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 Map Keepers Guild (Looking for maps/a map archive)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tigon Posted - 10 Dec 2020 : 05:35:02
So I put a post up on the Sages of Forgotten Realms facebook group as well because I figure it may have more reach.

I am in search of Forgotten Realms Maps!

I am a SUCKER for maps. If there is already a post somewhere that is seeking to catalog all of the high resolution maps from Abeir-Toril, please feel to link me here and I'll just bump that so it can be continually updated.

So I finally purchased my own home and its always been a dream of mine to have a D&D room lined with maps that tie into my campaign. A world map, continent maps, region maps, city maps, Underdark maps, dungeon maps, and those that dont fit on the walls, I'll be looking to have printed to a size I can have them rolled up and pull them out on the table when needed. Some, may only see digital use but I'd still like to have access.

I do already have *most* of the 1st & 2nd edition modules. I was really disappointed when I found that there were huge discrepancies in the scale of the maps between modules back then and the maps dont actually fit together. I have the City System boxed set from 1e and since we're based in Waterdeep currently, that will take up a good chunk of one wall. While some other walls have a few things blocking them I do still have significant room to fill.

While I am trying to keep my campaign fairly close to canon, my players are not super versed in the realms so I dont need to go into deep detail for things like the SpellPlague or Second Sundering and in terms of maps I'm sticking as close to Ed's original maps as possible 1/2/5e.

So while I'm looking for maps that are not officially published by WOTC, by independent artists/cartographers, I would prefer them to be as close to 1/2/5e canon as possible so I can elect what I do or do not utilize in my campaign.

I'm looking for the best known maps of: Abeir-Toril (world map), Faerun, Kara-Tur, Maztica, and Zakhara (continental maps).

I found some really nicely done ones over at the Atlas of Ice & Fire, but im curious if there are other options out there?

I have *every* officially published 5e book, but as stated before I havent used *every* bit of their content and I refuse to remove the maps in these books out of them cause ive kind of got a nice collection at this point.

From World and Continental maps I'll want to dive down into regional maps and then some important city maps as well as, points of interest like dungeons or ruins and things.

Of particular interest are:

The Underdark (would love to get a print out on that clear plastic like they would use for overhead projectors to lay over my world map or over content/regional maps)

The Dalelands
The Shaar
The Landrise

City maps, with as much detail as possible:
Baldur's Gate
Neverwinter (without the damn Chasm)

Other places of interest such as Skullport, Candlekeep, the Vault of Records, Gauntlgrym, Mithrial Hall, Dungeon of the Death, Larloch'/Warlock's Crypt/Keep... the list goes on.
Honestly, im open to any high resolution, well made map, but there is no way i'm going to be able to find them all myself. Which is the reason for this post (which I'll be duplicating at Candlekeep as the source of truth, I just think Facebook will have a wider reach)

So please share your best/favorite Forgotten Realms maps in the comments below. My only requests: they be as close to canon as possible, fit with 1/2/5e lore and be high enough resolution to print at a poster size (if its a small location or area this could mean by 11"x17", but im not interested in anything smaller)

Im also open to the idea of collecting all the maps submitted here and putting them on a server as an archive for all to access and building an archive for them for posterity's sake.

So please, link to your favorite maps (or tell me how to find them)!
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Divinity Posted - 06 Jan 2021 : 19:03:57
I was recently approached by someone about my map and printing it. I'm not sure if that was you or not. It was done through the forum of the Cormyr world I play on. If it wasn't you, feel free to send me a message about it.

Currently formatted, mine is 138.9" x 88" at 100%.

Here's an example of what it'd look like on a wall:

A link to my map is in my signature.
cpthero2 Posted - 11 Dec 2020 : 06:03:01
Seeker Returnip,

If you look at the website, you will see they have a FB login. Since YOU did not provide a link, I tried to help.

I'm sorry to have to inform you of this, but the reason your text is suddenly large and brown is... it's a mark of shame. As Learned Scribe ElfBane indicated: you didn't provide a link. You must carry this shame for all of eternity now. ;) haha

Best regards,

Returnip Posted - 10 Dec 2020 : 23:22:51
Originally posted by ElfBane

Originally posted by Returnip

Originally posted by ElfBane

Originally posted by Returnip

There is a community called the Cartographers' Guild. I don't know much about them other than them being very good at maps. If you like to make maps it's a nice place to hang out. Or if you just like to look at nice maps.

It's on Facebook, Tigon

I don't book face. I'm talking about this:

If you look at the website, you will see they have a FB login. Since YOU did not provide a link, I tried to help.

Oh, I'm sorry. I thought the comment was directed at me. My bad.

EDIT: I have no idea why the text was suddenly large and brown.
ElfBane Posted - 10 Dec 2020 : 23:04:57
Originally posted by Returnip

Originally posted by ElfBane

Originally posted by Returnip

There is a community called the Cartographers' Guild. I don't know much about them other than them being very good at maps. If you like to make maps it's a nice place to hang out. Or if you just like to look at nice maps.

It's on Facebook, Tigon

I don't book face. I'm talking about this:

If you look at the website, you will see they have a FB login. Since YOU did not provide a link, I tried to help.
Returnip Posted - 10 Dec 2020 : 22:21:53
I had the 3.x version of the map of Faerūn printed on a big plotter after my original map broke. I have yet to have it framed and hung but I have it. And it's big. :D
TheIriaeban Posted - 10 Dec 2020 : 21:21:20
Originally posted by sleyvas

Just because I've kind of done something like what you want (having a map made for display), its worth considering the people that will print blankets. While its obviously not going to be as clear as a laser jet print, its more resilient (you can fold it up and put it away). Plus, it doubles as an interesting blanket. When I say that I mean for something that's pretty large scale (like a map of Faerun or a map of Zakhara, world map, etc...).

Interesting. I hadn't thought of a blanket. I was just going to see what the largest printer Fed Ex had and go with that. Thanks for the idea.
sleyvas Posted - 10 Dec 2020 : 21:02:56
Just because I've kind of done something like what you want (having a map made for display), its worth considering the people that will print blankets. While its obviously not going to be as clear as a laser jet print, its more resilient (you can fold it up and put it away). Plus, it doubles as an interesting blanket. When I say that I mean for something that's pretty large scale (like a map of Faerun or a map of Zakhara, world map, etc...).
Returnip Posted - 10 Dec 2020 : 19:35:13
Originally posted by ElfBane

Originally posted by Returnip

There is a community called the Cartographers' Guild. I don't know much about them other than them being very good at maps. If you like to make maps it's a nice place to hang out. Or if you just like to look at nice maps.

It's on Facebook, Tigon

I don't book face. I'm talking about this:
ElfBane Posted - 10 Dec 2020 : 19:25:53
Originally posted by Returnip

There is a community called the Cartographers' Guild. I don't know much about them other than them being very good at maps. If you like to make maps it's a nice place to hang out. Or if you just like to look at nice maps.

It's on Facebook, Tigon
Returnip Posted - 10 Dec 2020 : 16:25:59
There is a community called the Cartographers' Guild. I don't know much about them other than them being very good at maps. If you like to make maps it's a nice place to hang out. Or if you just like to look at nice maps.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 10 Dec 2020 : 16:22:50
You may want to check out Mike Schley's website. He's done a lot of the newer official maps, and they are beautiful maps.
TheIriaeban Posted - 10 Dec 2020 : 15:13:03
I am currently working on an updated Iriaebor map. The one in FRA doesn't include the stuff from Mark Anthony's novels and there are other issues with Iriaebor as shown (for instance, a simple calculation shows that the northeastern section of the Tor would only have an average slope of 30 degrees so it would be easily climbable). It is slow going since I am learning the mapping software as I work with it.
Tigon Posted - 10 Dec 2020 : 08:14:50
Awesome cpthero2, thank you. I seem to recall you answering me on another thread somewhere as well.

Maybe I'll reach out to Makrustay and see if he'd appreciate me hosting his archives. I work for a big tech company and have my own magical storage space in the clouds. XD
cpthero2 Posted - 10 Dec 2020 : 06:55:55
Acolyte Tigon,

Here is a great link to begin with for maps from Realms Explorer Markustay:

Best regards,

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