper called Mariney Feralyf, and this is not very long yet, I am thinking is something related with strange assassinations executed by dopplegangers and the Black Web (yes i suppouse I am not very original ).

But Sardes is taking the most part of my time now.
Bjorn the Studious Posted - 17 Jul 2005 : 01:42:57
I am currently running a 3.5 game set in Hlondeth. the campaign began with the party forming to help one of the characters serve her blackmailing Tainted one master. After serving the tainted one, then slaying him in a bar brawl, the party has snuck into the temple of Talos, nearly all drowned on a flying dutchman, and is now serving a red wizard from the Hlondeth Enclave.

The characters all just turned 3rd level save one absent character(played away for the summer):

Our heroine, Luna Lucien, human female CN rogue/cleric of Llirra
Ching Chang, Shou refuge from Telflamm, human female LN monk/rogue
Dobyn Blackhammer, from the Mountains north of Turmish, CG male shield dwarf ranger 3
Ysithyl of Shilmista, Moon elf bard

and the missing character,
Rimbly the Deep gnome psion. He is only 1st level because of his +3 lvl adjustment and absence for the summer.

The party is in the sewers about to blunder into the ruins of Hlondeth's ancient temple of Auppenser.

Reefy Posted - 14 Jul 2005 : 16:53:17
Currently I'm getting some things together to start a brand new campaign after my players decided to bring the aforementioned long term campaign down by poking around in a red dragon's cave...

So far we've agreed upon the Western Heartlands and Sword Coast as the starting point, specifically Baldur's Gate. And one of my players is very keen to have some water-based action so that'll give me something to think about.
prototype00 Posted - 14 Jul 2005 : 15:59:57
Walking_English_Dictionary is not allowed to read this, you know who you are.
Okay, running a combi campaign based on the secrets of arch wood campaign found in dungeon 121, instead of just trying to carve a realm for herself, Quamara Keleidsa will also be a secret ally of the cult of dragon. In return for information leading to a lost artifact of Sammaster, the Cult transformed her into a half dragon and helped her take back her homestead from the resident Baelnorn.
The artifact itself is actually located in a minimally adjusted Fane of Scales located in Dungeon 106, and the Black Egg instead of generating hell-fire wyrms will instead draw upon the energy of those who die in the Fane of Scales to create Draco-liches.

Three brave adventurers step onto destiny's stage
Silvost Starweave, Gold Elf Olin Gisir, keeper of the darkest of elven secrets, and weilder of mighty enchantments, this silent and dour elf is determined to hold to his sworn duty. The sanctity of those who rest eternal will never be disturbed.
Lune Glorysun, Aasimar morninglord of Lathander, the heart of the party and its spiritual guidance, he is marked out for great things in the Morninglord's service. Those restless in death beware, oblivion arrives on bolts of glory.
Silas Thindol, Human (Thethyrian) invisible blade/dervish, whirling cleaving destruction, this young orphan was raised in the pits of dueling death in the Quivering Thumb Coliseum in Westgate. A graduate of that august academy he has known naught but carnage all his life. His heart never knows peace 'cept when he has a hymn to Tempus on his lips and a kukri to his opponent's vitals.

Level 13 NG, LG and N respectively.
Faramicos Posted - 06 Jul 2005 : 18:29:32
I am currently running an adventure set along the sword coast. It began with the characters getting deeply involved in the chaos of the times of trouble and the recovery of the Tablets.

I got inspired after reading a lot of the novels focusing on the Tomes of Trouble and thought it would be a cool period to place an adventure in.

But anyways. The characters were chased up and down the Sword Coast but survived TOT. They have recently tried to slay a dragon and suffered the bitter consequences of their folly and are recently on the run and have decided to go hide in the deep south of Calimshan, Amn and Tethyr.

I can reccomend playing during the Times of Trouble. It was a great adventure and spawned many magnificent sessions. Just remember to stay true to the gods and not ridicule them when portraing their avatars...
Reefy Posted - 05 Jul 2005 : 00:13:13
The long-term campaign I'm running is set in the Silver Marches and the High Forest. Currently Obould has launched his invasion and the PCs have been trying to bargain with a frost giant clan. After a couple of months of no play (two of us being at the other end of the country), I'll hopefully have it up and running again at the weekend.
Party consists of:
Male lightfoot halfling Druid 9 of Sheela Peryroyl
Male rock gnome Sorcerer 12
Female shield dwarf Barbarian 6/Battlerager 3
Male wood elf Ranger 10
Male human Rogue 9/Agent 1 (new PrC)
Female glomaing Bard 5/Troubadour 4 (new PrC; NPC)

I'm also playing as a human male Cleric 5/Harper Agent 2 of Eldath in Kaladorm's PBEM game. And a male gold dwarf Paladin 3 of Moradin in Hammer's on-hold PBEM game.
Bendal Posted - 04 Jul 2005 : 17:09:14
My campaign is based out of Yartar and focusses on the Evermoors and Silver Marches. The PC's are still exploring some ruins on the outskirts of a small village north of Yartar, and have disrupted some plans of a local band of greedy traders. They will soon be going to look for a lost dwarven hold now overrun with orcs, and learn more about the "big picture". Their party is made up of a 1/2 elf fighter, ranger, druid, sorceror/monk, wizard/cleric of Mystra, and an elvish rogue.

What's unusual about it is we're doing all the playing online. I have a camera that shows the map as they see it, and I change the view as they move around. Combat is run online using the honor system (they roll their dice to hit, damage and saves). I have a copy of their PC sheets and can speak privately with anyone if they alone see/hear/experience something.
Skeptic Posted - 04 Jul 2005 : 16:44:36
My current campaign (as a DM) is based on the return of the Shadow thieves to Waterdeep. Currently, they are trying to get rid of some agents of good organization. While doing that, they were "forced" to try to make a deal with the Dark Daggers (Vaherun (sp?) drow guild in Skullport) agains't the Xanathar.

Party :
Human(Tetyrian) male LE Rogue 6 / Fighter 2 going to a custom Shadow Thief of Waterdeep prc.
Human(Condathan) Monk 8 (from the Monk of the long death order)
Human(Condathan) Cleric of Gargauth 7
Drow female Wizard 6 (From Vaherun's (sp?) worshipers in Cormanthor, she stumbled on a portal that brought her to Ardeep forest)
Fey'ri female Rogue 5 / Asn1 (She was sent to infiltrate an organisation of Waterdeep)
Snotlord Posted - 03 Jul 2005 : 16:53:12
We worked out a backstory where the two was both prisoners of a goblin tribe and had to rely on each other to escape. Afterwards both found themselves short on allies in a strange city (Waterdeep), so they agreed to continue working together if something interesting came up (and it usually does).

It ain't Shakespeare, but it will be interesting to see how the players work this out when the folks back home in Evermeet and Menzoberranzan learn about the current events in Waterdeep. Both players (like myself) are fairly new to Faerun, so this should be fun.
SiriusBlack Posted - 03 Jul 2005 : 14:17:40
Originally posted by Snotlord
Now I'm pleased to have a female cleric of Mask, a drow rogue, two wanna-be blackguards (one with a musketeer approach on his character), a sun elf wizard and a human sorcerer.

It looks promising

How are the sun elf and the drow getting along? They must have interesting backstories for them to adventure together.
Sandhrune Posted - 02 Jul 2005 : 22:42:21
The one i am concentrating on most is an evil game set in Athkatla many of the players are Shadow Thieves and one is a Thayan Knight. It is looking very promising so far.
Snotlord Posted - 02 Jul 2005 : 18:29:30
My spanking new Waterdeep campaign debuted last week when all the players grew as tired of the Cormyr campaign as I am. Mid-Dungeon no less.

Now I'm pleased to have a female cleric of Mask, a drow rogue, two wanna-be blackguards (one with a musketeer approach on his character), a sun elf wizard and a human sorcerer.

It looks promising
Thureen Buroch Posted - 02 Jul 2005 : 16:37:22
I'm running 3 and a half campaigns.

The first is with one friend (I'm playing and NPC, but don't worry, he doesn't always "happen to guess" which corridor to go down, he's just there to help out in combat). Both characters are level 11, and we just finished the Dordrien Crypts in City of the Spider Queen.

I'm running a campaign with my mom (same deal with the NPC). They're both level eight, and they stopped the illithid-led drow raids from the Endless Caverns. They're now exploring the area of the Endless Caverns where the Illithid and Drow lived. They found seven crystal shards, each the same size, one for each color of the rainbow, on the illithid, and me mum's trying to figure out what they do ...

My half campaign was with three friends, until only one of them would show up consistantly, and he got ahead three levels of one, and two of the other, so soon I'll start a new campaign with them, and have the one who's three levels ahead create a new character to play only when the others are around.

This same person is now going through a campaign to find the seven pieces of an artifact. Right now he's in Innaralith on the Lake of Steam and finding out a little about Ransar Pristoleph ... but I have more about this later, under "Heian Galanodel's Quest" in the adventuring section of the Forgotten Realms Journals forum.
Grunker Posted - 24 Jun 2005 : 12:35:59
I'm running a campaign that started out from Yûlash, dealing with their realtions to Zhentil Keep. I sent my PC's to the "Bell in the Deep" a couple of times to. I've been running this campaign for two years, many times a week, now so the characters are quite high level. They are currently in a pocket plane created by an unknown creature, and they're there to uncover who's behind a spider's web of enemies they've had as of late. It's quite interesting because the PC's has yet to find out why they're being attacked.

Anyways, the levels:

1) Human Male Fighter level 17, by the name of Chilius
2) Mojh (genderless) Magister (Class and race from Arcana Unearthed) level 14
3) High Elf Female (Race from my own compendium) ranger level 15 by the name of Elrith (sister of Dorley)
4) Human Male Paladin of Helm (Who might just fall to worship Bane) level 17 by the name of Viktor
5) Human Male Paladin (Knight of the Chalice) of Torm level 15 by the name of Cedric
6) High Elf Male fighter level 17 by the name of Dorley (Brother of Elrith)
7) Giant Male Warmain (also from Arcana Unearthed) (Mercykiller) level 14

The party has been to Sigil a couple of times to.


Mimre, old and very odd woman, very friendly, the charachters closest ally (in reality the middle of the spider's web, and their enemy)

Tip Times Ten, old Ogre woman.

As Viktor has become a General in the Cormyrian Armies, I've had to bring Caladnei in as an NPC to.
Sgain Posted - 20 Jun 2005 : 17:05:43
Running a game on GhostOrb based around Secomber and the High Forrest, I've bashed together some old 2e modules and such into a rather entertaining plot. All five characters are 4th level right now, and the game is moving along nicely despite it being almost a beta test of Ghost Orb.

Another campaign I'm running is a PnP game with my long time group; we started in The Cloud Peaks (in Northern Amn) where I ran the first two 3.5 edition modules (Sunless citadel and Lost Forge) which I bashed together in a rather long single module. The group then went to Athkatla for a while where they got into trouble with a group of assassins, prompting them to accept a high-risk, high-pay job that normally they would have suspected as a setup (it was). After a bit of travel they were ambushed by members of the Cult of the Dragon, and after some rather nasty fights they broke into their small base and found a portal..with nary a thought they activated it and jumped through.

Now they are in the Polyandrium trying to figure a way into Myth Drannor without getting spotted by the hordes of Undead, Demons and Cultists that surround it....

Average level in this group is 7th. Well balanced party of five who've all played together for years so they respond really well to stress situations (usually).

I don't follow the 'Canon' that seems to be a hot topic around here, as I usually just use the game NPC's and history as distant background (especially since I don't think that players would have much involvement in dealing with nobility..).

Both games are going well and I'm pretty happy with them.

Antareana Posted - 20 Jun 2005 : 03:09:54
I have a Parallel-Universe-FR Campaign at the moment which is pretty much fun to DM since I never evoked so much emotions in my nearly all-males group
It is a very dark world indeed and they try to find their role in that world and whether or not they stand outside of the circle of fate
they are all Levels 3-6 and:
one 15 year old human Psionicist (who wants to fight a Bane worshipping High Lord because he "uses" a girl who looks like his love as a kind of pet)
one dwarven cleric of Grumbar (who wants to take care for all that "children")
one 18 year old human sorceress who is the sister of above psion(and aho is madly in love with the swashbuckler)
one 17 year old human swashbuckler (who only wants to live in peace - no matter where)
one 18 year old human fighter (who lost his family and loves a silver-haired seemingly powerful woman who doesn't know who she is and what she should do)
The Sage Posted - 17 Jun 2005 : 14:31:45
I'm in-between continuous campaigns at the moment. I've ran plenty of one-shots to keep my players satisfied, but I've been spending most of my campaign-preparation time coupling together an 'Athalantan-based' campaign series. This means studying Ed's material on the realm from Dragon #228 and taking notes from most of the novels in the 'Elminster' series that deal with Athalantar in any way.

It'll like be a low-level campaign for the most part, and will focus mainly around the relationship between Athalantar, Calimshan, and the Tashalar.
Dargoth Posted - 17 Jun 2005 : 13:43:05
Currently running a campaign with the following characters

Shield Dwarf Fighter/Prime Underdark guide
Human Fighter
Human Cleric of Tempus/Runecaster
Human Wizard

All are currently 10th level and doing city of the Spider queen
zemd Posted - 17 Jun 2005 : 10:25:58
I will soon finish a campaign i began long ago (3 or 4 years). It's based upon the alliance of different faction (good and evil) against a greater threat. My players are at the center of a matter that can be compared to the ToT in intensity. Next week is probably the last game.

And i'll begin a new one soon. My players will begin in skullport as slaves and will be sold to a rich personn that wants a huge statue of himself to be built in undermountain, that's for the introduction and i will write down here when we'll play

I also run a game at CoC and COPS (french game) but if i remember welle Alaundo doesn't really like when we speak about any unforgotten realms
Hoondatha Posted - 17 Jun 2005 : 07:04:13
I'm currently running two very high powered 2e games.

In one, I have a PC High Mage running around trying to gather everything she needs to imprison Shar with High Magic, in revenger for some of Shar's worshiipers killing her husband. The other PC's have decided to help out, and are calling in contacts of their own. I personally love this campgain because it has the potential to go on FOREVER, and I never have to worry about sending the PC's to obscure places or throwing the deadliest monsters at them I can find. All levels are beyond 20.

The other campaign is based around a PC chronomancer. Here I've extensively used both Arcane Age boxed sets. The PC's wanted to see the fall of both Netheril and Myth Drannor, and I obliged. They barely survived.

The campaign is currently on hiatus. The group wanted to do an epic adventure along the lines of Back to the Future II or the video game Chrono Trigger. The premise is that, somewhere in Faerun's history, someone changed one event, and it's turned modern Faerun into a nightmare. The only PC who survived the change is the chronomancer, protected by the last gasp of Labelas's power.

Now the chronomancer has to figure out what changed, and who did it, and how to undo everything, jumping through time and recruiting a band of epic heroes to help him. As you can imagine, the set up for this one is taking rather longer than I had anticipated. Levels are 14-16.

I'm also beginning the research for running Night Below, but I haven't figured out where to place it yet. I'm thinking of setting it somewhere around 900 DR, but nothing is nailed down yet. In that campaign the PC's will start at 2nd level.
Beowulf Posted - 16 Jun 2005 : 19:16:38

Right now I'm playing out an apocolyptic campaign based upon the historic precedent embodied by the Age of Dragons, combined with Maglas' prophecy regarding the return of Dragon-rule, and tied in with the Cult of Tiamat and Sammaster.

Sammaster and Tiamat have decimated Cormyr, the Tunlands, the Sunset Vale, and have taken over the Darkhold. They are presently (1374 DR) org ... well ... if you check out the campaign journal called "And Dragons Shall Rule" I will soon tell what the CoT has been up to in the year 1374 DR.

My players are presently part of a great quest involving numerous adventuring bands and bent on establishing the veracity of certain elfin legends (which are to the elves what Homer's Greece is to us) that speak of the Orbs of Dragonkind, and if they are true, to find and claim the Orbs as, perhaps, mankind's last hope. They have tracked the Green Orb til a mere 50 odd years ago, but still have a ways to go yet.

The pc's are between 8th and 10th level ... after about 2 - 3 years of regular 2nd Ed. play.
Fletcher Posted - 16 Jun 2005 : 18:53:43
I have two games going, One is just starting out in Sembia, using the Fellaren-krae setting and expanding the area a bit. They are currently trying to renovate a temple of Oghma that has lain dormant since the retreat of the forces of good from the fall of Myth-Drannor. The cleric has pulled the rest of the party into a quest to re-start the military branch of the church of Oghma.

Party consists of the following Players:
Human Rogue 3 planning on becoming an invisible blade.
Human Psychic Warrior 3
Human Cleric of Oghma 3
Human Warmage of Halruaa 3
Dwarven fighter 4

Human Rogue 5 Devout follower of Oghma, and supporter of the cleric of Oghma.

The second game has been an on going game for over 7 years that has become an epic level campaign that has 2 players(both original party members) remaining. By its very nature this epic level game covers lots of ground. It started in Cormyr during the orcish invasion, moved to the planes, then to Evermeet. Now it is beginning to split into activities in the elven forest of Cormanthyr, and a new planar quest to search for a missing NPC.

Gold elf wizard level 23
Gold elf Fighter 12, Bard 10.

Gads of intermittent NPC's of various levels.
Most constant/ consistent:
Half-elven eldritch knight total level 15
Human fighter level 8
Elven arcane archer 17
Human fighter level 19 (missing NPC)

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