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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Evrat Posted - 22 Mar 2017 : 18:11:09
Hi everyone,

Any chance to find somewhere the old Polyhedrons as .pdf for free and legally ?

Thanks !
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Arivia Posted - 24 Mar 2017 : 22:24:37
Old issues of Polyhedron and so on are ambiguously legal to distribute (and I wouldn't if you're worried about legality.) At one point scanned and uploaded the entire run (along with Dragon and Dungeon) as part of their legal library efforts to preserve periodicals. WotC contacted them and asked them to take them down (as unlike most of the other periodicals that were archived, Dragon and Dungeon were still going efforts with commercial value.) Scans that you see on the Internet of Polyhedron largely date from this effort, I expect.

Because of this, anyone with copies of Polyhedron downloaded from would legally have those; sharing them wouldn't be legal under US law as I understand it though. Same for Dragon and Dungeon; those are now available for purchase through D&D Classics, however.

Of course, I am not a lawyer but this is how I understand it.

Thoth Posted - 23 Mar 2017 : 11:46:08
Wow, now there is a trip through nostalgia. I don't think I have ever seen them for sale, legally, anywhere. And I would never ever recommend taking a look at torrent sites to see if they exist there because that would be wrong.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 22 Mar 2017 : 19:18:28
I did find them, once, on what appeared to be a legitimate site... But I didn't download them, immediately, and when I went back to the site, it was still there, but the Polyhedrons were not. And I've not found those pdfs anywhere for sale.

So it certainly appears that they are not legally available as pdfs, regardless of whether or not money is changing hands.
Gary Dallison Posted - 22 Mar 2017 : 18:23:36
In a word. . . no.

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