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 Alvarele Tasundrym

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
LordXenophon Posted - 22 Apr 2017 : 01:35:26
Does anybody have character stats for Alvarele Tasundrym? I'm running 2.5e, but will accept info for other D&D versions.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
LordXenophon Posted - 30 Apr 2017 : 03:01:25
Well, if no stats exist, I will roll them up.

I want to use her as a roaming quest-giver and an occasional deus ex machina, the way Ed used Elminster. My players have become rather involved with the church of Mystra, but I want a less-known alternative to Elminster and Laeral. I like the fact that she appears in the books and can be looked up, but the players can't actually find anything useful about her. That adds to the mystery.
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 23 Apr 2017 : 02:35:03
Originally posted by George Krashos

She was a former Magister who became a Chosen of Mystra. I also featured her in one of my "vignettes" in GHotR. No stats exist.

-- George Krashos

Very cool. I enjoy the anonymity of no stats.
George Krashos Posted - 23 Apr 2017 : 01:52:38
She was a former Magister who became a Chosen of Mystra. I also featured her in one of my "vignettes" in GHotR. No stats exist.

-- George Krashos
KanzenAU Posted - 22 Apr 2017 : 23:07:07
She appears in Secrets of the Magister, and Steven Schend used her in Blackstaff. I think those are her only appearances.
Kentinal Posted - 22 Apr 2017 : 22:59:25
The name is mentioned in the Grand History of the Realms. Web search does not have much information at all. was best info I could find.
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 22 Apr 2017 : 22:52:15
Why does that name sound familiar?

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