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 Political Situation of the Pirate Isles in 1370 DR

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Trumm Posted - 26 May 2024 : 12:28:36
I wondered, if there is any official information on the political situation of the Pirate Isles in 1370 DR (after the Twelfth Seros War).

I know that the events from the "Threat from the Sea" bring some changes to the power structure, but im currently yet to finish the
first novel.

As far as I know, Vurgrom defeated Gasteban and had Teldar flee into exile in 1363 DR, but will in turn be defeated (killed?) by Jherek Wolf's-get,
while Azla acts as some sort of ally for Jherek and his companions.

As my PCs have just sailed out into the Sea of fallen stars towards the Pirate Isles (in late 1370), I'd like to get a feel for the current situation:
Did the pirate suffer heavy losses in Vurgroms defeat?
Is there a power vacuum?
Do the events from the novels make Azla a contender for the title of Pirate Lord?
Might Teldar return from exile?

Any insights and suggestions would be very welcome.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Trumm Posted - 29 May 2024 : 07:49:59
Thanks a lot for the hint! Yes, Sea of Fallen Stars is set in 1370-1371 DR.

There isn't much information on the Pirate Isles and most of it doubles with the lore in Pirates of the Fallen Stars (1359 DR),
but I could find the following on the current situation:

- The pirate fleets lost more than a third of their ships in a great whirpool in Uktar 1369 DR (I assume that this is connected to Iakhovas and the Twelfth Seros War)
- More than 25 ships of Vurgroms fleet where dragged down by a (probably the same) whirlpool. Vurgrom was defeated and is no longer in charge of Mirg Isle.
It is whispered, that Xenz has taken control of the isle.
- Azla and here flagship the Azure Dagger also fell victim to the great whirlpool, her followers fight to claim her succession.

All in all, the pirates seem to have lost huge parts of their fleets and there seems to be a power vacuum. None of the prominent captains mentioned in
Pirates of the the Fallen Stars seems to be present any more.

I definitely plan to run Operation Manta Ray. In the near future the party will run into the sister of one of the PCs who has turned pirate captain, but is
actually a member of the Silver Ravens, spying for Sembia.
The same PC is a priest of Valkur, thus your point about the involvement of priests and the current crisis of umberlant faith sounds very promising too.

Thanks a lot!

TBeholder Posted - 28 May 2024 : 23:15:43
Isn't Sea of Fallen Stars at 1370-1371 DR? No idea when Operation Manta Ray is supposed to happen.
Either way, consider various priests as another layer of this mess. Awe for Umberlee worn out in mere years, but...

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