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 Basic Advice for Running the Realms?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The Cavalier Posted - 06 May 2020 : 19:26:04
Greetings all,

I'm currently running a game set in Baldur's Gate. I'm trying to familiarize myself with any and all info related to it (Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast, Murder in Baldur's Gate, Descent Into Avernus) and am wondering if there's any other sources I should be looking at. Also of interest to me is how exactly to bring the city alive in my player's eyes, as I am relatively inexperienced as a DM and want to share my passion for the city with them. Any and all advice would be appreciated!

Best Wishes
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpthero2 Posted - 06 Nov 2020 : 23:52:18
Acolyte Cavalier,

Assuming you are running 3.5/PF (you never know), you'll want to read that 3rd edition Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (lovingly referred to as the FRCS). That is a fantastic tome!

Best regards,

Lord Karsus Posted - 12 May 2020 : 01:00:06
-One of the biggest complaints about the Forgotten Realms is that there's "too much" and that DMs get overwhelmed trying to keep everything canon. It's impossible to play a game that is 100% canon, so don't even try. Use whatever books you have as a guide, but in the end it's your game.
Harksen Posted - 11 May 2020 : 19:50:37
Originally posted by The Cavalier

Greetings all,

I'm currently running a game set in Baldur's Gate. I'm trying to familiarize myself with any and all info related to it (Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast, Murder in Baldur's Gate, Descent Into Avernus) and am wondering if there's any other sources I should be looking at. Also of interest to me is how exactly to bring the city alive in my player's eyes, as I am relatively inexperienced as a DM and want to share my passion for the city with them. Any and all advice would be appreciated!

Best Wishes

Volo's guides are definitely worth using. I'd say have the PCs run into an NPC and/or a place you find interesting there. That alone can give a nice flavor.

Also, what is it you like about Baldur's Gate? If you can pin it down to something specific then you can also more easily describe it to the players, so they get the feel for it as well.

Just my coppers.
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 09 May 2020 : 00:24:20
I would say that it is the most "used" universe in D&D history, and that I mean as a compliment ultima. Yes all Universes meet up and are connected throughout the Multiverse, but Forgotten Realms is vast and complicated and my favorite.

I say do your own thing in the realms because whatever it is could very well fit into FR happenings and cosmos in general. Break rules, take rules out, add rules in, or just go with the books in general.

We play our realms in canon as far as the past is concerned and the present world-shaking events, but we have also altered the past in a minor way that doesn't affect the timeline or major events. Our present is pretty much the same way of our gameplay.

Now if your party kills a MAJOR name in your game, and the following year he is well and alive in Realms canon, then your group needs to ignore that somehow and go on with the game, or your party can be like "WHAT? HE'S ALIVE?" Time to kill him again. lol.

Hope that helps.

PattPlays Posted - 06 May 2020 : 23:33:47
Heh, just gonna start this thread of replies by mentioning that Volos Guide to Monsters and the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide are two separate books. Both great pickups- but you'l definitely want to consider looking at any of the older books on the Forgotten Realms too if you like deep research. The classic 3rd edition Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting is a treasure if you can track one down.
The Cavalier Posted - 06 May 2020 : 19:30:40
I should also mention that I've played through Baldur's Gate for PC, and am working on a second playthrough.

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