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 I need heavy lore on the High Forest.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Shadowsoul Posted - 09 Nov 2016 : 17:18:22
I have looked through all my old books and online but I still can't find good lore on the High Forest. Anyone know where I can find some?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Elren_Wolfsbane Posted - 23 Nov 2016 : 19:22:59
Another source book that takes about high forest is Sword Coast Adventures Guide (page86)
SaMoCon Posted - 23 Nov 2016 : 06:53:10
Snowblood also made some lore books that detailed the elven kingdom histories that covered the High Forest. You might want to start with Aryvandaar.
Shadowsoul Posted - 10 Nov 2016 : 12:22:24
Thanks everyone!
George Krashos Posted - 10 Nov 2016 : 04:30:38
If only lots of great realmslore on the High Forest could be published. That would be a good day.

-- George Krashos
Gary Dallison Posted - 09 Nov 2016 : 20:12:08
There was a bunch of perilous gateway articles by Eric Boyd I think which also included some good stuff on the high forest and the north
Arivia Posted - 09 Nov 2016 : 19:43:11
Off the top of my head, here's the sources I've been using for the High Forest:

Silver Marches
The North
Volo's Guide to the North
Lost Empires of Faerun
The Savage Frontier
Champions of Valor
Drizzt Do'Urden's Guide to the Underdark
The Grand History of the Realms

Hellgate Keep

Son of Thunder
The Last Mythal series (book 1, maybe book 2, been awhile since I read those)

You'll also want George Krashos' Timeline of the North (there's a version of that on Eric Boyd's website) and the old Mintiper's Chapbook series of columns on the 3e FR website (those are still up if you google for them.)

If you're running a 5e game, there's some information in Storm King's Thunder, too. And I'm probably missing some sources people will tell me about.

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