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 Adventures in Calimshan

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Herr Doktor Posted - 24 Mar 2005 : 18:35:23
I've recently begun setting up for a 3.5 D&D campaign that will begin in Calimshan. Before I began planning for this campaign I'd never really read any of the material on Calimshan, so it's all rather unfamiliar.

The campaign features two PCs (possibly a third) who are locals of Calimshan, both humans, one a mage, one a scimitar wielding fighter.

I am having some trouble coming up with adventure ideas, I like to provide my players with as many adventure hooks as is possible, but my unfamiliarity with what is the norm in Calimshan is causing me some distress.

If you can share any past Calishite adventures you've run, or new plot ideas, et cetera, I'd appreciate it.

Thank you.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Snotlord Posted - 29 Mar 2005 : 08:48:58
Good luck with your campaign!
Herr Doktor Posted - 29 Mar 2005 : 00:20:48
Yep, yep, I've most of the sourcebooks. Thanks to all who've responded. What I was looking for was a list similar to Snotlord's post (especially thanks to you, I believe I'll be using that Rana Mor fitted into the Chultan penissula bit).

If anyone else has anything to add of the sort, or other more obscure sources, please respond.

Thanks again.
DDH_101 Posted - 27 Mar 2005 : 04:17:55
Herr Doktor, have you seen the Calimshan sourcebook? You can download that for free at WotC's site. It has a lot of good information.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 25 Mar 2005 : 22:23:43
Originally posted by Snotlord


* A scholar is outfitting a sea voyage to Chult to explore a ruined temple. If you can find it, use Rana Mor from Dungeon magazine.
* The Shadovar is searching for a hidden vault below the city (Dark Calimport? Check out LEOF for info), and hires the characters to do some legwork and eventually take the fall when the pasha takes interest in the matter.
* The drow is investigating the death of the demon lord in the nearby swamp (can't remember the name), hoping to find some clues on the Silence of Lolth, and need maps of the area. They brutally murder a local cartographer who also happen to be a friend of the PC mage. See Empires of the Sands, but note that the demon was slain during the TOT.
* A slave trader is outfitting a raiding party into Tethyr, and wants to hire the characters to lead it. I may not lead to grand adventure (if it does, please share!), but it should give the players a moral dilemma to chew on.

Hope this helps

That's some pretty good stuff.
SiriusBlack Posted - 25 Mar 2005 : 20:16:20
Originally posted by Mareka

No problem. This link offers a general overview for the issue.
Mareka Posted - 25 Mar 2005 : 19:59:29
Originally posted by SiriusBlack
I believe it is Dungeon #86.

SiriusBlack Posted - 25 Mar 2005 : 19:35:24
Originally posted by Mareka
Which issue of Dungeon is this adventure in?

I believe it is Dungeon #86.
Mareka Posted - 25 Mar 2005 : 19:08:47
Originally posted by green knight
I love that adventure one of Richard Bakers best work. I set it in the jungles south of the Chultan penninsula I made it the centerpeice of a whole campaign. The Pcs were hired on by a wealthy patron with a ship they sailed around in.

Which issue of Dungeon is this adventure in?
green knight Posted - 25 Mar 2005 : 15:11:56
* A scholar is outfitting a sea voyage to Chult to explore a ruined temple. If you can find it, use Rana Mor from Dungeon magazine.

I love that adventure one of Richard Bakers best work. I set it in the jungles south of the Chultan penninsula I made it the centerpeice of a whole campaign. The Pcs were hired on by a wealthy patron with a ship they sailed around in.

Green Knight
Snotlord Posted - 25 Mar 2005 : 14:56:43

* A scholar is outfitting a sea voyage to Chult to explore a ruined temple. If you can find it, use Rana Mor from Dungeon magazine.
* The Shadovar is searching for a hidden vault below the city (Dark Calimport? Check out LEOF for info), and hires the characters to do some legwork and eventually take the fall when the pasha takes interest in the matter.
* The drow is investigating the death of the demon lord in the nearby swamp (can't remember the name), hoping to find some clues on the Silence of Lolth, and need maps of the area. They brutally murder a local cartographer who also happen to be a friend of the PC mage. See Empires of the Sands, but note that the demon was slain during the TOT.
* A slave trader is outfitting a raiding party into Tethyr, and wants to hire the characters to lead it. I may not lead to grand adventure (if it does, please share!), but it should give the players a moral dilemma to chew on.

Hope this helps
Kajehase Posted - 25 Mar 2005 : 11:30:20
Originally posted by Herr Doktor

If you can share any past Calishite adventures you've run, or new plot ideas, et cetera, I'd appreciate it.

Thank you.

I once had my PCs investigate a series of killings on Prist(esses) of Sune.
They were carried out by followers of Shar, as part of the deities revenge for Sune rescuing Sharess during the TOT.

And there's always the Twisted Rune lurking behind the scenes...
*cackles dustily*
SiriusBlack Posted - 25 Mar 2005 : 01:45:11
Originally posted by Herr Doktor
If you can share any past Calishite adventures you've run, or new plot ideas, et cetera, I'd appreciate it.

Thank you. [/font=Georgia]

One of the plot hooks in the FRCS for this region involves "The Rundeen." If you can gain access to the old tome, Cloak & Dagger it has some detailed information on this organization.
Chosen of Bane Posted - 25 Mar 2005 : 00:40:15
I've never ran a campaign in Calimshan myself but I am up to date on the lore. You can run pretty much any desert based adventure in Calimshan, maybe check out the new WOTC book Sandstorm. Maybe the PC's can travel acrossed the Huge Calim Desert and find lost ruins or something like that.

If you are in Calimport, the major city of Calimshan than you need to know that it is dominated by guilds (thieves). I would think a campaign in Calimport would almost have to involve the guilds in some way.

Sorry I don't have much in the way of specific ideas.

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