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 Music and songs in my campaign

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alberto_Magnus Posted - 19 Jan 2025 : 07:41:30
In my current campaing music is a central theme (both in its magical and mundane aspects). Being a musician and having one of my players who is a professional singer, I have written bard and tavern songs which the players have heard of will hear throughout the campaign.

All the songs have been written and are in the process of being arranged, then will be recorded and I will share them with all the Sages here, if you like I'd appreciate feedback/critcism.

Some are crucial to the arc and mark some dramatic turns in the story, some have a lighter tone.

The following is a spicy/bawdy ballad which in my campaign (set in 1350 DR) is spreading in Cormyr.

For now I'll just share the lyrics, when I'm satisfied with the musical arrangements I'll post the whole song with a link to the music (and, if you like, you may use them in your Realms adventures).


Oh, have you heard of Marsember's pride,
The milkmaid fair with a bosom wide?
With cheeks so rosy and curls of gold,
Her charms could make the stoutest man bold.

Her buckets clink as she starts her chore,
But the lads line up outside her door.
For the cows, you see, must wait their turn,
When hearts for her do ache and burn.

Oh, milkmaid sweet, with a wink so sly,
Your pails runneth over, and so do the sighs.
With hands so soft and a heart so free,
Who wouldn't want a taste of thee?

By the docks of Marsember, she takes her stroll,
And sailors weep for their lost control.
"The milkmaid's here!" they shout with glee,
"For more than milk flows when she pours her tea!"

Her smile can melt the fiercest knight,
Her laugh, a lantern in the night.
She swears she’s just a humble maid,
But oh, the tales the taverns trade!


So raise your cups to Marsember's star,
The milkmaid loved both near and far.
For though she tends the cows by day,
She keeps the lads from straying away.

Final Chorus:

Oh, milkmaid sweet, with a wink so sly,
Your pails runneth over, and so do the sighs.
With hands so soft and a heart so free,
Long may we sing of her, with glee!

*IRL credits: Lyrics and music by Alberto Brandi
*In-game: Written and performed by Sheyloon and the Celestial Chords (an itinerant minstrel ensemble from Sembia, currently touring Cormyr)

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