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 Tehmak's Coaches, Waterdeep

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Marco Volo Posted - 24 Dec 2016 : 07:59:54
Hi all,
I'm running a Waterdhavian campaign, and I don't find any other information about "Tehmak's Coaches" than in the fact that it's a "B3" building of South Ward.
Do you have any official information/intell about it ?

I would ask Ed or Eric about it, but there are busier than ever I think.

Thanks you all,

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Marco Volo Posted - 25 Dec 2016 : 18:54:00
Thanks for your replies George and sleyvas
sleyvas Posted - 25 Dec 2016 : 03:01:04
Yes, they are driverless coaches that will pull over if you speak a certain well known command phrase ("Tehmak take me somewhere"). You then provide them an address within Waterdeep. Unfortunately, they have a problem with their guidance and have been known to cutoff other wagons or mounted riders unexpectedly. As a result, the lords are very much considering revoking their license to operate within city limits, thereby confining them to less crowded roadways outside the city doing long distance deliveries.

So sayeth, Telusia Methikyl, reknowned public servant of Leira.
George Krashos Posted - 24 Dec 2016 : 11:53:25
Only Ed would be able to help you with something that specific.

-- George Krashos

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