So as I continue to create and add content for my 4E games, one of the things that does sort of irk me now is the disservice to the multitude of deities just sort of "left" alone during 4E's run. I understand why they did this, and to a point I can empathize that a LOT of them are rather specific or redundant. Still, there's enough flexibility that you could incorporate them into your games without zero issues. Problem is, unless it got mentioned, it was lost to time. So I took the 5e Pantheon List and created one that uses 4E concepts (warpriest domains, domains, alignment) should someone want to run a 4E game and address some of these deities.
Deity Alignment Domains Domains
Akadi goddess of air N (unaligned) Storm (HotFL) Freedom, Storm
Amaunator god of the sun LN (unaligned) Sun (HotFL) Civilization, Justice, Sun
Asmodeus god of indulgence LE (evil) Domination (Drg#409) Civilization, Knowledge,
Torment, and Tyranny
Auril goddess of winter NE (evil) Storm (HotFL) Storm, Winter
Azuth god of wizardry LN (unaligned) Oghma (NCS) Arcana, Knowledge , Skill
Bane god of tyranny LE (evil) Domination (Drg#409) Civilization, Tyranny, War
Beshaba goddess of misfortune CE (chaotic evil) Trickery* Fate, Trickery
Bhaal god of murder NE (evil) Death (HoS) Death, Destruction, Trickery
Chauntea goddess of agriculture NG (good) Earth (Drg#392) Earth, Hope, Life
Cyric god of lies CE (chaotic evil) Trickery* Madness, Strife, Trickery
Deneir god of writing NG (good) Oghma (NCS) Arcana, Knowledge, Skill
Eldath goddess of peace NG (good) SunHotFL Civilization, Love, Protection
Gond god of craft N (unaligned) OghmaNCS Creation, Knowledge, Skill
Grumbar god of earth N (unaligned) Earth (Drg#392) Darkness, Earth
Gwaeron Windstrom god of tracking NG (good) Oghma (NCS) Change, Wilderness
Helm god of watchfulness LN (unaligned) Sun (HotFL) Civilization, Justice, Protection
Hoar god of revenge and retribution LN (unaligned) Torm (NCS) Strength, Vengeance, War
Ilmater god of endurance LG (lawful good) Sun (HotFL) Freedom, Hope, Life
Istishia god of water N (unaligned) Corellon (NCS) Destruction, Sea
Jergal scribe of the dead LN (unaligned) Death (HoS) Death, Fate, Torment
Kelemvore god of the dead LN (unaligned) Death (HoS) Death, Fate, Justice
Kossuth god of fire N (unaligned) Sun (HotFL) Destruction, Vengeance
Lathander god of dawn and renewal NG (good) Sun (HotFL) Creation, Hope, Sun
Leira goddess of illusion CN (unaligned) Trickery* Arcana, Trickery
Lliira goddess of joy CG (good) Sun (HotFL) Hope, Freedom
Loviatar goddess of pain LE (evil) Death HoS Torment, Vengeance
Malar god of the hunt CE (chaotic evil) Corellon (NCS) Strength, Wilderness
Mielikki goddess of forests NG (good) Corellon (NCS) Freedom, Wilderness
Milli goddess of poetry and song NG (good) Sun (HotFL) Civilization, Knowledge, Skill
Myrkul god of death NE (evil) Death (HoS) Arcana, Undeath
Mystra goddess of magic NG (good) Oghma (NCS) Arcana, Creation, Knowledge
Oghma god of knowledge N (unaligned) Oghma (NCS) Creation, Knowledge, Skill
The Red Knight goddess of strategy LN (unaligned) Torm (NCS) Civilization, Skill, War
Savras god of divination and fate LN (unaligned) Oghma (NCS) Arcana, Fate
Selϋne goddess of the moon CG (good) Selϋne (NCS) Arcana, Change, Moon
Shar goddess of darkness and loss NE (evil) Death (HoS), Trickery* Darkness, Knowledge, and Undeath
Silvanus god of nature N (unaligned) Earth (Drg#392) Life, Storm, Wilderness
Sune goddess of love and beauty CG (good) Sun (HotFL) Love, Skill, Trickery
Talona goddess of poison & disease NE(evil) Death (HoS) Destruction, Poison
Talos god of storms CE (chaotic evil) Storm (HotFL) Destruction, Storm
Tempus god of war N (unaligned) Torm (NCS) Protection, Strength, War
Torm god of courage & self-sacrifice LG (lawful good) Torm (NCS) Civilization, Justice, Protection
Tymora goddess of good fortune CG (good) Trickery* Change, Luck, Protection
Tyr god of justice LG (lawful good) Torm (NCS) Civilization, Justice, War
Umberlee goddess of the seas CE (chaotic evil) Storm (HotFL) Sea, Storm
Valkur Northlander god of sailors CG (good) Storm (HotFL), Torm (NCS) Protection, Sea
Waukeen goddess of trade N (unaligned) Oghma (NCS) Civilization, Knowledge
*Denotes new Warpriest Domain coming soon
HotFL: Heroes of the Fallen Lands
NCS: Neverwinter Campaign Setting
HoS: Heroes of Shadow
Drg#: Dragon Magazine issue