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 Quest for Zeabos of the dark eight

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Erevan Illesere Posted - 24 Feb 2021 : 10:46:46
So my players are about to reach the maggot pit in Avernus in the age where Bel is the ruler. In the dungeon master guild supplement, "The dark eight and other devilish denizens" it says that Zaebos, one of the dark eight who handles demotion and promotion, lives here because she likes the sound of the moans of souls being cast into the maggot pits to be turned into devils to fight for the blood war. I like the idea since, by the description of her I've read, she seems to be someone who puts more faith in numbers than in anything else and the sound of devils being constantly created to fight in the blood war would be of great comfort to her. Now the maggot pit is very close to Tiamat's lair... so my question is: what quest would Zeabos give adventurers? I though that maybe she could ask the players to go to Armaros (who Ed Greenwood describes in Dragon magazine 91as a kind of mad scientist of hell)and to retrieve his new succesfull experiment: a Red Abishai. I considered that maybe in this period they weren't made yet and it's a good way for the players to get familiar with the abishai. Then, as soon as they have retrieved the abishai they have to escort it to Tiamat in exchange for a favor to Zaebos. The only problem is that i'm not sure the minister of demotions and promotions would care about getting favors from Tiamat.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
LordofBones Posted - 25 Feb 2021 : 11:59:45
The Dark Eight should really be run as Very Important People. If they're tapping on the PCs, they need to have a reason for it; the Dark Eight are basically Hell's government and don't deal with Little People.
Gary Dallison Posted - 25 Feb 2021 : 10:37:11
I'd view it somewhat differently.

The Dark Eight are among the most powerful of pit fiends of hell, they have innumerable minions of many varieties of lesser devils to do menial tasks for them.

The question is first, what does a powerful pit fiend and member of the Dark Eight want. The answer is usually the same for all powerful people, they want more power.

So what task would they give to an adventurer that could acquire them more power.

Anything they can send a minion to do is going to be official. Hell is organised and evil and people know who works for who (although subverting anothers minions is probably a major part of a devils activities).

I'm imagining that the adventurers would be a useful secret weapon that the devil can use a few times because it has no immediately apparent connection to him. They can be sent to sabotage, infiltrate, or assassinate a rival without anyone connecting the adventurers to the devil. Of course for this to work the missions have to be given in secret and probably not from the pit fiend himself.

THe adventurers do some damage to a rival and Zaebos gets to take over that work and increase his own prestige. If the adventurers are captured then Zaebos will presumably have arranged for their death (a powerful geas that causes them to die if captured perhaps). If they are successful it is equally possible that Zaebos would betray them and try and have them killed anyway and offer their corpses up as proof he is on the side of the devil (perhaps another member of the dark eight) that he had the adventurers interfere with.

Just some ideas to make the devils more dastardly and evil than a run of the mill gopher mission set in the nine hells.

Erevan Illesere Posted - 25 Feb 2021 : 07:50:40
Originally posted by LordofBones

Bodyguard duty. Zaebos is the most hated member of the Dark Eight.

Retrieval duty. A very sensitive document from Zimimar's offices has gone missing en-route to Zaebos's domain, and extra eyes and ears are always appreciated to get it back before the thief succeeds in auctioning it off to the 'loths.

Yeah maybe that's's better haha
I didn't figure Zaebos as someone who makes great scheming political moves so the quest to be just to retrieve documents sounds like her. Thanks for the help!
LordofBones Posted - 25 Feb 2021 : 00:08:02
Bodyguard duty. Zaebos is the most hated member of the Dark Eight.

Retrieval duty. A very sensitive document from Zimimar's offices has gone missing en-route to Zaebos's domain, and extra eyes and ears are always appreciated to get it back before the thief succeeds in auctioning it off to the 'loths.

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