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 Cormyr rewards for the mighty and faithful

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hymer Posted - 26 Mar 2017 : 15:57:38
The group was recently assigned to protect a high-ranking noble during an important diplomatic mission for Alusair (currently regent of Cormyr in my Realms campaign). They did so well and ably, and could be said to have gone well over and above the call of duty over twenty-four downright harrowing hours. The group also impressed the noble herself with their etiquette, loyalty and ability, and she is spreading the word.

Could you help me with some ideas for an appropriate kind of reward? Would they be be favoured materially (I'd really rather not just give them money; that's so boring)? What else could they get? Medals or other honours? What sort?

Suggestions and ideas are much appreciated.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 04 Apr 2017 : 18:34:36
Originally posted by Brimstone

The "Attention" of Vangey and the War Wizards is reward enough!!!

I'd rather attract Alusair's attention.
Brimstone Posted - 04 Apr 2017 : 18:18:23
The "Attention" of Vangey and the War Wizards is reward enough!!!
hymer Posted - 04 Apr 2017 : 16:50:25
Thank you! The Landlord feat is an interesting idea.
Elren_Wolfsbane Posted - 01 Apr 2017 : 23:00:43
I have a party on a mission for Suzail. I'd take the idea of giving them add on titles like "protector of Cormyr" .. or protector of Suzail"
Kessalin Posted - 31 Mar 2017 : 23:50:43
I recently gave the PC's in my campaign the Landlord feat (Stronghold Builder's Guide) as a bonus feat for services rendered to the Silver Marches.
hymer Posted - 31 Mar 2017 : 15:44:00
Those are excellent ideas, thank you!
SaMoCon Posted - 30 Mar 2017 : 00:17:15
How about a personal pledge of the noble to help the PCs in future endeavors in the form of favors. One such favor could be an immediate Letter of Introduction for the PCs to attend Cormyr's Court and meet the campaign's most noteworthy nobles. The Lady could also turn into a conduit of information and plot hooks as she vouches for the players to other peers and tenants in need of their services. Her other favors can also include providing or backing loans, getting them commissions for official quests, securing government writs for permissions to have items or perform acts that would normally be illegal, secure resources for their expeditions that is not only material but might include an escort by a military patrol to the border, or free passage on allied carriages and ships.

Really, there is a lot that can be done in the form of influence and favors. Think of a modern politician to which the Lady is equivalent and extrapolate her reach and power to figure out what she can offer the PCs.
hymer Posted - 28 Mar 2017 : 18:19:59
Thanks, but I'd really rather give them something they'll be happy about.
sleyvas Posted - 27 Mar 2017 : 23:44:45
They could get women who fawn all over them for "being so big and strong", who then later make off with their coinpurse.

They could get personally requested to clear out a "simple ghost" by a "close friend" of the person they protected, only to discover its some powerful banshee.
hymer Posted - 27 Mar 2017 : 15:32:32
@ Markustay and KanzenAU: Thanks for the thoughts and references.

For reference, the game is 3.X, but the whole Shadovar thing isn't happening in this campaign. Instead, the Zhents will be trying for a big push south very soon, with the Cult of the Dragon egging them on and Eldreth Veluuthra establishing themselves in Hullack. And all those forces are trying to stir up trouble between Sembia and Cormyr to soften them both up. It's not a good time for adventurers to be setting up housekeeping in their own little place. They need to be out there unravelling agent networks, protecting diplomats, and generally being heroic.

But the medals are certainly something to look into.
KanzenAU Posted - 27 Mar 2017 : 00:07:52
Dragon magazine #407 has a section on the ranks and titles of Cormyr that could help give you some ideas.

They could also be granted a shieldwall barony.
Markustay Posted - 26 Mar 2017 : 17:00:38
I thought I had a good one for you - I just recently read an article that detailed four such 'awards', but as I went searching for it I recalled they were for Waterdeep (I think).

'Land Grants' do seem the most common form of repayment for 'services to the crown' in Cormyr (and the most useful, to both parties). As Tom Costa pointed out, Cormyr's 'claimed' borders extend quite a bit out from its actual - as in, 'lived in', not just 'patrolled' - borders. Tilverton was technically outside of Cormyr and still part of Cormyr, etc., and 'Rose Keep' has an odd status (from Realms of Infamy, A Matter of Thorns) - its technically 'in' Cormyr, but independent of it (albeit on the fringes of its border with the Dalelands).

And if your game is set post-3e, Cormyr greatly extended its reach south, encompassing nearly the whole of the Dragon Coast, and somewhat west, so it may be looking for some 'brave folks' to set up shop in that region now as well.
hymer Posted - 26 Mar 2017 : 16:38:05
@ TomCosta: Thanks for the thoughts!
Maybe someone else will remember where to look for the medals.
Land grants are a good idea, though I rather doubt these PCs would appreciate it. They're keeping too busy to settle down in one place.

Edit @ George Krashos: Thank you, and so fast!
George Krashos Posted - 26 Mar 2017 : 16:37:22
The sourcebook "Power of Faerūn" has military honors available in Cormyr. The Ol' Grey Box talked about Maxer of Suzail getting his own unique title after besting a great wyrm during the Flight of Dragons. Lots of options really. They might get a rundown, small keep on the fringes of the Stormhorns or the Stonelands that acts as the springboard for more adventures (or at the very least drains their coins as they have to maintain it and pay taxes and tithes to the crown).

-- George Krashos
TomCosta Posted - 26 Mar 2017 : 16:19:06
Medals and honors are certainly appropriate and I'd swear some of Cormyr's are spelled out somewhere, but it escapes me.

Lands to tame near or just past the northern border (filled with goblins and such) or past the western border (Tunlands and approaching Darkhold) or around the remains of Tilverton would also be good, allowing Cormyr to expand slowly and tame its wild frontier.

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