T O P I C R E V I E W |
sleyvas |
Posted - 18 May 2017 : 16:36:53 Hey,
Just for grins, I thought it would be nice to just have a listing of what empires/kingdoms/major nations were roughly around and when from and to. Also including a general idea of WHERE it was and maybe if it was primarily a certain race and maybe some notes. Feel free to provide info from beyond Faerun as well (i.e. Zakhara, Kara-Tur, Hordelands, Maztica, Anchorome, Malatra, etc..) I'll kick it off with the more common ones that immediately come to mind. If anyone also thinks of some better "notes" to add, feel free to improve upon my concept.
I think it'd be kind of nice to have like a line bar that shows the empires and when they were active to show overlaps to figure out who might have done things with who, etc... Granted, we do have the GHotR, but there's so much more that can be done when you know what was happening where.
Netheril -3859 DR to -339 DR - Human Empire - Anauroch region- Arcanists and floating mountain cities
Jhaamdath -5800 DR to -255 DR - Human Empire - Western Inner Sea - Psionic
Western Imaskar -8350 DR to - 2488 DR - Human Empire - Southern Hordelands/Raurin area - Powerful Spellcasters with portal, extradimensional, and infernal knowledge
Calimshan (original) -7800 DR to -6060 DR - Genie Empire with human and Halfling slaves- Land of Intrigues area
Mulhorandi Empire -2135 DR to present (gone during spellplague) - Mulan Empire led by Mulhorandi gods - Eastern Alamber sea and into the Hordelands with Murghom and Semphar at times
Untheric Empire -2087 DR to 1379 DR (and resurging now) - Mulan Empire led by Untheric gods - Southern Alamber Sea and Wizard's Coast region
Anok-Imaskar -2487 DR to -1943 DR - Human empire made up of Imaskari remnants. Beginnings of Shou Lung. - Kara-Tur
Narfell -946 DR to -150 DR - Human empire made up of demon worshippers, sorcerers, conjurers, and necromancers. - Bloodstone Lands region
Raumathar -900 DR to -150 DR - Human empire with strong ties to elementalism and construct creation. Northern Alamber sea and Northern Hordelands.
7 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
sleyvas |
Posted - 20 May 2017 : 19:31:52 quote: Originally posted by dazzlerdal
Whats your criteria for long lasting.
For instance T'u Lung is over 300 years old according to one source i read which is quite long compared to some empires and then not so long compared to others.
Also is it only large nations (many of which are termed empires but probably still count as a kingdom or other type) because there are numerous instances of small kingdoms surviving for quite a long time in some form or another.
Also you list coramshan and impiltur multiple times but shanatar also fell apart once when alatorin was conquered and there is no mention of shoon.
Just looking for more guidance before i start adding the names of small but long lastinh realms or realms that only lasted a few lifetimes but not millennia.
I'm not going to drive that car into the dirt just yet. For now, its enough if something is big enough that it could be a kingdom. Ultimately, I think for all of us scribes, if we had like a line chart that shows each kingdom and corresponding start and stop dates at the top and bottom, such that we could just look down a date line and go "ok, so in -6578 DR, these empires/countries existed with certainty". It may open up some ideas for some of us as we realize that X and Y were right next door. Main thing is the start and stop dates. If we can get at least 50 or so listed out, we should be able to make this kind of chart in excel or openoffice or something (not sure how just at this moment, but it shouldn't be too hard).
Oh, but if something didn't even last a whole century... you can throw it in, but honestly in the grand scale of what we're looking at not sure the relevancy is there. |
Gary Dallison |
Posted - 20 May 2017 : 11:43:27 Whats your criteria for long lasting.
For instance T'u Lung is over 300 years old according to one source i read which is quite long compared to some empires and then not so long compared to others.
Also is it only large nations (many of which are termed empires but probably still count as a kingdom or other type) because there are numerous instances of small kingdoms surviving for quite a long time in some form or another.
Also you list coramshan and impiltur multiple times but shanatar also fell apart once when alatorin was conquered and there is no mention of shoon.
Just looking for more guidance before i start adding the names of small but long lastinh realms or realms that only lasted a few lifetimes but not millennia. |
sleyvas |
Posted - 20 May 2017 : 10:07:36 Thanks Hoondatha
So, just jotting some notes to myself and others about which ones I don't see. Will include some of what others just stated to be completist. Oh, and yes, many of these aren't necessarily empires and more like large kingdoms, but the general idea is more to get an idea of "when" places/people were in relation to each other.
could use some stuff from Zakhara, but something tells me we won't find hard dates
Cormanthyr Coramshan Calimshan (now)
Durpar the dark elves that take up in Dun-Tharos (aka Narathmault) the formation of Undrek'Thoz (the segmented city) I agree we should list something to denote the Illuskan arrival Formation of Nimbral Formation of Halruaa Formation of Thay Formation of Cormyr Formation of Impiltur (the 1st time) Formation of Impiltur (the 2nd time) Formation of Tethyr Formation of Sembia Shaundalar Talfir The elven realm of Yuireshanyaar The elven realm of Lethyr above Narathmault The elven realm of Synnoria in the Moonshaes there's a listing of multiple giant realms, but betting no dates the elven realms down in the Shaar/Chondath areas The various Sarrukh/batrachi/Aearee civilizations that got any detail/dates The original duergar kingdom civilizations beneath the inner sea Dambrath The various other island kingdoms (Northmen islands, Moonshaes, Lantan) Chult Chessenta The society in the far north from the Twilight Giants series
TBeholder |
Posted - 19 May 2017 : 20:54:45 quote: Originally posted by Hoondatha
Rystal Wood: -8800 DR to -64 DR - First kingdom in forest of Cormanthor, destroyed by orcs and giants
Jhyrennstar: -8400 DR to -4000 DR - Cormanthor - Precursor to Cormanthyr (and Myth Drannor), central Arcorar
Uvaeren: -8200 DR to -5000 DR - Cormanthor - Scholar kingdom, destroyed by a meteor
Cormanthyr as such held long enough to be on the list. -4000 DR The Coronal Oacenth of Jhyrennstar falls ill; the Ruling Trials last from Midsummer to Har-vestide; the 3 elfblades are forged. Coronal Kahvoerm Irithyl becomes the ruler of Semberholme, Jhyrennstar, and Elven Court, all of which are now Cormanthyr. -3983 DR The birth of the city of Cormanthor begins here, with the Summoning of the Rule Tower. 261 DR (Year of Soaring Stars) Cormanthor is given a mythal and renamed Myth Drannor. 714 DR (Year of Doom) Myth Drannor falls. |
KanzenAU |
Posted - 18 May 2017 : 23:27:15 Not sure how long-lasting you want, but it feels like the later Calimshan empires deserve a mention too. 
Also, "Empire" might be pushing it for this group, but the Illuskans have had a seemingly-stable culture (short of the Luskan invasion) on Ruathym for about 4,500 years now.
I'm also not sure when Kara-Turan nations like Wa started, but I remember reading that when the Shou encountered Wa they found an already fully formed culture. |
Markustay |
Posted - 18 May 2017 : 22:03:06 Too bad I no longer have my list of 'fallen realms' - there's at least two dozen lesser ones that every one forgets (a bunch right around the time of Athalantar). Usually we only find out about those when some other important stuff was going on at the same time, which makes me wonder how many 'Realms' have risen and fallen without us ever hearing about them?
And thats not even including all the non-human ones (the serpentfolk have had quite a few as well).
And we'e never had a concise history of the Underdark - even the races that live there rarely know whats going on beyond their borders.
I had started something like this back when I was working on a timeline for the Hordelands, which grew into a conjoined timeline of six different (sub-)settings, because of its unique, centralized location (and because thats where Imaskar was, which combines the history of east & west). Unfortunately, all those notes are long gone now.
EDIT: The Imaskari 'Survivor State Era' was very interesting all by itself, with over a dozen of those, including several that rose into their own empires later on. |
Hoondatha |
Posted - 18 May 2017 : 21:42:51 Let's add a couple of demihuman kingdom benchmarks.
Rystal Wood: -8800 DR to -64 DR - First kingdom in forest of Cormanthor, destroyed by orcs and giants
Evereska: -8600 DR to present - Western Heartlands
Illefarn (version 1): -8500 DR to -1100 DR - Waterdeep and surrounding area, Retreats to Evermeet
Siluvanede: -8400 DR to -4300 DR - The High Forest - Becomes vassal of Eaerlann until destruction by Hellgate keep in 882 DR
Jhyrennstar: -8400 DR to -4000 DR - Cormanthor - Precursor to Cormanthyr (and Myth Drannor), central Arcorar
Uvaeren: -8200 DR to -5000 DR - Cormanthor - Scholar kingdom, destroyed by a meteor
Shaarven: -7600 to -2770 DR - The High Forest - Destroyed by swarms of summoned monsters
Eaerlann: -4700 DR to 882 DR - The High Forest - Destroyed by Hellgate Keep
Bhaerynden: -15,000 DR to -9,000 DR - Gold and Shield, then Gold Dwarves - The Shaar - First dwarven realm in Faerun, destroyed by drow
Deep Shanatar: -10,800 DR to -1,800 DR - Shield, Amn and Tethyr - survived by rump of Iltkazar
The Deep Realm: -7,600 DR to present - Gold - The Shaar
Sarphil: -7,500 DR to -4400 DR - Shield? - Cormanthor - Destroyed by drow of Maerimydra in the Dark Court Slaughter
High Shanatar: -5960 DR to -2,600 DR - Shield - Amn and Tethyr - Surface extension of Deep Shanatar
Oghrann: -5215 DR to -3770 DR - Shield - Plain of Tun - First northern expansion of the dwarves from Shanatar
Delzoun: -3900 DR to -100 DR - Shield - The North - Stretches essentially from Ascore to the Sea of Swords, falls eventually to orcs |