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 Sardior - Gem Dragon Master?

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kalos72 Posted - 17 Nov 2016 : 21:01:32
Is this guy just a Dragon magazine creation or is there other lore about him somewhere in FR?

I am looking for a Psionic God in any FR timeline...
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kalos72 Posted - 20 Nov 2016 : 20:15:49
I just found Ed Bonny's posts about Jhammdath and the udoxias feat/item. NICE!

A Psionic Mythal! I HAVE to tie that in...
kalos72 Posted - 19 Nov 2016 : 23:04:27
Hmm, seems like Ioulaum / Oracle of Ellyn’taal might be a good way to tie back to Sardior.

Auppenser is actually Sardior in human form...or the new god of Psionics since Auppenser goes to "sleep"
The Oracle of Ellyn'tall ( In my game this is Ioulaums new persona) is the great psionic mystic, Laszik Silvermind of Dhinnilith reborn - Is he Sardior in human form maybe?. Maybe something like he comes back in "times of great need" and once the peril is over or what not, he "ascends back to Sardior's side."

AuldDragon Posted - 19 Nov 2016 : 05:48:19
Sardior is mentioned in the Al Qadim product Secrets of the Lamp, but it was in reference to him visiting the court of the Djinn Caliph on the Elemental Plane of Air (and again in the Inner Planes Planescape supplement), which I believe was the first official mention of him. It wasn't until 3rd Edition that he officially became a deity and had any sort of write-up, which was posted on WotC's site. I don't know if it is still up there.

I wrote up my take on him using the 2nd Edition Faiths & Avatars format here:

Fellfire Posted - 18 Nov 2016 : 19:40:10
(Yawn) I might also recommend checking out Dreamscarred's The Seventh Path. Kind of a psionic necromancer. That was the obsidian dragon's schtick iirc.
Fellfire Posted - 18 Nov 2016 : 19:28:36
Maybe it's my age beginning to show, but I love me a nice long draconic nap.
kalos72 Posted - 18 Nov 2016 : 19:00:47
Nice! I really like the idea of Sardior being a psionic god, fits my campaign rather nicely. If we could tie him into the previous lore, that would be awesome.

Our main PC is a psion that is Draconic/Half Dragon, would love a tie back to Sardior somehow. Maybe his dragon parent was the Obsidian Dragon Sardior killed and now he is helping the child?
Fellfire Posted - 18 Nov 2016 : 15:48:34
Interesting theory, sleyvas. I dig it. I was sure Tom sent me some stuff about Auppenser, but I can't seem to find it.
sleyvas Posted - 18 Nov 2016 : 14:11:27
Yeah, I was wondering a few months back if there is a possibility that Auppenser is actually Sardior. The whole him going to sleep and being awakened after a long rest by Mystra does feel kind of draconic.
kalos72 Posted - 18 Nov 2016 : 14:09:56
I did thanks, thats what started me down this path actually. :)
Fellfire Posted - 18 Nov 2016 : 04:41:58
I assume you saw the several Sardior-related articles in the Mind's Eye series over at WotC.
kalos72 Posted - 18 Nov 2016 : 00:29:30
Never saw that one, cool thanks.

Nothing non-human realy...dragons are just too cool. I liked the idea of a psionic Vassal of Sardior, similar to the Vassal of Bahamut.
Arivia Posted - 17 Nov 2016 : 21:46:10
Sardior has been around since the introduction of gem dragons in Dragon #37 and was expanded upon in 2e (and then most prominently in Mark Jindra's psionics articles for 3e.) He isn't a part of the Realms, no.

Auppenser is the human god of psionics in the Realms, as noted in Lost Empires of Faerun. Ed Bonny expanded upon that here:

There are also several non-human deities associated with psionics in the Realms, such as Ilsensine, Deep Duerra, and Diirinka.

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