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 Silver Creek Location?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kalos72 Posted - 16 Nov 2016 : 19:04:19
There is reference to an Elven City in the Lurkwood in one of Snowbloods volumes, "At the head of the Silver Creek".

Anyone know where that is or if it's a possible misprint?

I am looking for ancient elven/dwarven/human cities to try and rebuild. :)
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Nov 2016 : 18:38:51
He used to be active here. Check his profile and see if there is contact info.
kalos72 Posted - 17 Nov 2016 : 17:09:33
Any idea on how to reach out to Snowblood? I wasn't sure he was part of any D*D community...
Markustay Posted - 17 Nov 2016 : 17:03:43
Thats no-canon (fan-work), so you'd have to go to Snowblood for that, No-one else can help you here.
kalos72 Posted - 17 Nov 2016 : 16:43:11
Its in the Illefarn Book - Khalarvael /Myth Coronthaar (Mythal): -19464 DR until –7790 DR (Headwaters of Silver Creek in Lurkwood)
Markustay Posted - 17 Nov 2016 : 02:48:52
I thought it may have been Myth Glaurach, and one of the 'Talons'. One is called River Starsilver, and another is called Ascal's Creek, so no perfect match.

Which city is it? There are a couple of tributaries that run off the Surbin, into the Lurkwood. I recall an old Dungeon Magazine adventure that took place somewhere in that vicinity, and even named a couple of (previously unnamed) things (although I think it may have been the Coldwood, not the Lurkwood).

Just checked my maps - one of those is called Shining Creek, and another is called the Goblintide. Off of the latter runs the River Lurking. I notice at the very end of the Goblintide is a small split-off, which is unnamed - that could be it (and he just named it for his fan-work).

Want a good city to rebuild? Try Lothen (of the Silver Spires) inside the High Forest. You'll have to oust the orcs that have taken-up residence there... and then deal with the local elves (who may be happy with you for getting rid of the orcs).
George Krashos Posted - 17 Nov 2016 : 02:15:34
I think it might be fan lore but I'm away from my sources at the moment.

-- George Krashos

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