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 The Waterdeep Times

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Melfius Posted - 28 Feb 2005 : 02:48:51
I am preparing for a major campaign starting in Waterdeep. What I would like to know is if any of the authors/designers could give me some 'events' that would be making the news in Waterdeep during the period between Shieldmeet and the end of the year. I'm trying to make this as fluid and realistic of an adventure as possible, and it would be great if I could include events happening that may or may not influence the course of my adventure, or the choices my players make. Anything that the town criers would be yelling, or the local news rags would be plastering on the front pages, or even a few tavern rumors. What I'm looking to do is have a timetable prepared so I may introduce new items as they occur.

ANY assistance would be very much appreciated.
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Markustay Posted - 04 Oct 2014 : 15:18:17
Very cool - I hadn't been aware the site was down now. No wonder a bunch of my links don't work anymore.

Weird that you bring this up - I was just considering a Skullport newspaper m'self: 'The Dark Times'.
Knightfall Posted - 04 Oct 2014 : 04:36:59
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Not that I am aware of, but you could always use the Internet Wayback Machine to pull those pages up, as they existed at some prior point in time. The dates in this scroll would obviously be a good target.

I did find it on the Wayback Machine; I was just curious to see if he moved it elsewhere. I'm considering compiling it all into a PDF file, but I don't want to do work that he might have done already.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Oct 2014 : 19:56:59
Not that I am aware of, but you could always use the Internet Wayback Machine to pull those pages up, as they existed at some prior point in time. The dates in this scroll would obviously be a good target.
Knightfall Posted - 02 Oct 2014 : 19:15:29
Does anyone know if AJA moved his Waterdeep Herald pages to another site after Geocities closed?
Melfius Posted - 01 Mar 2005 : 04:09:51
Heck, at this point I'D go into purring persuasion mode!

But I'm sure your mode would have a better effect. Heck, it would HAVE an effect!

The Hooded One Posted - 01 Mar 2005 : 03:32:16
Ed of the Greenwood wrote many "breaking news" events in Waterdeep for the WotC website more than a year ago, and they haven't yet appeared.
I'm wondering if they're saving them to "support" the Waterdeep sourcebook and novel . . .
Hmmm. Must ask Ed in full purring persuasion mode . . .
love to all,
George Krashos Posted - 01 Mar 2005 : 00:56:21
Yep, AJA's Waterdeep Herald articles are some of my favourite "unofficial" Realmslore ever. Great work.

-- George Krashos
tauster Posted - 28 Feb 2005 : 16:56:00
melfius, i donŽt know the year of your campaign, but perhaps youŽll find the following link useful:

i was overjoyed when i found it by accident and after reading through the fist few pieces, it slowly dawned on me how much work was put in these pages!

for additional "street flair", there are City Watch Event/Encounter Tables on the same site:

well... before typing all the other useful links ot that site, i might as well copy&paste the url of the homepage:

hope youŽll enjoy reading as much as i did!

when you still need ideas, try both "ruins of undermountain"- boxes, they contain several adventures that link UM and waterdeep.

another homepage dedicated to the city of splendors:
i use their tavern "the dancing cyclops" in my campaign.
they have detailed an entire city block:

"chapter 1" on this page contains hommade stuff about waterdeep:

Kuje Posted - 28 Feb 2005 : 16:53:20

Alicia could be returning again from the Moonshaes. Yeah that was in one of the Waterdeep sourcebooks but it could be reused. :)

Kidnapping of nobles, ambassadors, guild members/leaders, etc.

Thieves who have stolen from the rich.

Taverns/festhalls/inns that have just opened.

Galas/parties/events that nobles or the Open Lord or the temples or mages or anyone are having. There's always parties going on in Waterdeep. :)

Ships that might have gone missing.

News from outside the city.

I'd try to grab a copy of City System just for the random street scene booklet as well. :) Invaluable. Also WOTC did a Waterdeep article for the broadsheets a few years back. I linked them in my FR FAQ over on the WOTC boards.
Melfius Posted - 28 Feb 2005 : 09:13:40
Yeah, yeah, I know. Don't I get any points for impatience?
Dargoth Posted - 28 Feb 2005 : 04:59:21
A 3.5ed Waterdeep source book comes out this year around June/July called city of Spelendors

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