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 Need help on building a team

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Zonedout Posted - 20 Nov 2016 : 20:08:03
For a long while I've been working on creating a 5 man team for a little game I'm making, each character is to have a detailed background that of course, is possible within the realms, I've read much lore and I recently finished reading "Races of Faerūn" and it's helped me somewhat, but I still need help with their backstories and plausibility, as this is a bit overwhelming for someone who's just casually enjoyed the realms for the longest time and now is trying to really get into the world.

So far here's the basics of my vision:

A group of unsuccessful mercenaries led by a Witch (Sorceress) of perhaps Tethyrian or Illuskan origin hailing from perhaps Waterdeep.

The second in command is a male Tethyrian Mercenary(Fighter)kicked from the military for disobedience, he became a mercenary not wanting to go back to the family farm somewhere in the western heartlands and let them know of his failure.

A barbarian woman of Illuskan origin, her backstory is fairly straight, with her being the only member with a clean record, she hailing from somewhere in the north.

Next is a Monk hailing from Thay of perhaps Rashemi or Mulan origin, my idea is that he was perhaps a rashemi child taken by one of the local monasteries and raised there to become a fighter.

Then there's a young elf healer (cleric) I have the least info on her as I am still unsure about much of her.

Last there is my favorite, a Half Orc brigand (Thief) named Sid, nicknamed "Sid The Coward" who operates somewhere around the western heartlands.

Now that's just what I have so far, as you can see there's not much to work on, but I was perhaps wondering if you could help me fill the blanks, as I'm trying to make their origins as diverse as possible.
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Cards77 Posted - 22 Nov 2016 : 03:31:40
Elven sorcerers definitely exist, if not explicitly witches. I could definitely see an elf of any sub-race studying a magical tradition that is "discouraged" among the elven elite.
Zonedout Posted - 21 Nov 2016 : 16:54:37
Alright, I think I've got an idea of what I want to do, I will proceed to write each character's backstory up to the point in which they form a team, I would like to share it with you once It's been finished, see if it can be improved, or if it at least is fitting with the lore. :)
Markustay Posted - 21 Nov 2016 : 15:28:32
Actually, the VERY FIRST D&D 'sorcerer' was an ELF, from Evereska. The other elves shunned him for his 'weird magic'. It was in The Return of the Archwizards trilogy.

The novels were a lead-in to 3rd edition, which was the 1st edition to have said class. Theoretically, others always existed, but he was the very first ever presented in a canon story.
Zonedout Posted - 21 Nov 2016 : 12:35:25
After some pondering, I was thinking about making turning my Witch(Sorceress) character into a Moon Elf, problem is that from what I know, an elf witch is unheard of and magic is always seen in a good light by elves, so perhaps she lived among humans that feared her powers, although Elves are not often sorcerers as they always have a pretty tight grasp on magic unlike a sorcerer, what do you think?
Zonedout Posted - 20 Nov 2016 : 22:31:32
Originally posted by Kessalin

For the elf, make her a moon elf native of Evermeet and follower of Sehanine Moonbow that signed on with Lord Miritar's crusade against the Daemonfey in 1374 DR (see the Last Mythal trilogy for details), who became fascinated by the other races of Faerun during the conflict. After the Daemonfey were defeated she thought of Myth Drannor as her new home, but took to the life of an adventurer to experience more of what Faerun has to offer.

If you're not setting your game around or after 1374 then her travel from Evermeet could be for her own reasons, or because of a calling from Sehanine. With "journeys" being part of her portfolio a pilgrimage or a period spent simply wandering by this elf would be in line with her faith.

For something a little rougher around the edges, still a moon elf but from Waterdeep and a follower of Erevan Ilesere instead. She decided to stick her nose where it shouldn't be one night in Dock Ward (some unfortunate business involving sticking up for someone in trouble that escalated into a string of humiliating pranks and now that person's trouble is her trouble too...) and ended up on the run with agents of some unsavory sort on her trail. She's been wandering ever since.

Sounds good, I will keep this option open, as I'm still looking for more ideas, I really appreciate the involvement.
Zonedout Posted - 20 Nov 2016 : 22:28:59
Oh yes, they're six, blame it on my haste writing the post, I implied that the fighter is the second in command due to what would be a clear conflict of interest between the Witch and the Fighter, so out of stubbornness, he would call himself the second in command, the point of this team is to be one of misfits, as in a team comprised of failed adventurers. Their meeting point would be in westgate along the dragon coast, I believe it would be a fitting place given how it's apparently a city filled with criminal activity, and it would be convenient for the monk from thay as he would just have to travel to nearby Aglarond and take a ship to wesgate, also I'm thinking of moving the half orc to being from westgate. The year would be around 1368.

Fellfire Posted - 20 Nov 2016 : 22:17:57
Have you scrambled a little Pathfinder into your Forgotten Realms? I approve.
Kentinal Posted - 20 Nov 2016 : 22:10:59
*Blink* I read six persons.

Witch (Sorceress)
male Tethyrian Mercenary(Fighter)
barbarian woman of Illuskan origin
Monk hailing from Thay
young elf healer (cleric)
a Half Orc brigand (Thief) named Sid

Other then having six, how they meet and gather and they history clearly can be interesting of design.

Clearly they could meet at and Inn complaining their poor luck, however you already have indicated a team leader and a second in command. This implies that the team has been built from a leader that collected followers. Oh it might be quick and a Witch certainly might entice followers with magic.

I would in part you need to determine how the party formed, meeting place. Though it clearly also matters how they meet and agree to join a party. Why is the Witch the leader, why was a young elf (maybe half-elf) even willing to take a human as leader. There can be reasons of course (orphan, shunned, happened to like humans and so on).
Kessalin Posted - 20 Nov 2016 : 22:02:14
For the elf, make her a moon elf native of Evermeet and follower of Sehanine Moonbow that signed on with Lord Miritar's crusade against the Daemonfey in 1374 DR (see the Last Mythal trilogy for details), who became fascinated by the other races of Faerun during the conflict. After the Daemonfey were defeated she thought of Myth Drannor as her new home, but took to the life of an adventurer to experience more of what Faerun has to offer.

If you're not setting your game around or after 1374 then her travel from Evermeet could be for her own reasons, or because of a calling from Sehanine. With "journeys" being part of her portfolio a pilgrimage or a period spent simply wandering by this elf would be in line with her faith.

For something a little rougher around the edges, still a moon elf but from Waterdeep and a follower of Erevan Ilesere instead. She decided to stick her nose where it shouldn't be one night in Dock Ward (some unfortunate business involving sticking up for someone in trouble that escalated into a string of humiliating pranks and now that person's trouble is her trouble too...) and ended up on the run with agents of some unsavory sort on her trail. She's been wandering ever since.
Zonedout Posted - 20 Nov 2016 : 21:13:29
That's an interesting take on the Monk, although I am more fascinated by the dynamic between the Rashemi and the Mulans in Thay, as from what I've read, Mulans shave their bodies while the Rashemi are known for being hairy, and that Rashemi people in Thay tend to shave their bodies as well like the Mulans in power, perhaps he could be a Monk of pure Rashemi blood snatched off the streets by one of the monasteries as a kid, and forced into a lifestyle closer to the Mulans'.

The Elf healer I was thinking could be this hyperactive monastery dropout, using her knowledge to heal people on the road, though I don't know what's more fitting for a person with such an explosive personality, as I've read that Elves can be quite passionate.

And about the Half Orc, I think of him as nothing more than bandit trash from some prominent bandit gang.
Cards77 Posted - 20 Nov 2016 : 21:07:22
Here are several barbarians I detailed for one of Jeremy's mercenary groups. I felt they have some decent fleshed out back grounds. Feel free to use whatever you think may work for your group

Markustay Posted - 20 Nov 2016 : 20:26:33
Make the Monk from Thesk instead (same region you've chosen), and have him/her be a half-blood Shou. Its a little more interesting. The other half can be either Thayan (which is 'mixed' itself), or pure-blood Mulan (lower class) or Rashemi (native people).

The elf healer - full-blood elf? You can make her an Elf of the Yuirwood, who are technically half-elves (although they've been half-elves for so many generations 'half-elf' IS their race). Otherwise, any large forest will do.

There are fairly civilized orcs/half-orcs in the northern reaches of the eastern heartlands, especially in Vassa. Orcs are really only the 'bestial savages' we know them as in The North.

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