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T O P I C    R E V I E W
EltonRobb Posted - 18 Nov 2016 : 14:00:58
One of my players is playing a proselyte of Valkur. To be sure, he's not a cleric, but an inquisitor. But unlike Torqemada or Monty Python ("No one expects the Valkur Inquistion!"); he's a proselyte.

His aim is to spread the faith of Valkur in a region dominated by Helm. I was planning on letting him proselyte for converts in Shamph. I told him to bring a soap box. So, since he's just one proselyte, I don't think he will bring too much trouble for Helm. But anyone have any ideas for a proselyting adventure in Shamph?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Cyrinishad Posted - 23 Nov 2016 : 16:25:29
At first it seemed to me like Shamph might be a difficult place to build the faith of Valkur, since it's not on the coast. However, I think there is opportunity to draw an interesting contrast between Helm & Valkur, since both are gods of protection in some sense. If I were trying to convert people away from Helm, I would characterize Helm's faith as too focused on protecting the system at the expense of the people. As a contrast, I would highlight Valkur's faith as protecting the people that the system has left behind by championing indviduality and self-reliance.
The legends of Valkur's ascension as a hero-deity involve him directly confronting a god and overcoming impossible odds. If I were an Inquisitor and/or Proselyte of Valkur, I would want to directly confront the leadership of the Helmites and characterize them to the people as false prophets that only care about silencing opposition... and who knows, maybe it's true (Adventure Hook).
SaMoCon Posted - 23 Nov 2016 : 06:42:54
So... the character is going to be spending his free time proselytizing strangers, fighting for space in settlement markets to harangue the masses? Or are you looking for adventure hooks around his mission work? Gathering the resources to build a school in a settlement to bring needed education and religious indoctrination to the public would establish a powerful anchor point for a player group since the mission would have to be defended from all threats internal & external. Other than that, everything else (samaritan acts and noble quests for improved public relations) is the same as for a regular adventuring group.

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