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 Info about Candlekeep [5E or Older]

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Portuguese D. Ace Posted - 02 May 2017 : 14:20:15
Fellow Scribes,

as my players approach the coastline of the Sword Coast, I'm sure some of them will be EAGER to try and enter into Candlekeep.

One of the characters actually comes from there (should I say Here?) so having access won't be a problem.

Their stay will be brief, but I want it to be a magical experience to them.
The CK player (a chaos sorcerer, turned into a "simple" cartographer) is now gone deaf due to Wild Magic Surge; therefore he asked me if someone over at Candlekeep could cure him (Remove curse, 3rd lvl).

Therefore I would like to amass all the lore that I can find on the Library.

Could you point out/provide info/sources to study? (Priests & lvls would be much appreciated, along with any lore)

Thank you!
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Portuguese D. Ace Posted - 04 May 2017 : 11:22:41
Originally posted by Alaundo

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

There's a fair amount of info on Candlekeep in Ed's Introduction to Candlekeep on the main Candlekeep site.

Well met

Indeed, still has me in awe when I read this. A vast amount of in-depth information. When I requested and "intro" from Ed, I thought a paragraph at most... receiving this was an absolute treasure!

Well met, Alaundo.

Yes, Ed's intro is really amazing. Yesterday I read it all, but not being English my first language, I had some difficulties with a bunch of passages (expressions such as "the castle-and-flames device of Candlekeep" are still a mystery to me. Is device a synonym of crest? Or is my translation totally off the tracks?)

I read various tidbits of old discussions, where it seems you had drawn a map of Candlekeep based on Ed's description (although modified by your campaing's standards).
Do you think it will be possible to take a look at this rendition?
It seems that the copy you tried to email to another scribe never made it to the recipient.

Portuguese D. Ace Posted - 04 May 2017 : 11:05:41
Originally posted by sleyvas

Originally posted by Portuguese D. Ace

Thank you all.

I'll look into Ed's thread.

I've already read The Herald, but i don't remember finding in it that type of info i'm looking for.
I remember it giving me the general vibe of the place, along with the history and lore about the wardings, the secret in-and-outs...

But, mainly, I was wondering if, in older editions manuals (i'm not that familiar with 2nd edition handbooks) there was something like a list of NPCs (along with general Candlekeep descriptions, a map with various locations or something among these lines).

I'm interested in knowing actual "levels of power" of the various NPC/office positions inside the Library.

Thank you for your help

Do some searches on the old Baldur's Gate video game. You start out the game IN candlekeep.

Yes, thank you. I played it, ages ago, then re-played it partially when the enhanced edition came out.

Unluckily, it seems the Candlekeep portrayed is really different from the one we seek.
As I wrote before, in Dragon Magazine you can find a rendition of the CRPG version.

Luckily, Ed's intro here on Candlekeep holds many useful and interesting informations on our Library.
It seems that magical prowess is abundant between CK's monks... but I couldn't find any mention on divine magic.
Since many monks an cast powerful spells, and since there are altars/temples dedicated to Oghma/Gond/Milil/Deneir, I presume that casting of a simple "remove Curse" wouldn't be a problem.
Alaundo Posted - 04 May 2017 : 09:21:13
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

There's a fair amount of info on Candlekeep in Ed's Introduction to Candlekeep on the main Candlekeep site.

Well met

Indeed, still has me in awe when I read this. A vast amount of in-depth information. When I requested and "intro" from Ed, I thought a paragraph at most... receiving this was an absolute treasure!
sleyvas Posted - 03 May 2017 : 21:46:03
Originally posted by Portuguese D. Ace

Thank you all.

I'll look into Ed's thread.

I've already read The Herald, but i don't remember finding in it that type of info i'm looking for.
I remember it giving me the general vibe of the place, along with the history and lore about the wardings, the secret in-and-outs...

But, mainly, I was wondering if, in older editions manuals (i'm not that familiar with 2nd edition handbooks) there was something like a list of NPCs (along with general Candlekeep descriptions, a map with various locations or something among these lines).

I'm interested in knowing actual "levels of power" of the various NPC/office positions inside the Library.

Thank you for your help

Do some searches on the old Baldur's Gate video game. You start out the game IN candlekeep.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 03 May 2017 : 18:33:13
There's a fair amount of info on Candlekeep in Ed's Introduction to Candlekeep on the main Candlekeep site.
Markustay Posted - 03 May 2017 : 17:11:08
There' an illithid scribe working there... I KNOW there is...

I'll find you someday, you tricky bastard...
Portuguese D. Ace Posted - 03 May 2017 : 11:30:54
I'm sorry for the post-storm, but I just wanted to share for future reference:

I found some info (sadly based on Baldur's Gate videogame) on Dragon Magazine 255 (pag 54 onward).

Edit: and of course, in the omnipresent Vol's Guide to the Sword Coast

If you find something else, please share!
Portuguese D. Ace Posted - 03 May 2017 : 11:21:26
Originally posted by KanzenAU

As sleyvas mentioned, a large part of The Herald by Ed Greenwood takes place during the Sundering, in 1487 DR. There's also a short adventure - Confrontation at Candlekeep - which is mentioned in the Herald, and presumably takes place in 1486 DR. The latter is available on DM's Guild for $5.

However, the most recent lore is in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.

There is however a plethora of lore around these halls right here. I don't have the time to properly link a whole lot of threads for you, so instead I'll give you some dates to reference from Ed's thread:
17th July 2011: Candlekeep's coat of arms (expanded on in 24th July 2011 reply)
9th-11th July 2013: Various replies on books and visitors to Candlekeep
28th April 2016: What happens after the Herald

The posts that you linked me are super interesting.

The only thing that I don't get is what does it mean when an asked question gets NDA as an answer.
Non Disclosure Agreement?
Portuguese D. Ace Posted - 03 May 2017 : 11:06:01
Thank you all.

I'll look into Ed's thread.

I've already read The Herald, but i don't remember finding in it that type of info i'm looking for.
I remember it giving me the general vibe of the place, along with the history and lore about the wardings, the secret in-and-outs...

But, mainly, I was wondering if, in older editions manuals (i'm not that familiar with 2nd edition handbooks) there was something like a list of NPCs (along with general Candlekeep descriptions, a map with various locations or something among these lines).

I'm interested in knowing actual "levels of power" of the various NPC/office positions inside the Library.

Thank you for your help
KanzenAU Posted - 03 May 2017 : 01:36:53
As sleyvas mentioned, a large part of The Herald by Ed Greenwood takes place during the Sundering, in 1487 DR. There's also a short adventure - Confrontation at Candlekeep - which is mentioned in the Herald, and presumably takes place in 1486 DR. The latter is available on DM's Guild for $5.

However, the most recent lore is in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.

There is however a plethora of lore around these halls right here. I don't have the time to properly link a whole lot of threads for you, so instead I'll give you some dates to reference from Ed's thread:
17th July 2011: Candlekeep's coat of arms (expanded on in 24th July 2011 reply)
9th-11th July 2013: Various replies on books and visitors to Candlekeep
28th April 2016: What happens after the Herald
sleyvas Posted - 02 May 2017 : 14:40:56
Probably the most current lore would be in the novel by Ed from the sundering.

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