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 Best Resources for details on the Vast

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tarlyn Posted - 01 Mar 2022 : 15:20:05
Hello again Scribes,

I am interested in researching the Vast. What game products have the best details on that region?

Thanks for the information.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BadCatMan Posted - 28 Apr 2022 : 04:37:19
Originally posted by Quickleaf

Thanks BadCatMan for all your work on the wiki. I'm prepping a campaign involving Cormyr, Sembia, Dalelands, Dragon Coast, the Vast / Vesperin, and Pirate Isles. I am sure I've spent many bleary hours pouring over things you've written up there. :)

And we've spent many bleary hours writing it! But I'm glad to hear it and hope it's all useful and makes for a great lore-filled campaign.
Quickleaf Posted - 27 Apr 2022 : 18:54:04
Thanks BadCatMan for all your work on the wiki. I'm prepping a campaign involving Cormyr, Sembia, Dalelands, Dragon Coast, the Vast / Vesperin, and Pirate Isles. I am sure I've spent many bleary hours pouring over things you've written up there. :)
George Krashos Posted - 02 Mar 2022 : 09:01:49
Most if not all of the Polyhedron lore was reprinted in "The City of Ravens Bluff" sourcebook. But for something extra you need to track down "LC2 Inside Ravens Bluff - The Living City" for Ed's "Ravens Bluff and Environs" piece.

-- George Krashos
BadCatMan Posted - 02 Mar 2022 : 02:24:43
The Forgotten Realms Wiki, because I put just about everything on the Vast there. :) I and others have done some of Ravens Bluff, though it's not complete yet, and I never got to finish Tantras.
For more, deeper lore, you need the five Ravens Bluff sourcebooks and the Polyhedron magazine articles that visited various parts of the Vast but weren't reprinted in The City of Ravens Bluff, which I haven't had a chance to work on.
bloodtide_the_red Posted - 02 Mar 2022 : 01:35:05
The City of Raven's Bluff is just about the only Vast sourcebook. You can find bits in each edition Campaign Setting. Pirates of the Sea of Fallen Stars and The Sea of Fallen Stars have bits as the Vast is "close" to the sea.
HighOne Posted - 01 Mar 2022 : 16:14:38
I always look at the references for the respective FRWiki article to get an idea of what the best sources are. There are a lot for the Vast, but 1998's The City of Raven's Bluff appears to be one of the most cited.

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