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 Identifying a hill north of Loudwater.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
PattPlays Posted - 08 Jan 2021 : 09:38:18

Westdelve is for sure a surprise, as I have to grab some info about Dwarves Deep to see if there's anything more about it.

But.. what the heck is this hill's name north of Waterdeep? This map is from an older thread and is part of my growing collection of maps concerning the Delimbyr Vale.

My party is going to be traversing southward from Hollow Hill (a custom creation associated with a Netherese Enclave located by the "o" in Greypeak Mountains- and they will head down to Loudwater for payment of their tomb looting. I want to run a three province scale map long (two months of weekly games) hex crawl through this valley area. However.. there will be a hill on the horizon by the end of the third province map, 150 miles or so from Shining Falls (which I would HIGHLY APPRECIATE finding a map or otherwise illustration of the place! I am working on crafting my own map for the location, but I have no idea where to put these supposed Halfling farms are supposed to be exactly.) and I have no idea how to even begin researching it. I can't tell what the map says!

Dalaxrock? Datackrock? ???

Anyone got info on this hill? Storm King's Thunder also describes some kind of tower west of Orlbar so I'm going to research that later..
This is an inescapably vague region..

EDIT: My new research into the area has revealed Orlbar and Llorkh to be... vaguely alive in the year 1487? It's before the stone giants shatter the region in 1491 and after the last bandits get cleared out. Looks like I can populate the area with some settlers interested in reinstating civilization around here.. maybe throw a few caravans eastward to resettle it all..
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
PattPlays Posted - 16 Jan 2021 : 19:35:44
Originally posted by George Krashos

Originally posted by PattPlays

Really? The same module huh? Time to get me that book..
Thanks GK!

FR11 Dwarves Deep is one of the great sourcebooks of the Realms.

-- George Krashos

My first boubt of researh after crackin it open involved further debate-threads and random discoveries in image searching of the area north of this hill covering the return of a very old debate. The intended naming of the High Gap/Night Gap during the original drawing of the region in faerun maps. I also ended up bein back in hose original threads here about the "eastwood" and the positioning if the Hartblood/Heartblood river and Karse being sometimes south of and sometimes north of the Shining Falls- and whether or not there is another oatch of mountains west of the settlement- Shining Falls; not to mention Splendarmornn's exact location. That one is actually usefully vague, though.

<_<' I really want to chat with DM's who have run SKT and dealt with the stone giants in the area. Ask them how they think post-spellplague upper Delimbyr territory looks like. I'd imagine it might be terribly breathtaking to fly over the high gap and see so.. many.. biomes!

Edit: Also, have the seven hills of Westgate also been left vague across time? Because I have never seen them pinned as a location in any identifyiable place. I need to crack open the fratlas and check for the most blown uo view of the Dragonmere..
George Krashos Posted - 16 Jan 2021 : 04:50:03
Originally posted by PattPlays

Really? The same module huh? Time to get me that book..
Thanks GK!

FR11 Dwarves Deep is one of the great sourcebooks of the Realms.

-- George Krashos
PattPlays Posted - 09 Jan 2021 : 03:43:56
Really? The same module huh? Time to get me that book..
Thanks GK!
George Krashos Posted - 08 Jan 2021 : 15:31:59
It's Dahaurock, a hook-shaped bare rock crag. FR11 Dwarves Deep, p.52.

-- George Krashos

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