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 Adventures in Thay?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Razz Posted - 31 May 2019 : 01:05:17
Are there any known published adventures that take place in Thay? Looking to run a campaign set in the Unapproachable East with Thay as the antagonist.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TBeholder Posted - 01 Jun 2019 : 18:32:23
Originally posted by Ayrik

FR6 Dreams of the Red Wizards is the classic reference. Tales from the Yawning Portal had a "Dead in Thay" adventure.

Unapproachable East (3e)
Razz Posted - 01 Jun 2019 : 00:32:21
Thank you all. For such a widely popular place, surprised more adventures in it weren't done.
Zeromaru X Posted - 31 May 2019 : 02:33:08
The Neverwinter Campaing Setting has a whole section depicting the Thay of the 4e era, with ideas for adventuring and the like. Maybe of help if you're planning to play a current day Thay campaign.
Ayrik Posted - 31 May 2019 : 01:11:50
FR6 Dreams of the Red Wizards is the classic reference. Tales from the Yawning Portal had a "Dead in Thay" adventure.

And running a campaign in evil Thay was a popular idea for a while, many people have work into their ideas which you might find useful ...
ericlboyd Posted - 31 May 2019 : 01:11:31
The Spellbound boxed set had a couple adventures.

There's an adventure setting in Powers & Pantheons, but it's not an adventure. ("The Flaming Brazier")

There's "Dead in Thay" in the 5e "Tales of the Yawning Portal."


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