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 Sahuagin in the Sea of Fallen Stars

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
EltonRobb Posted - 08 Apr 2017 : 18:20:06
I recently got my players to face a group of sahuagin near Chessenta's waters.

I know as DM, I can put sahuagin anywhere I want to, but I want to ask about specific kingdoms. I always thought of the Sea as being shallow (no more than 1,000 feet deep in most places, deeper still in a few places -- gotta place the deep drow somewhere). So any other specific kingdoms of the Sahuagin besides near mulhorandi and unther shores?

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
George Krashos Posted - 09 Apr 2017 : 09:03:45
Originally posted by EltonRobb

I recently got my players to face a group of sahuagin near Chessenta's waters.

I know as DM, I can put sahuagin anywhere I want to, but I want to ask about specific kingdoms. I always thought of the Sea as being shallow (no more than 1,000 feet deep in most places, deeper still in a few places -- gotta place the deep drow somewhere). So any other specific kingdoms of the Sahuagin besides near mulhorandi and unther shores?

As you will see from "Sea of Fallen Stars", the answer to your question is: not really. The Sharksbane Wall kept the sahuagin penned in the Unher/Mulhorand/Chessenta area. It was breached in the events of the "Threat from the Sea" novel trilogy, which gives you scope for some hidden/secret sahuagin settlements away from that area, but I don't think that there is scope to have one of them be a "kingdom". The other sea races such as the merfolk, sharlarin and tritons would never let that happen IMO. What is left is the new sahuagin kingdom of Kurrimal - the successor to Aleaxtis.

-- George Krashos
Hoondatha Posted - 09 Apr 2017 : 08:51:17
Yeah, I agree with Wooly. Sea of Fallen Stars is one of the best FR products ever. You can have endless amounts of fun with it.
EltonRobb Posted - 08 Apr 2017 : 18:41:38
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I'd recommend the 2E sourcebook Sea of Fallen Stars. It's a personal favorite.

Thank you, Wooly!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 08 Apr 2017 : 18:24:26
I'd recommend the 2E sourcebook Sea of Fallen Stars. It's a personal favorite.

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