T O P I C R E V I E W |
ErskineF |
Posted - 25 Apr 2017 : 01:09:16 I was adamant that I would never use 4e, and would never advance my Realms one step into the official timeline of the Spellplague and other shenanigans. The other DM for our group, however, has decided to adopt 5e, and use some of the new published adventures. He has moved his campaign from Mystara into the Forgotten Realms, so that he can run them as written.
Now I find myself trying to create a character for new adventures, and I have no idea what the history of the past 100 years entails. I love writing background for characters, but my ignorance of the current state of the setting is making it difficult. Could someone direct me to a nice neat summary of all the insanity wonderful stuff they came up with? 
(If it helps narrow down suggestion for sources, the character will be a noble elven sorcerer (draconic bloodline) from Silverymoon.) |
12 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
TBeholder |
Posted - 27 Apr 2017 : 08:59:44 quote: Originally posted by ErskineF
Now I find myself trying to create a character for new adventures, and I have no idea what the history of the past 100 years entails. I love writing background for characters, but my ignorance of the current state of the setting is making it difficult. Could someone direct me to a nice neat summary of all the insanity wonderful stuff they came up with? 
I'd start with the current player's guide and look up forgottenrealms.wikia.com - there can be contamination by everything up to local fanon, but it's very 4e.
(If it helps narrow down suggestion for sources, the character will be a noble elven sorcerer (draconic bloodline) from Silverymoon.)
Well, for one there are noble elven sorcerers (draconic bloodline). Who apparently don't even hide it?  |
xaeyruudh |
Posted - 27 Apr 2017 : 02:33:43 Wood shop was my favorite "class" in middle school. I've been watching some woodturning and building videos on youtube lately, but mostly it's been a hole in my life. Glad you're making a go of woodworking, best of luck to you with it! |
Markustay |
Posted - 27 Apr 2017 : 02:33:43 Personally, I found Princes of the Apocalypse a BETTER setting guide than the setting guide, but since my primary concern was geography, your mileage may vary.
The 5e era and the stuff coming out for it isn't bad. I happen to like 5e. I wish 5e happened IMMEDIATELY following 3e, though, because the info on 4e is spotty and not so great. On the bright side, any back-story you write would probably NOT conflict with anything, because there's so little there (in regards to 'the recent past'). |
ErskineF |
Posted - 27 Apr 2017 : 01:57:59 quote: Originally posted by Wooly RupertTable saws before gaming stuff? Get your priorities straight, man! 
I need the table saw to build stuff to sell to get money to buy gaming stuff.  |
Wooly Rupert |
Posted - 26 Apr 2017 : 15:45:53 quote: Originally posted by ErskineF
quote: Originally posted by KanzenAU
I highly recommend buying the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide if you want to get up to date.
I just spent all my discretionary on a new table saw, but as soon as I can save up some more money, it's at the top of my list. :)
In the meantime, my DM has a copy, so I'll borrow it tonight and take a look. Thanks for all the help!
Table saws before gaming stuff? Get your priorities straight, man!  |
ErskineF |
Posted - 26 Apr 2017 : 13:30:18 quote: Originally posted by KanzenAU
I highly recommend buying the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide if you want to get up to date.
I just spent all my discretionary on a new table saw, but as soon as I can save up some more money, it's at the top of my list. :)
In the meantime, my DM has a copy, so I'll borrow it tonight and take a look. Thanks for all the help! |
KanzenAU |
Posted - 26 Apr 2017 : 04:18:53 Nah the orcs are gone, and it's now a dwarven city - the humans are gone too. They're pissed at the human cities for not aiding them in the war.
I highly recommend buying the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide if you want to get up to date. |
ErskineF |
Posted - 26 Apr 2017 : 03:51:22 Is there any info on what happened to Sundabar after the fall of Hartusk? Is it still an orc fortress, or was it retaken by its former inhabitants? |
ErskineF |
Posted - 26 Apr 2017 : 03:29:39 Thanks for the summary, and a huge thanks for the link to that timeline. Lirdolin did a great job with that. |
Irennan |
Posted - 25 Apr 2017 : 19:07:49 quote: Originally posted by ErskineF
Thanks for that info. I've been trying to research some of those large events, my main resource being the Forgotten Realms Wiki, which is a bit sketchy. I was hoping to find an updated Realms timeline or something of that nature.
These can be of help. http://forum.candlekeep.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=19630 (also includes info on the Darkening that KanzenAU mentioned) http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Second_Sundering
So, Ao starts this new massive event called the "Second Sundering" to repair a lot of damage that was done during the Age of Upeheaval and with the Spellplague. The source of this mostly consists of novels (so there will be spoilers), Ed Greenwood's answers over Candlekeep, and the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.
Abeir and Toril separate again (as a result of the remaining ripples of the ancient elven Sundering that created Evermeet, which is linked to this second Sundering), and the Spellplague ends. The geographical changes are the following:
-The Plaguelands are ''healed'' , the Earthmotes fall, the Sea of the Fallen Stars reforms, the Underchasm is filled. -In Waterdeep downshadow is abandoned, and Laeral becomes open lord. -Unther returns from Abeir, and so does Gilgeam and others who had ''died'' long before the Spellplague returned. Apparently a reincarnated Gilgeam guided his people on Abeir). However a part of Tymanther remains, albeit the dragonborn have been driven away by the returned Untherites, whose goal is to completely wipe what remains of Tymanther and the dragonborn civilization. -The Mulhorandi gods returned to their people and freed them from the High Imaskari -Maztica is also back. -Evermeet currently touches three planes: Toril, the Feywild and Arvandor, and can be physically reached from Toril (as in, you can go there with a ship). -Halruaa managed to shift to Abeir before the Spellplague, and now is back. -Lantan re-emerged, but most of the gnomish ''tech'' is gone. -Luiren is no longer flooded. -Many Arrows seem to be no more, defeated by the dwarves after its involvement with a drow-made war (organized as part of Lolth's plan of taking over the Weave, which utterly failed).
About the gods, Ao rewrites the Tablets of Fate, to seal up the various gods power and portfolios and establishes new rules to avoid further divine conflicts and the cataclysms that they brought. The various gods invest power in mortal chosen, trying to expand their influence before Ao could finish rewriting the tablets. However this gamble goes badly for most deities, except for a *large* group of deities that people believed gone, but that actually managed to return thanks to Ao, mostly to how they were in the 1370s DR. ''Main'' examples are:
Mystra, Helm, Mask, Lathander (who is actually the same as Amaunator, even if people still worship both--although recently WotC has said that the two are indeed different and coexisting, as Ao allowed both of them to exist and hold the portfolio of the Sun), Tyr, Myrkul (who no longer is the god of the dead, but of death), Bhaal (no longer has death in his portfolio, but murder), Azuth , the whole Drow Pantheon (with some changes, as Eilistraee and Vhaeraun have now reached a truce, and even a form of friendship, despite their contrasting views) and (as said before) the Mulhorandi gods. Deities who were revealed as ''aspects'' (including Talos, Sehnaine and Hanali Celanil) are again listed as separate, but the whole matter is handwaved. Nobanion is healed from the bluefire insanity and returned to normal by the chosen of Lathander.
Shar and the Shadovar attempt to kill the various chosen created by the gods and drain their power. They also attempt to drain the mythal of Myth Drannor. Larloch also attempts to drain the mythal and the wards of Candlekeep, in order to become a god. Elminster, Storm, Alustriel and Laeral and the Srinshee battle at Myth Drannor against Larloch and the Shades (these two are not allied), to protect the Weave and the elven city (yes, Laeral and Alustriel are alive: Khelben had foreseen all the mess of the Spellplague and various cataclsysms and had ordered Laeral to prepare to prevent the Wards of Candlekeep from being used by ill-intentioned individuals. Larloch however managed to absorb them. On a side note, Mystra also let herself be ''killed'' on purpose, because the Weave had to be ''rebooted'' as part of its cycle of existence and Mystra had to be ''rebooted'' with it. So, in truth she never died). The Srinshee sacrifices to take the energy that Larloch had drained from the wards and infuse it in the Weave; Elminster kills Tanthul and Shade crashes on Myth Drannor, severely damaging the city, but not destroying it. The Weave is currently getting repaired, Mystra is fully restored (and is sharing the Weave with a group of deities, Eilistraee is among them).
After the Sundering, the deities are way less meddlesome, and they have withdrawn all powers from the new chosen.
So, basically, it's an in-universe, selective reboot. |
ErskineF |
Posted - 25 Apr 2017 : 15:16:55 Thanks for that info. I've been trying to research some of those large events, my main resource being the Forgotten Realms Wiki, which is a bit sketchy. I was hoping to find an updated Realms timeline or something of that nature. |
KanzenAU |
Posted - 25 Apr 2017 : 01:23:29 It's quite tough, because there are still huge blank spaces of time where we don't know a lot about what happened. There were only three FR lorebooks I'm aware of in the 4e era, and the rest of the lore was filtered through novels and adventures.
As for Silverymoon, the main changes were that the mythal around the city was shattered by the Spellplague (4e FRCG). Alustriel "died", but was in truth in hiding in Candlekeep - I don't think she has returned to Silverymoon yet though (The Herald). Taern Hornblade succeeded her and then passed the role to her son Methrammar, and both have lived to an advanced age, still ruling today (SCAG), though he is looking for a successor (4e FRCG). I imagine eventually that will be Alustriel. Taern Hornblade is still around too, and serves as Methrammar's advisor. The Confederation of Luruar survived until the War of the Silver Marches, also known as the War of Everlasting Darkness. This is the basis for a trilogy of Salvatore novels, which I haven't read, as well as an adventure. I do know that Luruar ends during it, I think because Silverymoon and the other human cities don't come to the aid of the dwarves against the orcs or some such. So there's a massive war with the orcs during 1484-1485. A lot of stuff happens, including drow mages darkening the sky in Lolth's name, which someone else would be better to fill you in on. Orcs did attack Silverymoon IIRC, and I have a feeling the mythal has been restored. That's mostly what I'm aware of. The Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide has the most recent situation. |