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 We made a map of Calling Horns based on canon

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Cards77 Posted - 16 May 2017 : 04:54:51
So I've been working with an artist on this for some time now.

It's finally done. I created a lore friendly key, and description based on the limited descriptions in the various Realms sources.

He changed the name to avoid any copyright issues and I'm trying to convince him to publish it to the DMs guild under it's intended canon name.

The floor plan itself and rooms I designed based on the descriptions found in Volo's Guide, Silver Marches and other sources.

Tosker has his own set of rooms in the basement, along with his wives and daughters (who are also the servants).

Stables include the watch tower mentioned in the canon.

The artist did an incredible job. The level of detail is amazing. This is the 2nd set of maps we've worked together on and I've always been more than happy with the result.

You can find the map here:

and the thread over at cartographers forums here:

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Cards77 Posted - 29 May 2017 : 00:01:28
Any feedback for this? I'm hoping that a positive reaction from the Realms community here will help convince him to release it on the DMs guild with the Canon name and background.

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