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 Phases of Selune?

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Arivia Posted - 06 Oct 2016 : 01:56:55
I'm working on my next session for my Silver Marches game and while there's random weather tables in Silver Marches, there's something important to atmosphere and weather, especially at night, missing - the phases of Selune! After all, a fight under a full moon is far different from the same fight with no moonlight at all.

So do we have information on Selune's phases and the lunar calendar anywhere? Thinking about it, the Tears should probably provide some additional illumination too. I remember back on the old 3.0 era FR website there was the weather in Waterdeep widget that I think also showed Selune's phases, but I'm not sure if that information was ever written down anywhere else/in a way more accessible than a little program.
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Arivia Posted - 06 Oct 2016 : 16:15:13
I really should have checked my notes first before asking in here, I have those pages in the 3e FRCS written down! Woops!

Thanks everyone!
Wrigley Posted - 06 Oct 2016 : 14:24:28
As Selune's phases should be important in keeping time records for common people I am using the reverse course - eclipse on end of the month and full moon in half but it is mainly to represent Shar's dominion over end of things and hope in each new month. I see this basicaly as another represention of Light against Darkness theme.
The Sage Posted - 06 Oct 2016 : 04:43:52
It's as BCM said.

For all intents and purposes, Selūne is full on or very near to the start of each month, with the quarter and new phases falling around a quarter of a month after the previous one [third quarter around the 7th, new around the 15th, and first quarter around 22nd].
BadCatMan Posted - 06 Oct 2016 : 03:04:42
The Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting for 3rd edition, pages 230 and 231 give some information on the lunar phases, eclipses, Tears, and such. These were likely used for the Forgotten Realms Calendar Tool:

The wiki has a summary and some other lore and images:
Delwa Posted - 06 Oct 2016 : 03:01:24
There's the old Calendar tool. If you set the month and year, then click the "Moon Phases" button (not the ? button beside it,) it opens a popup window that shows you what phase Selune is in on a given day.

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