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 Ideal 3.5 Edition Anti-Cold Creature Party?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Galuf the Dwarf Posted - 18 Dec 2024 : 01:28:45
Given how it's just about Winter here in the Northern Hemisphere, I figure this would be appropriate.

My ideas:
1) Monk of Kossuth - either the Disciples of the Phoenix (Champions of Valor, the Brothers and Sisters of the Purifying Flame, or Order of the Salamander, depending on alignment - with substitution levels or such to help them deal fire damage.

2) Ranger with Cold subtype as top Favored Enemy

3) Cleric of a deity with the Fire Domain.

4) Druid who focuses on spells that mitigate cold damage and cause fire damage (ex: Flame Strike, Sunfire, etc.)

5) Dragonfire Adept (or as I might rename it, Dragonbreath Adept), Sorcerer, Warlock, Warmage or Wizard with access to breath weapons, spells or invocations that cause fire damage. Spells or invocations that protect against cold are a plus.

A Paladin I'm stretching to find a place for in this. Maybe if there were lots of fiends, undead, or just creatures of evil alignment with the Cold subtype or such. Anything else, I'd leave up to the DM and player.

How about that?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Galuf the Dwarf Posted - 19 Dec 2024 : 01:33:05
Originally posted by DoveArrow

There's a prestige class in Dragon Magazine 283 on p. 84, called Flame Steward. It's intended for Eberron but I could see reskinning it for a paladin of Kossuth.

Last I knew in 3.5 Edition, Kossuth didn't have Paladins (canonically), at least of the LG/Paladin of Virtue variety. 4th (especially) and/or 5th (just guessing; I don't know ANYTHING about 5th), maybe.
DoveArrow Posted - 18 Dec 2024 : 23:08:11
There's a prestige class in Dragon Magazine 283 on p. 84, called Flame Steward. It's intended for Eberron but I could see reskinning it for a paladin of Kossuth.

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