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 Beneath the Twisted Tower

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Phantom_Lord Posted - 22 Jun 2004 : 18:15:26
Okay. I'm running a campaign set in the Dalelands, the time period is just after the Lashan War (in fact, this adventure is taking place after Fall of Lashan).

What I would like to find out from you peeps is if anyone of you have run BtTT(Beneath the Twisted Tower) in 3e/3.5e? If so could you share with me the changes and adaptations that you good folks made?

Ideas and suggestions are welcome too! Thanks in advance!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JoeMorgan Posted - 21 Dec 2015 : 14:06:43
Originally posted by Evrat

Where can I find the original module ?

It was in the Shadowdale book of the 2nd Edition Forgotten Realms boxed set:
Evrat Posted - 21 Dec 2015 : 13:08:59
Where can I find the original module ?
Joebing Posted - 03 Dec 2015 : 02:05:58
Awesome! Thanks!
JoeMorgan Posted - 02 Dec 2015 : 21:52:30
Sorry, I let that domain lapse. You can find the word doc of the conversion here:

Joebing Posted - 02 Dec 2015 : 21:38:42
Did anyone ever grab Joe's conversion? I just got to converting this one (been on a spree in the Dales lately) and was browsing for info when I found this.
Dalor Darden Posted - 25 Mar 2014 : 22:09:53
Thanks Joe!
Pluddon Posted - 25 Mar 2014 : 21:43:18
I ran this adventure fairly recently for a 2E game. I realized that the party ( which started going in at first level) became a very formidable force with their new, non-magical, overpowered drow armor and weapons. Sure it only worked underground but that is were the whole thing took place! I had to beef up some of the encounters down there, but it led to a very fun campaign and set up some good opportunities for a solid story.
JoeMorgan Posted - 20 Mar 2014 : 12:57:56
Many years (and at least one edition) later, I finally got around to converting this for a new campaign I started up somewhat recently. Posting a link here for anyone who is interested. Note that I only wrote parts that I felt needed to be updated--you'll still need the original source material to run the adventure:
Zireael Posted - 08 Jun 2010 : 10:27:34
The idea of making this module for 3.5 is great. Wish somebody actually did the conversion...
Crust Posted - 24 Jun 2004 : 04:54:53
Originally posted by Phantom_Lord

Interesting suggestion, good for higher level parties. But the party that I'm doing the adventure with is 2nd level and around seven players.

I would however prefer to stay more true to original adventure, try and keep the same monsters as well (if CR permits).

Crust, do you have any files that you made for conversions and stuff?

No, I don't have any files with conversions. Sorry.
SiriusBlack Posted - 23 Jun 2004 : 19:38:06
Originally posted by Phantom_Lord
My bad. The time period would be 1356 DR through to 1358 DR, just before the time of troubles.

Thanks. I knew it was in the past, but wasn't certain of the exact time frame.
Phantom_Lord Posted - 23 Jun 2004 : 19:18:57
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by Phantom_Lord

Okay. I'm running a campaign set in the Dalelands, the time period is just after the Lashan War (in fact, this adventure is taking place after Fall of Lashan).

What year would that be?

My bad. The time period would be 1356 DR through to 1358 DR, just before the time of troubles.
SiriusBlack Posted - 23 Jun 2004 : 16:12:58
Originally posted by Phantom_Lord

Okay. I'm running a campaign set in the Dalelands, the time period is just after the Lashan War (in fact, this adventure is taking place after Fall of Lashan).

What year would that be?
Phantom_Lord Posted - 23 Jun 2004 : 07:28:28
Interesting suggestion, good for higher level parties. But the party that I'm doing the adventure with is 2nd level and around seven players.

I would however prefer to stay more true to original adventure, try and keep the same monsters as well (if CR permits).

Crust, do you have any files that you made for conversions and stuff?

Crust Posted - 22 Jun 2004 : 20:13:25
I've based two campaigns in Shadowdale, one in 2E, the other in 3E and later 3.5. Beneath the Twisted Tower was the first adventure I ever DMed in FR, so I feel qualified to help.

The best thing about the Twisted Tower is that there is always an excuse to have drow attack. I've had drow assault the Twisted Tower since that first adventure beneath the tower.

You might think about using Castle Grimstead, found to the northwest of Shadowdale, as another possible dungeon delve. I turned that ruined castle into a 10+ level dungeon that had everything from goblins and carrion crawlers to vampire lords, liches, and ancient dragons.

The Twisted Tower adventure itself is fun. It shouldn't take much to convert it to 3.5. Just think up some DCs on the fly and you should be alright.

When gaming in Shadowdale, it's important to remember that there are a number of humbling NPC characters in the area such as Elminster, Storm, Sylune, the Knights of Myth Drannor, and the occasional appearance of The Simbul. PCs in this area shouldn't expect to be overshadowing these characters, so the desire to move on and find fortune and fame elsewhere might kick in. However, those characters can act as excellent mentors to the PCs. The PCs might find themselves as the heroes of the dungeons beneath the Tower only because the Chosen and other NPCs know that such a quest might fashion the next generation of powerful wardens of the Dales (much like the way my campaign has been running).

I love the Dales. Especially Shadowdale. It's definitely home for my players and me. Enjoy!

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