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 Spellfire as an emergent talent

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
muir Posted - 08 Dec 2016 : 03:16:21
I am starting a new campaign, set in Aglarand/the Great Dale early 1370s. (12 Eleasis 1371) Rules are a heavily modified version of 5e. (no levels or xp, skill trees for everything, main balance is time to practice/learn something.)

Character creation and Session 0 went well, and at the end I had them roll percentile for wild talents. Results: Sorcerous heritage (for an earth genasi, sure), receptive telepathy, and spellfire. (a 1/1000 chance.)

Now, to complicate matters, the players have no idea what this roll was for (this allows me to scrap results if they are unworkable, and surprise the players, pleasantly so, I hope,) and the one who rolled spellfire is new to RPGs, and has enough to handle already.

I am thinking of handling the spellfire as a gradually emergent talent, several sessions in. But I am unsure if I should have it fade in (so, it does not always work at first) or, after some suitably dramatic trigger, have it be present at full strength.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sleyvas Posted - 09 Dec 2016 : 14:09:25
check the DM's guild. There's been a couple entries people have tried to write up for spellfire. I can't speak to how good they are, but its probably worth a look.

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